The TBC Classic Community wants Dual Spec

It’s almost like “the players” is not one person. Imagine that.

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Those polls don’t matter, IMO. Making game design changes based on polls is a bad idea. If you polled everyone and asked if they’d like a free set of T6 handed to them as they enter the portal, the majority would probably vote yes.


Chronoboon Displacers say hi.

the community wanted flying
the community wanted LFD
the community wanted LFR
the community wanted Pandas
the community wanted DHs
the community wanted Store mounts
the community wanted BOOSTS
the community wanted Vulpera
the community world of Pokemoncraft
the community wanted gearscore
the community wanted RaiderIO
the community wanted welfare epics
the community wanted Mythic +

i could go all day about stuff the community wanted and ended up destroying the game’s soul

the community should shut up and go play retail


So my gold farm experience must be to fill my re-spec? Are you serious right now?
Dual spec brings FREEDOM, now you are telling me to farm gold just for re-spec?

I know that dungeon grinding and tbc quests gives tons of gold, im asking for more freedom here. Thats exactly why Chronoboon is a thing now, to give freedom to your toon. Im very sure that you are against that aswell, dont you?

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the beginning of the removal of meaningful choices
you can call it Freedom if you want


What meaningful choices do you mean? Please elaborate on that.
If I have dual specs I will remain the same person, the same class, THE SAME BUILD TO THE RAID AND HELP MY GUILDIES. The hunter that helps and bring the best comp that is needed is there and will be there. Im asking to do a 2nd thing in a more comfortable way.

I ask again, what meaningful choice?


want to be Glad ?
you commit by focusing full on pvp, spec and all
farm gold?
commit by going full on farm mode
the same

wanting to do everything with the click of a button brought you retail


People DO that, unlearning their talents and re-speccing again. They click 51 talents every time they re-spec. Hint to you, if you didn’t notice, THIS HAPPENS.
There’re addons out there that copies a template when you re-spec. People DO that. We ask for THAT SPECIFIC FIX that Wrath brought to us.
Now you may be thinking that I like wrath over everything and I like everything about wrath, right? The answer is NO. I totally like the dual spec, there’s almost nothing bad about it (changing mid raid is a problem, yes). But I also hate the LFG tool. Which is gonna be the main issue for most of us when Wotlk Classic happens. We all know that every action led us to retail, we KNOW, but this is the time to fix those issues. Again, are you mad about chronoboon? Because it gives you freedom with the click of a button.

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It should be a random sample if it’s to have any real validity, too.

I’d be willing to bet that the majority of players like MOST of what you’ve listed here. I can find some of these that I like very much, and some that I don’t really care for. At the end of the day, claiming that these are the reasons why WoW is bad is, in my opinion, misguided. It’s an old game that’s had a lot of bloat. Some people leave because of changes they don’t like, sure… but I suspect at least as many leave due to simple boredom or because life gets in the way.

I will agree, but statistics also require your sample to be unbiased and random. Can you guarantee either in those surveys?

Also can you guarantee the sample is true, meaning did anyone double vote by using multiple accounts? Were those that voted all guaranteed to play TBC?

While I do agree your sample size is appropriate, your sample does not met the necessary criteria to qualify as a valid sample because you cannot guarantee it was unbiased, random and true.

What your data shows is that there is evidence to support a further study into the subject, but at this time you cannot make any assumptions or analysis.

THAT is how statistics work.


People arguing over the validity of the poll like it’s not obvious most people would prefer having dual spec available regardless of polling… lol.

It’s not a matter of if most people would like or benefit from it, at least not to anyone with a firm grip on reality. It’s whether Blizzard will do it or not.

I would love it, but I doubt Blizzard is even considering it anymore. I wish they would re-consider. Purism isn’t what’s best for classic, it’s what’s holding it back from its actual potential.

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No we dont

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It’s a nice “quality of life” mechanic but probably won’t happen. Gold is dirt easy to make in tbc anyway, especially when dailies come about in phase 2.

There’s also a very annoying have to reclick everything, redo bars etc… issue.

There is an addon that lets you save your bars and binds. You only have to do it once, and when you switch back and forth between specs, just type the command and everything is good.

I’ve never found the get an addon a good argument against offering as basic feature.

Yea I agree, but it is what it is.

Sure that is the current state, that doesn’t mean we can’t prefer something better.