The TBC Classic Community wants Dual Spec

So in other words, ‘we think we do, but we dont?’

Sounds familiar


based off of what evidence?

The fact that there was a tank/healer shortage in WotLK, etc., after the introduction of dual spec.


There were a lot of tank healers in wotlk after dual spec. you don’t know what you’re talking about


I said this in the other thread and it got a lot of likes. Put in dual spec, but make it 5k. Myabe 1% of players would spend that much on respecs, and we need a real gold sink. This could be it.

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Lol, okay, buddy.


Actually I was there. I played TBC and I’ve listened to the devs from back then. A couple stream…you should check them out.

In any event this dual spec desire is just another case of players applying a Retail philosophy to a game that was designed very differently. That’s not even to say better or worse, just different. But if you eliminate those differences, then what’s left? To me that defeats the purpose of a Classic server.


iirc, the number of tanks you needed in the raid also went down in WoTLK as well as healers. TBC had 3 tanks normally with 1 off tank and 5 healers sometimes 6. where as WoTLK dropped down to 2 tanks at most and you could get away with 3-4 healers most times. The shortage had nothing to do with Dual spec, it had to do with the shifting of the raiding meta.

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I’d be fine with an increased cost. 5k is a lot but that would be an acceptable compromise to me.


So were a lot of other people. again, you don’t know what the devs wanted. Stop speaking for them

Why the he** would we need any of that? Dual spec needs to be added at level 40 with no gold sinks or f***ing cooldowns. Just put it in the game with the least amount of BS around it. I for the life of me don’t understand players these days. THE GAME IS 15 YEARS OLD!

There is nothing new to explore, nothing new to do, just play the damn game and have fun. It doesn’t need to be a job


Most specs have at least some differences in how they’d spec in PvP vs. PvE, it makes a lot of sense to bring dual spec into TBC.

Even if you don’t want to play multiple roles, many would still have multiple specs for the same role if they could.

Tanks especially get screwed if they want to both PvE and PvP on the same character. I knew a guy back in vanilla that respeced multiple times a week. He ended up having to buy gold just to afford constantly respecing so he could PvP and tank in PvE.

They added arena in TBC, they should have added dual spec as well. It would be a great addition to TBC classic and more people than not would appreciate it.


Back in the day, my main was a Tank Warrior and I also had a Holy/Shadow priest that I raided on/PvP’ed on. I did spend quite a bit of gold spec’ing the priest back and forth to PvP, farm, raid, etc. It never felt like a burden honestly.

I understand Dual Spec’ing makes the tanks and healers’ lives easier, and if that was the only impact that feature would have, I’d be all for it, 100%.

Dual Spec is wanted by people who have PVP and PVE specs that differ from each other.
Dual Spec is wanted by people who main hybrid classes.

Dual Spec will increase how many tanks and healers are available. Thus increase the amount of dungeon and raid groups formed.
Dual Spec is good for the game.


I completely agree with you, but there are actually hybrid people arguing against this for whatever reason. I guess they like their class sucking.

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They’re scared of people asking if they have a tank or healer spec like they did in WotLK.

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What is it about dual spec in particular that you think is good?

Would it be good for the game if respec fees were reduced? Maybe capped out at 10gold instead of 50g? How about 5g, 1g or even 0?

Why do you want dual spec for this? What about something like Arena/BG spec and Non Arena/BG spec? I suppose the idea here is that you have talent builds, macros and talent bars saved somewhere, so you don’t have to work with it manually and you do not have to use an addon?

Personally, I feel that not only will dual spec cause issues for PuG and guild groups alike, with regards to requiring multiple talent builds from raiders, but I also do not think it will solve the issue that people who are in favor of it seem to have: a lack of gold, as you will still have to respec your Dual Spec if you are doing content that requires it, such as PVP or PVE.

I’m not disagreeing with you, I’m just saying there would be a lot more than 1% buying it if it were available at that price in OG Classic, let alone in TBC Classic. I see guildies spending that much twice a week on gear they know will be obsolete by lvl 67.


Personally, I would have a pvp ret spec and for PvE a tank spec. I know people who would like to have an affliction spec for pvp and destro for pve. Some want a healer spec for raids/dungeons and a damage spec for leveling/dailies.

The second question is complete nonsense. As if you’re saying there shouldn’t be addons in the game…

How is requiring multiple talent builds bad? They’re not going to require it for DPS. They’d only require it for off tanks or healers if somebody couldn’t make it or drops from the group. TBC isn’t hard, especially compared to retail. If you’re with people spazzing out over DPS in old content, find a better guild.

Changing spec with dual spec is way faster than porting back to town, changing spec, then being summoned back to the raid. Just to lose 5 more people who got tired of waiting.

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The idea that dual spec solves any problems is complete nonsense, but I didn’t flat out state that in my initial response to you.

It’s interesting that you understood it that way.

That’s not how it works in practice. We had dual spec, remember? We’ve been through this. They changed it a lot. For good reason.

What problem are you trying to solve? And how does dual spec solve it?

In this case, it sounds like your whole reason for wanting it, is so someone who joined a PuG instance group as a DPS, can now tank or heal, if/when someone drops.