The times they are a changin...regarding Duel Tournaments for cash prizes in WoW

Classic happened cause countless years of asking and a 300K+ petition being dropped on their door step. There is big difference between that and you just now asking on the forums for a TOS change.

Technically the ToS hasn’t existed for almost 2 years.

They expanded the EULA to cover the “platform”. The “Platform” being any programs or games run on the platform.

The one EULA covers all games and all uses of the platform. The websites have their own individual terms of use to cover stuff specific to the websites that couldn’t be covered by the EULA.

Thanks Kerpz, is that from the current TOS? I wonder if sending someone a Beta invite to streamers is implicit consent to allow the exception against the TOS.

lol i never said the classic community was better - dude, it’s toxic AF - I should know cuz I got doxed back on feenix and along with my own personal info/pictures/videos being released so was my wife’s who also received harassing msgs over FB. Athairne, the head admin on Feenix even “liked” the doxing posts.

and why did the trolls/haters come after me?

all because I wanted to play a Retribution Paladin on a private vanilla WoW server…

but I digress - yea Preach and his fan bois would crap all over Nostalrius whenever they could and my opinion of him was far from being the only one from Vanilla players:
“I liked Preach until today.”

they only changed their tune when they could MAKE MONEY OFF OF IT and it was no longer a threat to their income…

now don’t get me wrong, I was once a big fan of Preach’s videos and said as much whenever I could

but his continual crapping on Nostalrius was a joke and was a bridge too far for many of his Nost player fans…

Those streamers didn’t like classic all that much.
Then they got invited to Irvine to wine and dine with the suits.
Now they all love classic

The “influencers” got influenced by Blizzard to influence you.

This was Blizzard’s media strategy to garner interest for the release.
Blizzard is heavily invested in e-sports so this was the perfect venue.

It worked didn’t it ? The streamers and their groupies all jumped on the classic bandwagon. Don’t believe me ? Go over to GD and see how calm it is over there. If you were posting here before the Beta then you know how calm it was here with more drama over “can we have transmog” threads.

^^^very very very much this^^^

I quote when I say this.
“They don’t trust the alliance.”

The two disrupting the event were Tauren in a noncontested horde zone. You cannot kill them unless they flag themselves.

Mobs are too high plus there’s some rare mobs that spawn in the arena. Could screw tings up.

This is exactly what would’ve happened if they moved to Gurubashi which is why they didn’t, I assume.

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They were unflagged as level 1 tauren. No PVP solution. End of story.

Then you Gurubashi arena again. They didn’t want to have a giant Ally v Horde fight.

Tirisful Glades.

but how again is that in any way, shape or form violating the ToS of the public game?

interrupting a PRIVATE tournament is not the same thing and Trollgodx was under no obligation whatsoever to listen to any player’s commands or requests

Blizzard stepped in only because #StreamerPriviledge

I don’t know. Have you tweeted Blizz?

I don’t know why you’d think that. It’s their job to play the game. They’re gonna play more, play longer and play faster than most people because it’s part of their job. They’ll probably be some of the first to 60 and if they farm instances as hard as they farmed them at 30 then they’ll be on the tippy top of the gear spectrum and that’s not including all the freebies they’ll get from their followers.

Are they going to bring back the mailbox scam bug where you send a COD disguised as a Blizzard rep with unique text saying that you where awarded a Blizzard Bear Mount but you need to pay 200g to redeem it?

I asked Kevin Jordan…

ThelorasToday at 5:03 PM
Should they have been banned for disrupting that in-game funeral the way
Trollgodx was yesterday?

Kevin JordanToday at 5:05 PM
No. Was any action taken against Trollgodx?

ThelorasToday at 5:06 PM
Some say ban some say ported to another zone
Not sure though
Do you think what he did was bannable?

Kevin JordanToday at 5:06 PM
all I’ve heard is that he sat on some totems. was that the extent of it? if so, then no. I don’t think any action should have been taken

ThelorasToday at 5:07 PM
I didnt watch the tournament myself but yes that was what was described he was doing
Some people say he was banned and removed from the beta while some say a GM ported him to winterspring

GizmodgetToday at 5:14 PM
Troll god and his friend blocked LoS to totems and constantly stood on top of duel members making it hard to see their animations and such. Entire duel group moved to an obscure zone just to get away and he followed to troll more. Offering to leave for 50g.

ThelorasToday at 5:15 PM
Yes but is that breaking the ToS though?
Hes under no obligation to listen to other players

Kevin JordanToday at 5:15 PM
he’s definitely being a jerk, but that’s not enough to take action imo

GizmodgetToday at 5:15 PM
Possible depends on how griefing is defined.

ThelorasToday at 5:15 PM
My position as well kevin
It’s a jerk move
But not bannable

Kevin JordanToday at 5:16 PM
but yeah, clever use of game mechanics or exploit is where we have to dive into

GizmodgetToday at 5:16 PM
Aye, bannable is different than no action though.

ThelorasToday at 5:16 PM
Right if he hacked the game to cause participants to not perform or dir

GizmodgetToday at 5:17 PM
I am a proponent of just sending him away frim the area which is not banning but is an action.

ThelorasToday at 5:17 PM
This is an example of right click petition notification from my pov
Which has become rampant on retail

Kevin JordanToday at 5:18 PM
true @Gizmodget . They could take the stance that one is interfering with the fun of many and could be teleported away but that opens up a huge can of worms that blizzard are not staffed or prepared to support in the future.

Thanks. I don’t know what Kevin Jordan can exactly do except give his opinion. It’s not his Blizzard anymore.

no i know but do you honestly think current Blizzard is going to admit to what they did or provide a reason/rationale for it?

the next best thing would be to ask Kevin for context

No. Are they obligated to? Most companies don’t because it hurts their image to admit fault.

But still, what can he do? There’s no doubt Blizzard’s culture has changed since he’s come and gone.

He would have a great point if Classic was going to be anything like Vanilla.

Well obviously they can’t trust their own faction either.

thank you for illustrating my point…which is why retail WoW died a death by 1000 cuts

Blizzard as a corporation and players as a whole can learn a lot from Kevin as the retail game has devolved to a point where it is a far cry of its origins…
