The TBC Classic Community wants Dual Spec

Right. And you paid your way to boost because you couldn’t put your skills from grinding from 1-70 with your skill, yeah?

I mean after all, you think Boosting is the smartest thing that Blizzard has done, yet dual spec to bring players back is a bad idea. Big brain with galactic interstellar level right there, mate.

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I agree, now admit you’re wrong about Dual Spec. It was in development during TBC by the TBC developers because they realized it was a QoL change that the majority of players wanted. They knew it would increase participation in different kinds of content.

We’re one patch away from Dual Spec. It was introduced in the first content patch of WoTLK. It’s not a retail feature, it’s not a retail -esque QoL change; it’s a change that could have been introduced in TBC if the dev team was slightly faster.

I have 4 level 60s lol.

Itll come out when it comes out, I dont complain about not having swift form flying cus it wasnt released with TBC? Why would I complain about dual spec?

People have this weird idea if something is being added that’s different from their old boomer immersion and enjoyment, it’s considered retail.

Imagine calling people toxic for saying they dont want content released prior to its actual release than also name calling them, lol, dude get a grip with reality.

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Dps is desperate to find tanks and healers so they can group for dungeons. They will be just as desperate after dual spec to run dungeons even though some of them might add a pvp spec. But if there were more tanks and healers more of those dps would actually find a group. It’s moronic that you keep repeating this obviously wrong nonsense. With dual spec there will be more group play and less solo play

I don’t see any name calling, unless you are acknowledging your behavior that my sarcasm belongs where it stands.

Dual Spec isn’t content, it’s a QoL change. Blizzard asked us what kinds of QoL changes we’d like to see in TBC Classic at Blizzconline in February. Dual Spec is the most requested QoL addition by far.

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“In retail, we’ve had free respec for a while now. People can play whatever role their class can offer; however, tanks still have instant queues.”

Do you understand that? It means there is still a tank shortage. With free respec, there is still a tank shortage. Why is there a tank shortage if it’s FREE to switch specs and just go tank?

It’s not because it costs gold. It’s because it’s not fun to tank (or heal) for other people.

Because the majority of people don’t care about anything in the game except themselves, and they treat other players like garbage.

The only thing dual spec will do in the long run is remove the incentive to group up to get through content in greater game world.

The few people you expect to start tanking and healing if they didn’t have to pay to respec is not going to make much difference- and the evidence of that can be found in retail.

So the next thing to start pushing Blizzard to add would be cross realm grouping - because there aren’t enough players willing to tank or heal on a single server.

Say goodbye to any sense of server community.

We will need to add vote to kick, personal loot and deserter debuff to “fix” the problem of people being increasingly self centered and impatient- because who cares about the 4 other randos in the group? You won’t see them again, why bother being civil?

Are you in such a hurry to do all this again?

I’m not. Just wait for wrath.


It’s like you can’t even read. No matter how many times people tell you they don’t think dual spec will end the tank or healer shortage you keep repeating it. I not only understand it, I’ve said it specifically to you several times. I could go through this thread and quote the many times people have posted that dual spec wouldn’t end the shortage just increase the number of tanks and healers making the shortage less severe but I doubt even that would sink in.

Would like dual spec as well don’t see any reason why this shouldn’t be a thing the entire community wants this

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Sounds like you guys actually want to play Wrath of the Lich King.

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Just because the players want something doesn’t mean it’s good for the game


Just because a majority of players want something doesn’t mean they should have it. It doesn’t mean it’s good for the game. Changes like this damage the integrity of the game in a sort of covert way such that the damage is hard to see because doesn’t happen in the actual game space but on the players end by eroding their sense of being able to make impactful or meaningful choices. “QoL” is so toxic because it always satisfies the weakest parts of ourselves because it’s instantly gratifying at the cost of a meaningful experience.


Retail is your example- but,

The tank and/or healer shortage is not because it costs 50 gold.

Even if respec was free (like it is in retail), it wouldn’t make a noticeable difference in fixing your perceived problem.

Wait for wotlk classic - don’t ruin tbc classic with the progression of “QoL” changes that aren’t needed.

If you can’t enjoy the game, then stop playing it.


Perhaps you didn’t notice but those of us who played BC and Wrath noticed that it was easier to get groups when dual spec was added

No thanks.


Yes please