The time is here to revisit DK pvp modifiers

this is really disjointed and hard to follow. I’d need to see the actual formula you’re using not tooltip with some random % increases and numbers which look a little suspect. Also you’ve added more mods in than just KM btw, so again in conjunction with miss representing crit damage earlier the claim that KM is the strongest proc in the game isn’t correct.

It also doesn’t explain why other classes have access to abilities that hit harder under optimal conditions while doing far more damage outside optimal conditions, meaning cds.

What does make sense is that so much of the damage is baked into Breath that the development team and the player base make the woeful miscalculation that everything needs to be bad outside breath instead of designing a talent that is a mutually exclusive choice between Breath and a non breath build. Because right now we don’t have that. You could pick up Breath and Obliteration if you wanted to, I have no idea how that would perform but I can’t see the devs liking that b/c fun detected.

So the actual spec value of KM oblierate isn’t 5.9x, using your number in good faith. It’s 3.9x because, wait for it, crit damage modifier applies to everyone equally. I’m not saying don’t count the damage, I’m saying you don’t get to count it for KM and only KM like it doesn’t exist for other classes. Crit is a proc.

The perception that this is the strongest proc in the game can also be de bunked another way though, other classes hit harder on proc or without procs. The reason Frost is where it is in pve isn’t because of Obliterate its b/c Breath. We know this b/c oblit damage in breath builds is terrible.

If KM Oblit was one of the strongest procs in the game (Howling is stronger btw as per mods, 4x, .6x,.75x) 2h frost or dw using Obliterate would be doing far better than they are in pvp and pve and have better rep. When you look at the damage breakdown of KM Oblit builds you see most of it in Obliterate, which supports what you’re saying until you take an honest look at the other abilities and how bad they are tuned. Which is why all the base line damage needs to come up.

We nearly cease to exist in pvp since 10.0.7, the following is from the arena forums. The 4 lowest cutoff specs (meaning worst) for dps are Fury, Outlaw, Unholy, Frost in that order. I’m guessing Frost came up b/c FDK+Devoker is sort of wild. That’s not because FDK, you could literally put unholy or blood in the same spot as FDK as long as you had Abom Limb, Blind, and Strang


Rating Specialization
1969 Guardian
2049 Vengeance
2089 Protection Warrior
2110 Blood
2481 Protection Paladin
2531 Brewmaster
2881 Fury
2956 Outlaw
3058 Holy Priest
3070 Unholy
3203 Frost Death Knight
3219 Devastation
3221 Restoration Druid
3238 Havoc
3267 Marksmanship
3309 Assassination
3310 Preservation
3311 Holy Paladin
3321 Fire
3324 Restoration Shaman
3332 Affliction
3341 Discipline
3360 Arms
3378 Arcane
3383 Shadow
3392 Subtlety
3403 Survival
3416 Mistweaver
3431 Feral
3462 Enhancement
3471 Frost Mage
3482 Windwalker
3495 Beast Mastery
3522 Destruction
3526 Elemental
3528 Retribution
3546 Demonology
3584 Balance

They didn’t list the cutoffs for actual 3’s which they should have done.