The TBC Classic Community wants Dual Spec

agree. it’s just a no brainer

Sadly true, because everyone likes different things from Retail… I legit like a few things from retail, and I know other people who like other different things than I do.

Where do you say “This is Classic and this is retail”, where do you say one guys opinion on what’s good is actually good and one guys opinion of what’s good is just crap?

If we build a game by committee it will be just as bad as anyone could imagine, it would literally turn into retail without a doubt like you say, because no ones opinion on what’s good is any more valuable than other persons opinion.

i didnt’ know only 1,401 people play classic why are they doing TBC then?

ya and the mount store mount will only stop at one.

A vocal majority doesnt equal an actual majority. Let’s keep TBC as close as possible to the original please.


Half the old TBC players probably didn’t even remember that it didn’t have dual spec at first and were disappointed when they were reminded.


Duel spec was a bad addition, live with your choices. Although I would not be opposed to a system that only saves your talent trees


There’s almost no gold sinks in this game as it is. You want more gold inflation? Add dual spec and you’ll get it.

To be fair.

“Vanilla-like” TBC Private servers used to offer dual spec and literally no one cared even though the majority of the people playing wanted completely blizzlike as possible.

Even most #nochanges people wouldn’t complain if dual spec was put in the game.


Honestly this sort of stuff is hilarious. My favorite example of how this kind of stuff is useless data is fortnite.

Back during a special event they held for the first time where the players would get to ‘choose’ the ‘thing’ they wanted to bring back using an ‘in game poll’ (You can pickaxe the thing you want and it counts as a vote basically), a very, very large portion of reddit all agreed upon a thing called ‘siphon’ like upwards of 90% wanted to bring that back. They all said they would vote for it when the time came.

Then the time came and the Tommy gun was the thing that the ‘in game playerbase’ picked by an overwhelming majority.

These polls are worthless and only tiny babby muscles would tout them as evidence of anything. Be a big muscle brain and realize that only the devs should make the decisions based on evidence. The playerbase has for years said ‘the devs don’t listen’ while the devs listened and we got retail. Now they should ignore you small babby muscles and make the right choices.

Which they won’t make because all the big muscle devs are long gone.

What I’m trying to say here is, get bigger muscles. Bye.

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The only changes i want is the paid faction change, I already have my 60 but the folks that quit never came back and the other half of my friend group rolled Alliance so im here on my lonesome.

I want dual spec

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Sounds like a Delimicus thread, alright.

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This is my stance on Duel-Specs:


The way they’re working the Level 58 Boost makes it kind of difficult. Which is why I’m against the Level 58 Boost. Hinders other Changes I seek like Faction Changes, Race Changes and Account to Account Transfers.

And you still have tank shortages in retail. Multi spec, 3 additional classes that can tank, and still complain about dungeon wait times due to this. It won’t be any different in TBC on this point with or without dual spec.


So which is it?


not really an either-or. depends on what kind of guild you are in

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big difference from giving up after 2 hours and waiting 15 minutes for queue finder to find a tank for you.

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No matter which way you cut it, it doesn’t get you more tanks. Only the possibility.
This point isn’t the best for arguing the merits of dual spec, that’s the point. You have better arguments available.
Dual spec is merely a QOL improvement. It won’t coax people to do a role they apparently don’t enjoy.


Nah don’t think so. Those polls are too easily faked

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