The Trading Post this month contained a *literally impossible* task

So kinda like the sha mount! where it didn’t even drop for years!

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It was around 6 months, but still yeh similar issue shows where Blizzards head is at and what they truly care about.

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Months, not years, but still discouraging.

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Ahh my memory isnt what it used to be all i know it wasnt even possible for it to drop, then the bug where dracthyr had 100% chance to get it.

There is no in between sometimes lol

Not sure if it works differently for pet battles, but the other Timewalking goals don’t seem to actually require the event to be up. I know I’ve cleared the “Timewalking: Kill 5 [Expansion] raid bosses” goals in prior months well before their respective events started.

I was so salty that I missed out on the dracthyr bug. The drop rate increase we got from it was very much welcome, however.

Same tbh. I honestly stopped doing my world boss rotation after it cause I felt cheated lol.


I missed it too, still havent gone back to try out if i get it or not. I still have galleon to get as well

If it helps, since the change, I have gotten 3 out of the 4 Pandaria world boss mounts after not seeing them drop for literally anyone for like, 10 years.

I have 800 mounts, not like im hurting for the meta achievements anyway lol

Fair. I would still recommend giving them a go though if you want them.

My current fixation is the undead raptor from kings rest. admit though i havent ran it in a few weeks tbh

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I should probably try for that one myself. I was farming it for a while but it sort of got away from me. I get sidetracked pretty easily.

I’m honestly prepping for dawntrail, tying up loose ends. S4 for me isnt too exciting. so most my time will be over there finishing crafter relics and when they release the 2nd part of the moogle event.

I was taking a long break from FF XIV and had convinced myself I wouldn’t return for a while, not even for Dawntrail. Then they had to drop Torgal and Clive’s armor in front of me, so back I went. Guess I wasn’t over the game after all. lol

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I was only talking about it in regards to the trading post journal. And I maintain that in that regard it’s really not a big deal. No one is going to fail to get their tenders this month due to this issue.

I agree it’s silly for them to be random, and it’s cool of the twitter person to raise it. But the OP making a thread about it like it’s some earth shattering news is just silly. It just comes across as a weak excuse to make a thread to be mad at blizzard, and makes their concern about the issue feel disingenuous. After all, they made the thread in General and not the bug report forum.

Some 5 years of not seeing some of the WQ’s is kind of big though. And just because there are other things to do in the trading post does not discount OPs complaint. Some people don’t like doing other things.

What if the trading post did not work for raid loggers and they were forced to go out into the overworld to get other stuff done? Or if there was an M+ dungeon that could not be completed because of a boss bug? Those would be fixed within a few hours. 5 years in well past the reasonable excuse time.


they have music and clive card at the saucer if you have enough MPG for it think its like 400k for everything.

Yeah, I had well over 3 million MGP so that wasn’t a problem. lol

How many more “its not a big deal” issues would you be forgiving of in the game before it became too much?

How many more flawed gameplay stuff needs to happen before people see its becoming a general problem? The game is starting to stutter and stumble from all the bugs and broken game things happening and it just goes on and one and people just shrug and go “its no big deal”.

Until the day it will be a big deal and by that stage so many people will have given up and dropped out that there will be few to be disturbed by all the non-issues.