The TBC Classic Community wants Dual Spec

I think its fair to say that most of the QOL people seem to want or debate, are changes that appeared in WOTLK. Since that is still considered the ‘classic’ era of WoW design philosophy and the final expansion that alot of people will progress to, i can understand why WOTLK features are debated. WOTLK retained the most amount of players in history. Its QOL changes probably helped.

I dont think the classic community seriously wants anything else added to the game though. I cant see classic TBC turning into Retail if it was given dual spec. I understand its a slippery slope, but if the only thing players are asking for are features from WOTLK, i wouldn’t be too worried. However,I would be concerned if players started asking for post-wotlk features though. That’s where you need to draw the line.


Dual spec to me devalues the class of healer and tank. I can see it now… hey kick this scrub I’ll just go tank, will take us 3 seconds to find a dps. Let the dungeon toxicity begin. This is just my opinion


Having those features in Wrath will just make people more excited for Wrath when it is released.

If you pull a bunch of things from Wrath and put it in TBC, you kinda kill a lot of the Wrath experience.


They did this anyway. It just used summon stones and hearths.

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21k responses to a survey is a great sample size. It’s more than enough to conclude that a vast majority of the player base would at least accept Dual Spec. Some where between 65-80%.

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This isn’t even a frequent occurrence on retail and has never been a frequent occurrence for over 15 years, regardless of how easy it was to change specs.

In modern WoW, gearing requirements for changing specs/roles are also dramatically less of an issue and still this just isn’t the reality of WoW pugging.

Also, boss specific lockouts in modern WoW make it easier to replace people mid run, and this still just isn’t what happens in most pugs.

True. Dual spec would be the only QOL change i would advocate for. But i totally understand how it changes the way TBC was originally designed and meant to be played. And I wouldnt want the players making design revisions unless we could reach a true consensus on what the vast majority wants.

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That is an utterly absurd thing for you to say.

“We don’t know the 2007 devs didn’t want dual spec, so might as well add it.” Do you really not see how ridiculous that is? It could be used to justify adding literally anything.

What we know is that TBC didn’t have dual spec. That wasn’t a bug. That wasn’t a flaw in the code. That was a deliberate design decision. In the latest Blue post Kaivax said their philosophy with somechanges is to keep the design intent of TBC. Therefore if they stick to that, there will not be dual spec in TBC Classic. But it’ll be there in Wrath where it belongs in an expansion that was designed and balanced with dual spec in mind. TBC, however, was not.

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Once again, like you were on the raid design team. you just can’t help yourself can you? you just sound like a lunatic speaking for the devs.


it doesn’t change anything about the game play. if just removes 20 minutes of wasted time. you can change specs at will if you waste time and gold.

its like i’ve been saying. dual spec is already in the game. it just takes more time.

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Oh absolutely. But in this case, that would be a good thing. Between this and the mount, that could take so much gold out of the economy.

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unless blizz combats bots effectively. combating bot problems is pointless. the problem will just arise again and the only people that suffer are the players

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Yes Duel Spec would be nice! please consider this Blizzard.


Your telling me people in retail don’t do this in lvling dungeons? Or even heroics… haha ok then I guess the hundreds of times I e personally seen this I was just seeing things

Heck yeah. Dual spec would be great! I’ll take any quality-of-life type adjustments Blizzard wants to add to TBC Classic----dual spec, transmogrification, whatever. Unlike the #nochanges people, I’m all for the TBC experience with extras :slight_smile:


It’s extremely rare. If you see it frequently I’d have to wonder what you personally were doing that leads to it happening often in your experience.

I’ve played this game since open beta of vanilla. Hardly anyone ever gets kicked from automated queue content for anything other than being afk.

I haven’t bothered to pug any raids in a couple expansions, but last time I did even in one with a lot of wipes it wasn’t “kick this one dude it’s all his fault!!!”

The current issue in Shadowlands M+ content is it’s so unrewarding + it’s garbage for tanks so tanks started to just leave as soon as there was a problem (at least you see a lot of complaints about this). Even in SL that only happened in one group I was ever in, though I hate SL so I haven’t played it in months.

I don’t get kicked, others do. A.) not going fast enough B.) pulling too many mobs slowing down the run C.) not running icyvein builds. Your lucky to not see this

No. It wasn’t in TBC and doesn’t need to be. Also most hybrids would be forced by their guilds to have 2 different PvE specs to cheese certain fights. No thanks.


“i work and I wont be able to do 50g each time I respec”

let me stop you right there.

Gold generation is MASSIVE in TBC. Somebody dungeon grinded 60-70 and then did quests after hitting level 70 and made NEARLY 10K and thats WITHOUT an overinflated auctionhouse based on the release.

Option TWO. I give to you -----daily quests----- which, might not be capped at 10 only. Which even if it WAS only 10, nets you approx 150g -per day- including vendor trash from doing them. I mean.

Come on, better argument please.

We’re all adults. We all work. But there is WAYYYYYYY more than enough gold generation that “oh no, its 50g to respec” is an absolutely moot point

Polls are notoriously inaccurate. For example, a poll about dual spec (a proposed new feature). How many people who WANT it will vote? Most of them. How many people who DO NOT want it will vote? Few of them.

A real poll takes a random sampling of everyone, NOT just the people who are interested in the change.

Maybe that’s why this isn’t a player-decided or poll-decided game.