The time of my life!

Oh boy do I have a story. I have been playing off and on since vanilla. Out of all these years I always came back for a new expansion, and was like, “This time i’m getting to end game.” Nope. I would either give up because I had no Idea what to do, a poor pc, married, deployed to war… I would always come back with ambitions of glory. Nope. I still would have no idea what I was doing, and was like, “It’s too many buttons!!!” Well this time I was ready. After some years later, some V.A. therapy, a divorce, and a whole lot of free time I felt like my mind, and my body was ready. I jumped back in at the end of Shadowlands and studied for 6 around months. I pre-ordered Dragon Flight day one. I didn’t care if it was good or bad. I had to learn this game, and complete and expansion when it releases with the community. I leveled my Drak to 70, but felt uber squish. I did something in all the years of playing I had never done before. I made a Tank. Easy mode unlocked. I completed the main story in 2 days casual. I then spent a good amount of time in bg’s arenas to gain honor for gear, and leveled it. It was now time. I started slowly with a few pvp kills. I started to feel it in my blood. I wanted more. Today I reined death, and destruction from the skies for 2 hours holding the starting noob camp hostage, and killing any nooblets that dare leave. I swear on the Bobby Kotick Bible that a song started playing in my head. Dirty Dancing - Time of my Life. I didn’t just fight little noobs. I fought them all big, and small. I actually felt like a character in the world, and my hard work had an effect on it. I fought this one lvl 60 mage for 5 mins because he had serious skills. I will always remember that fight. Poor dude. I still had to end him. Some of them sat in camp for 2 hours not playing. Do I feel bad. Narp. Turn off war mode. Nothin in life is free. Everyone starts from somewhere, and every dog has his day. Today was mine! For the Horde!


You didn’t steal that idea from me? I dedicated that song to the one that got me into WPvP: an object lesson that even a surly Aussie dude who never amounted much to anything in WoW can inspire greatness in others. You can never know who you may reach and touch.

A trade chat troll from Velen sparked the creation of one of the best Hunters to exist in the entire game from Eonar. I had the time of my life and I owe it all to him.

Despite what I’ve said so far about DF, I’m glad you’re still living the dream. I’m not living the dream like I want to either, and I’m hoping that there is something Classic Cata can do. But I want you to keep living that dream. We all fought hard to make WoW what it is today.

And you know, it just might be you. You might be one of the best Devastators and even of a world-first class distinction.

Uh… How to reply to narcissism brb…

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I wasn’t aware you were a narcissist. How to reply to one? Typically I don’t address that unless it is the root of something. But what does that have to do with your story? Are you too caught up in yourself that you don’t think you need anyone else to enjoy WoW?

I believe I have met several narcissists in my time, but you’re asking the wrong person how to best reply to one unless I’m better at it than others.

*However you did let it on a bit, as I’ve noticed you’ve said:

Narcissists do lack empathy, but you think that them turning off WM is going to help WPvP at all. If anything we should be THANKFUL people do have it turned on even now. Your attitude is what has ultimately killed ALL PvP because the Blues have given even more reckless abandon to it in favor of PvE.

That what it sounds like to me when you’re just ganking QQers. Technically, there are some things in life FREELY GIVEN, such as those HKs you got. Just wait until you have people who know they’re doing farming you for “free Honor”.

But your reply is “Turn WM off” when in all brute honesty, YOU CANNOT PVP WITHOUT PLAYERS. Some people start off on the wrong foot, but don’t discourage them either. We don’t need that, especially in this day and age. Without players nobody “gits gud” because there’s nobody period.

Every dog. But are we dogs or WOLVES? We each can answer that for ourselves.

And tomorrow you’ll QQ because no one has any sympathy for your apparent(?) narcissism. Your precious ego smashed into pieces by those other narcissistic, uncaring jackholes. We may see threads about that in the future, and it can’t be a surprise when you get told “Turn off WM”, “Git gud”, “QQ more”, and other cliche phrases.

I gave you the benefit of the doubt, since I don’t know you from Adam. But I believe in this one truth: narcissism does not last in THIS business. The ego either adapts to being humbled–learning how to take that L and especially by unrated peeps–or it does not.

Narcissist or not, something’s going to give the more you do WPvP, Bahamut. In fact, I’d encourage you to keep it up in WPvP so YOU can stop being a narcissist. You’re lucky I’m preoccupied with other projects to give you a little “foretaste” myself. :3

OP was calling you a narcissist, :clown_face:

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His mental illness is really starting to show now. I let the truth fight my battles for me.

Not bad for 2 days work. Check it out.

I feel like this is a little pot calling the kettle black here

Edit: I should have scrolled down before posting

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He just admitted it in his OP, like he’s also bragging/showcasing his narcissism. No doubt that’s more congruent with narcissism. “Narp, don’t feel bad for those sitting QQers. Turn WM off.” That means there’s PLENTY of them here in the forums, since “turn WM off” has been said how many times, now? By plenty of people plenty of times, but not me. I wrote those people off like the scrubs they were, just like the guy(likely a HORDE main at that) who told me to go to a BFA zone because I was ganking him in UC with WM on. The normal realm Horde likewise had their portion of crybabies.

