The TBC Classic Community wants Dual Spec

Introducing dual spec to BC classic would fundamentally change the BC experience.

But Capitalism to the rescue! Charge $99.99 for dual spec per character. That would limit the impact of dual spec on the game put a smile on Bobby Kotick’s face at the same time.

You mean the BOOSTED experience?

Or are you talking giving Alliance and Horde Paladins each others’ seals?

Wait, maybe you’re talking about store-bought mounts!

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This is the truth. Plus I don’t hear this whining in game. Once again this is another forums whine. Not a players playing whine as much.

In original BC, low level toons couldn’t enter the Dark Portal. Therefore, the level boost to 58 doesn’t impact the BC experience.

Granted it does affect the vanilla WoW experience but the Classic servers are pretty empty so not much experience to impact (tongue in cheek).

Good job! You’ve successfully reiterated Blizzard’s promotional material!

Now, go consume product and get hype for next product!

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To me, the level boost eliminated a barrier to entry. If Blizzard wanted people to play in BC classic on day 1, they pretty much needed to do that level boost option.

And if they could score some bucks along the way, well, some would call it profiteering but that’s the American way.

Of course! I mean think of all those quests and NPC added to Dustwallow Marsh.

What were they thinking?! Adding extra content to Azeroth when they released TBC? For shame!!

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You can check out my view is on previous xpac content in relation to the Classic series in an older thread. Needless to say, it was very, um, unpopular. Not going there again. It would be stupid to take arrows for people who get paid to do that. lol

I mean, takes a few minutes to look through these forums to see people crying #nochanges and if they do add dual spec they’ll quit cause “it’ll kill TBC” lmao.

Then you shouldn’t have any problem posting links to them.

I’m not the one making claim or wanting them myself. Feel free to find them for yourself if you’re that interested. Heck a few people above were saying it’d kill TBC in this thread.

I would prefer to keep the changes to an absolute minimum. If dual-spec is added it won’t kill BCC. It will have an impact and probably some unintended consequences. Anyone saying it will wreck the game is exaggerating. I sure as heck won’t quit over it.

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You argued that it was “the BOOSTED experience”
he refuted you with facts
you essentially call him a shill and mindless consumer

Don’t ever change forums


Thank god someone with a brain that can see both sides of an argument. Need more people on these forums like you. Personally speaking I think having seal of blood for ally is more game breaking than Dual Spec. Don’t hear me complaining and I have a BElf Pally.

Hello, this is “forums” here to tell you that I love how, when someone confirms particular presuppositions, that is somehow equal to facts!

Welcome to the World of Scalpercraft. Everywhere you look there’s a scalper. Scalper prices for toilet paper (during the pandemic). Scalper prices for electronic components, especially GPUs. ‘Scalper’ prices for gasoline.

It seems like every company is jacking up prices to stick it to the consumer nowadays. Blizzard may as well join in.

So while I don’t want or need dual spec in BC classic, I wouldn’t mind if Blizzard charged $99.99 per toon for dual spec.

My biggest problem right now are the people on both sides exaggerating the position of the others and acting like these issues are LIFE AND DEATH! It’s a game. One that a lot of us already played through once upon a time. I have my preferences and opinions on what the developers should do and what I think they will do, and that’s about it.

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There was a post earlier today, can’t remember the thread, where someone equated being against dual spec with Stalinism lol

I feel like I may have seen that and just glossed over it. I’m trying not to engage with posters that just aren’t worth it.

Like I don’t personally care if dual spec is added or not but I just don’t get the posters, that I’ve seen, that cry out #nochanges but you never see them talk or complain about the blatant changes that have happened. I just want people to explain why they are fine with the others vs dual spec.

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