The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

You are cringe because you think parsing matters to clear content and because you come to public forums to check people’s parses when they disagree with you because you are a fragile little nerd.

Basic human behaviour.
A need to feel successful, if you have to resort to a re-released solved mmo of all things…
Then theres a pretty high chance they are unfulfilled irl.

Yeah like 100% LUL.

You sure care enough to make a forum post about it knowing it’s been that way since classic day 1 and your said post won’t change anything about that.

You absolutely sound like you got decked by someone, that someone now lives rent free in your mind, and you’re somehow trying to make that our problem.

Oh you, you don’t understand what’s going on here. Bless your heart.

I mean all mmos are solved.

You think mythic raids arent solved before the 3% of the player base gets cutting edge??

Like i could see FF14 because they have no ptr, however retail does.

Even when i was a mythic raider by the time my raid team got to those bosses the strats and DBM was already updated, obviously its still much much harder than classic still.

My point is by the time 99% of players do anything even on new content its already been solved.

Its also the same, like the mage in your raid team is doing the same solved content as me, they are just doing it worse.

The fact you’ve spent three days hovering this thread with copium-filled replies makes it pretty clear what’s going on here, kek.

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Naw you wouldn’t be commenting like you are if you knew LUL.

I have accomplished more than I hoped. I got parse nerds so triggered one the most irrelevant streamers tried to monetize it (Staysafe).

It is like an early Christmas present.

The funniest part is I have a mage stalker now who has blown a gasket and can’t stop commenting. And then Asmon calls him out and makes it even sweeter for me.

Hell man, sounds like that lease is never ever going back in the market again.

I don’t understand boomer lingo so I’ll just take that as you being triggered.

Sure bro, whatever will get you to sleep at night.

This thread makes me sleep very well, thanks for asking.

I still don’t see your reasoning making sense… but I won’t argue against it, was just wondering.

Retail isnt solved, its impossible to know how the classes will interact with the content over time.

Classic is a snapshot of 3.3.5, theres nothing new comming.

Retail is solved before 99% of players experience it.

This is what i said.

By the time raiders for instance which is what we are talking about because this is a parsing thread clear bosses on heroic and mythic the 1% went thru and did it already.

Those strats and dbm updates get to the other 99%.

The game is solved for 99% of the raiders in retail.

Reminder Asmon said you are bad and parsing doesn’t matter. :slight_smile:

Hard disagree with that one my dude, granted I bet plenty spoil it for themselves all the time, I have friends that wanted to ruin Nathria by watching youtube videos about it.

I can’t speak for others, but for me and the people I know, we like blind playthroughs. I don’t know why people wanna do something for the first time and already know what to do on everything.

I meant more for raiding.

Sure you can go in blind, but for the majority of players doing heroic+ raids they are getting their strats from guides where the content was done by the 1% that solves the game for others.

Hence why DBM and all of that are updated for everyone before they ever get to 99% of the bosses.

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will you two kiss and make up already sheesh

mages and rogues i swear

He’s never gonna get over being called bad and irrelevant by Asmon so I don’t think that’s possible.