It was always in my best interest to KEEP people in WM because as I’ve explained, you can’t PvP without players. That means you have to keep them at the table somehow, considering also everything is on the up and up with EULA and all that.

Talk is cheap anyway; we’ll find out what the truth is regarding each one. If I was ever a narcissist(and technically I wouldn’t have been), I stopped being one after Legion cycle back in 2018. You do WPvP long enough and it will utterly MURDER your ego to flying gibs. But we also can’t conflate narcissism with personal pride and accomplishment either. Bahamut here is a “baby” of sorts in the buiz, and we’ll see how he grows up(or not at all).

As a 1.7’er I was just like him. I started somewhere too, with Blackrock Foundry being my last core raiding experience. I didn’t have some of the other WPvP legacies such as the R14’s and what not as the noob I was.

What if he thought I was supposed to kiss his butt as the first thing coming? Not just no but HECK no. I’ve earned that privilege, but there’s no need for that either. I survived and even THRIVED in the bygone Borrowed Power era that has DESTROYED the Hunter class as we know it(tangential to SV spec and all that). Not too many Hunter mains can even say that as a lot of them left when Melee SV not only became realized, it was largely a FAILURE of a melee DPS spec.

I earned the right to be proud and even arrogant, and if that’s what I want then I will have it. I didn’t even have to RESPOND with a comment, as OPs like this one would be less entertaining than pulp magazines. But maybe this guy was serious about WPvP…

Was I wrong?

Just meeting the 10 char requirements here

Here’s what I do to learn my keybinds rather quickly. Go visit a website that offers online flashcards for free. I’m using CRAM. I just created 30 spell keybinds for my monk and basically learned all of them within a day.

Bahamut knows Kung Fu, and I’m like

h ttps://

**I should add that even back in WoD when I started, I thought I was awesomesauce as a Marks. But right in the next year Legion ruined everything. The Hunter class was never the same after that: because SV went melee that marginalized the other two specs and made a mess overall. It’s still a controversy to this very day. Hunter lost a lot of important utility and suffered to compete with others, particularly melee, and back then hybrids were better than pures.

Too many things went against the class, but I finished out with 10,000 HKs(lifetime) in the cities in 9.2 in the esoterically inferior MM spec. That pretty much makes me a Tony Robbins who can encourage people(and even recommend cathartic therapy for any narcissism via WPvP).

I use a razer tartarus v2 instead. I also have a 10 button mouse, and a 52 inch 4k tv I use as a monitor. Solved the boomer keyboard method. This post was done in humor. I had no idea I would gain a stalker. I apparently touched it’s mind, and I am now living rent free in it’s head. God made fools to test the wise. I didn’t read his feel feels. I won’t even check this thread tomorrow. His nerd quweefs* will fade out, just as they faded in. You people can argue about it in autistic detail all you want.

I’m not reading it either. Best way to respond to a narcissist!

while the two of you figure out who is actually the narc im gonna go ahead and nope out of this thread

edit: I suggest everyone else do the same

You’re lucky if you don’t get reported and banned for masked language, and not necessarily by me. If you have a reputation like that, I’m sorry-not-sorry your “humor” would be sorely missed.

If I knew OP was a narcissist(just like everyone else who talks like him) I would have skipped out. I see people like him all the time on the forums and to be brutally honest it bores me. I took a chance and got burned. Oh well.

I’ve been in the WPvP forums ever since they were a thing, so about 4 years and going. That’s long enough for me to realize that I’ve outlasted people who had a far worse reputation than I. It’s like I said: narcissists don’t last in this business. Learn the history.

There’s nothing to figure out. If you don’t want to talk WPvP, then don’t bother showing up. I’ve had to tell people this too for years. They acted like just because nobody else uses this SHARED space that gave them license to be as toxic as they would have liked. And where are most of them now?

**If anything, they did nothing to encourage the very sport of WPvP with their shenanigans, which would have helped Blizz take it at face value that the community at large don’t want to deal with WPvP because of people exactly like that. I get it that ganking is considered to be bottom feeding but if you do it right it’s not only legitimate but the highest way to PvP. I’m not surprised we’ve regressed to a fully mature PvE MMO, and while I may prospect here like I have been a little I find nothing worthwhile being discussed.

Nothing much more but bugs and things that don’t really “work as intended”, whether it’s ilvl upshifts, WM gear not being optimal, or flat-out imbas among the role/class/specs. I’m actually hearing more optimism from the Classic SoM scene.

I enjoyed the story. Not sure why its being picked apart and analyzed . Guess thats the internet for yah.

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Why are you posting on a Classic alt in the RETAIL WPvP forums? It’s comments like yours that make you a target for scrutinization and analysis.

Because i do what i want you beta

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I would recommend you not question what others want to do if that’s how you are. If people want to break things down and analyze them, that’s their business.