The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

I don’t know I feel like if you can’t at LEAST blue parse in classic wrath, you probably have never had a single conscious thought in your brain.

Asmon has also reacted to the video as well.

LOL . Our very own Frosstfire made it, wow youtuber made a video about his work. Can’t say I’m proud but I’m impressed.


Dear god its like clockwork. Anytime someone is taking the moral highground literally just do some basic digging on them and you will find a graveyard of skeletons.

No, Frosttfire is fine, but you are the actual problem.

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Frost is the moral floor. And thats being polite

In Frost we trust.


Link to it?

Nvm I looked it up.

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Frostfire is both those memes depending which persona he is using that day


I wonder if he wishes he hadn’t given it was found that the OP is a verified parser and parse shamer.

Yeah I mean he basically countered everything he said.

Now I got to just find the asmon reaction video

I’ll be honest. It surprises every time I find out that someone actually takes this board seriously. I just thought it was a place for Trolly memes. Who knew.

Imagine being so terrible that staysafe counters literally everything you say. LOL

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Following up to my comment here, I swapped to my actual toon because it’s relevant to the OP. I never bother posting on main because my arguments and comments should stand without needing a main to back me, but in this case it matters.

I love competing against myself. I love competing against others. Seeking improvement week to week is what I define as fun. Just because you don’t like being competitive does not mean everyone else does not like being competitive. No one says “LOL running wasn’t meant to be competitive, it’s cringe to compete in races”. Anything can be competitive.

If there is a score there is competition.

Exactly lmfao.

He literally countered everything Frosstfire said as expected.

Curious what asmon said I hear he reacted to it also, can’t find it on my phone tho

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Asmon react vid will be great kek

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Yea can’t find it ATM if even exists.

I generally feel bad for you op, even if you have bis daggers. You are hurting inside and it really shows. Hopefully you have family or good friends to help you through these rough times. /Hug

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Wow my widdle thread triggered the streamers. It is a masterpiece. I’m getting all teary eyed knowing the streamers are butthurt over my widdle thread.

Thanks guys in this thread, without you this wouldn’t be possible.

Asmon agreed that parsers play worse than normal people BTW. He said he’d delete the parsing website if he could and it was his decision.

Let the butthurt commence.

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