The Trading Post this month contained a *literally impossible* task

As documented by DragonsAfterDark on Twitter, due to the RNG nature of Legion Pet Tamers, 3 did not spawn in time to complete defeating 3 of them before April 9th.

And since someone will go “why don’t you just go battle them without the WQ?” - That’s because Legion Pet Tamers are unique in that they only spawn when their WQ is up. Every other expansion’s tamers are always there and can always be challenged. But not legion.

Pet Battlers have been asking for years for the Legion Tamers to finally be put on a rotation due to this, as well as the fact there’s an achievement to complete 30 unique world quests, as well as the Family Battler Achievement that requires doing the fights with each pet type.

On top of this, some of the WQs have been bugged literally since BFA and have not spawned.

According to wowhead, this also happened the last time this same exact task was put on the Trading Post:

Can we not have impossible tasks in the Trading Post?


Sure it’s an oversight. But it hardly seems worth getting upset about.


This is par for the course lately.


I do the trading post on the 1st of every month.

Doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to point out impossible tasks aren’t fun.


The beauty of the Trading Post is that items cycle back through periodically. Just because you weren’t able to do it this month doesn’t mean you’ll never be able to.

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“OMG why bother, just do something else”
“Who cares, it’s not like you need it”
“So trivial”
“It only took me an hour by accident to get 1000 points”

Yeh, but OP is right, they are giving us things we cannot accomplish, it’s called feedback, it’s a way to improve the game, or do none of you care and just want to see the world burn?


While it is an oversight, there’s a good 100 other things to do that are less time consuming that flying around legion trying to do the pet tamers

My go to:
Rep (i save tokens and just use them on the first day of the month)
Crafting orders (send tailor 10 wildcloth bolts)
Weekly gathering quests
Killl world boss
And complete quick World quests.(which count as both quests and WQs completed)

All done in about 15 minutes

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Yeah and sadly people would rather troll legitimate feedback.


So OP cannot enjoy doing what they enjoy doing and have to do something else they dislike?


I mean it an oversight and good to point it out, just there’s other things you can go do for it, and not at all a big deal.


They’re not really anything. I mean it wasnt impossible from the outset, right? It’s random. The three might have spawned. It only turned out to be impossible after the fact. But like, who was waiting to see which of the random things would spawn so that they could finish that particular task? Don’t they have better things to do with their time?

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That’s true, but I feel like the tasks are intended to be varied in such a way that you can complete the Trading Post progress bar by doing the things you would normally do or want to do.

I also agree that if they put a task on the list, it should actually be achievable, even if there are other avenues you can easily pursue.

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Yeah. We shouldn’t have to find workarounds when these things should work right out of the box.


But that requires testing!

and we all know how that goes! stares at current state of game


Blizzard testing:


Free the Legion Pet Battlers from the rotation!


Testing occurs once content is pushed to live, and we the players can test it out. :upside_down_face:


This is definitely an oversight, good find


pushes fix that allows people to finally get storms achievement
breaks everything else
refuses to elaborate


Well yeh, they are impossible to do. Can’t do your pet battle achievements, can’t do your pet battle trading post, can’t play the game because of bugs that have been what, 5 years since some of these WQ’s have spawned, so it kind of is a big deal to some people.