The Tinkerer Class

This class would be sick in theory and on paper. I’ve had some random ideas for this class lately and envisioned a few different things.

  1. I think similar to Demon Hunters, lore-wise, being narrowed down to night elves and blood elves, the tinkerer could be specifically between gnomes (Alliance) and goblins (Horde). I know generally people hate the restrictions, but if there was a lore related approach, this could be that approach.

  2. Similar to shamans throwing down totems, maybe the tinkerer’s first spec could be related to DPS and they could throw down little turrets that function as pets or the old school fire totems. Or perhaps one of the specializations could revolve around different pets, inventions and creations. I know there are mixed feelings when it comes to the tuning of the pet classes in this game (Demo, BM, and Unholy DK’s I’m looking at you), however, I think that a class summoning mech pets sounds super sick!

  3. We’ve seen goblins use things like shredders to process lumber and gnomes harbor machines as seen in Mechagon and Gnomeragan. Perhaps another of the specializations for the tinkerer class could be a tank spec that has you operate some sort of mechanical machine. Similar to brewmaster monks, maybe they could emit a flamethrower type attack that spreads fire that can generate threat and apply a dot or CC mechanic.

Any thoughts on this?


Heimerdinger from League of Legends would be a good premise for this.

Gelbin Mekkatorque does it :man_shrugging:


Now imagine trying to play Heierdinger in a M+
It can be tough enough sometimes in LoL when the enemies come to you.

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Then why suggest them?

Besides, they’ve already mentioned trying to make all classes for all races, so it’s even more irrelevant.

As for tinkerer as a class, there are several threads already that have discussed it


Always great to see progress with the idea. Especially as more demand makes sense with Mimiron’s involvement in Last Titan. :robot::+1:

At least the idea they could open up all classes since it was never promised. :mag::robot:

However, I believe this class would sour the community if it focused on the unpopular races. :robot::sweat_drops:

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I actually have had a pet custom class called Vandal in my head for a while now.

It’s got a dedicated tinkerer spec, and another spec can be combat (the old rogue spec).

And you can tag things with graffiti. Let people know your faction rulez.

Besides, they’ve already mentioned trying to make all classes for all races, so it’s even more irrelevant.

What did they say about it?

Here’s a quick link that I could find about it

/continues to judge class name

Here is an in-depth overview as to my thoughts on the Tinker class subject.

I’d like to keep with the simple/easy to understand while being fun and quirky approach while remaining consistent with already established aspects found across the Warcraft IP spanning from WC3 to modern day wow.

I specifically see the Tinker and Alchemist Hero’s in WC3 and attempt to expand upon what was given.

This resulted in me settling on 3 specs (Tank, Ranged DPS and Healer/Augmenter)

I provided the names that are both thematic and simple to understand while staying true to fit the Tinker style.

  • Mechanic = Tank
    Deals with Robotics and MECH, mech is in Mechanic.
  • Technican = Ranged DPS
    Deals with Technology, TECH is in the name.
  • Chemist = Healer/Augmenter
    Deals with chemicals and is more an offshoot of the Alchemist Hero from WC3 than the tinker with some crossover. CHEMIST is apart of Alchemist.

I explore and expand more beyond that, but that is enough to see the base foundation as to which I build from there.

See link for expanded information.


I do want this but I’m pretty much giving up at this point of ever seeing it.

God I wish we got Tinker back in BFA. Instead we got amputee diaper gnomes that had no business being their own race. Everybody knows it should have just been additional customisations to regular gnomes. Same with LFD’s. SMH.

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I think the tinkerer is the most cringiest class this community has ever came up with. I’d do the reclamation of Gilneas over this.


Because Technology and Science have no place in a fantasy setting, right?

Nah, it’s just mech-druid with mech-totems. I view it as a reskin.

Tech exists in WoW already.

Citation needed. Until I see a Mechagnome Druid, that poor horse needs to stop getting kicked.

I absolutely without any doubt in my mind do not want Tinkerer or Bard in this game. I’ll accept it if it comes to pass but neither in my mind feel like Warcraft classes.

I always think of the “engineer” class from GW2 when the tinkerer comes up. Such a fun class.


Its really old post from Blizz. Most likely you can find it by googlin.

What game are you playing cuz warcraft has had tinkers since warcraft 3.