The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

lil bro is still trying to hide the fact he is Xzzy on Sulfuras lol


I told you I play on Skyfury. lilbro you need to listen. Open those big dopy ears.

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You have already admitted to being Xzzy it is up to you to prove you are not. No one is going to believe anything you say to try to cover up the truth :100: accept it.

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I didn’t but continue to be an idiot.

I’m just laughing at how many times you guys think you find my alt. This is like the 5th alt you claim I have that I don’t.

I do have alt rogues on other servers like benediction (both sides), Jom Gabbar (killed a lot of alliance), Faerlina, and Grobbulus.

None on sulfuras.


I’m like the master at getting you guys so riled up you try and find my alts. It’s fun to watch clowns try and stalk me online. You guys couldn’t stalk a fridge magnet on your own fridge.


Another attempt to cover up the truth without providing any evidence. YOU ARE Xzzy and there is nothing to be ashamed of. (except the grey parses)


I’m like the master at getting you guys so riled up you try and find my alts and main. It’s fun to watch clowns try and stalk me online. You guys couldn’t stalk a fridge magnet on your own fridge.

Just give up it’s actually embarrassing for you.

I’m never going to tell you my main’s name. It’s not happening.

We don’t need your main’s name. You have already admitted to being Xzzy and are unable to prove that is not you. Once again it is “surely” nothing to be ashamed of because the content is so easy.

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Wdym you need skill to win in ow2. Just play genji

I never admitted that. You are just repeating a dumb person’s interpretation of a comment I made which makes you dumber than he was.

They are nerfing genji.

Calm down xyzzy, work on those grey parses.


It’s sad you clowns are just proving this post correct. Parsers are the saddest and most desperate people in WOTLK.

You could be hitting a target dummy right now, get that mut/env down to muscle memory and you might get a green next week!

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Afaik thats still a rumor. 2 damage is also barely gonna do anything.

Oh ya and on the topic idk who is actually obsessed with logs. Everyone I know just uses them to see their progress and learn. Really handy to see what went wrong in a boss attempt etc.

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Are you volunteering?

It’s two buttons surely you don’t need a coach to get a blue parse.

No I meant for the target dummy. You have the right qualifications.

I guess you do need a coach, maybe just accept the grey parse and not worry so much.

So you can’t do the job. Figures. I had too high of hopes for you as a target dummy.

This guy believes anyone better than him on the rankings is studying WCL 24 hours a day 7 times a week and tryharding. When in reality we just show up to raid and press buttons :slight_smile: But obviously pressing buttons is a little hard for Xzzy.

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Who is Xzzy? It’s not me…