The TBC Classic Community wants Dual Spec

Go back to retail bud you don’t belong in classic, I commented out against those QoL changes as well. You are just advocating for the slippery slope to happen.

The game you enjoy already exists, its called shadowlands go play it.

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When the only counter argument to dual spec is “Go back to retail” you know its a good QoL change.

Wonder how many “Go back to retails” were posted on these forums until they fixed the cancerous world buff issue in classic.

Ok so lets add LFR, some LFD, a little Wow token here and there.

I have made dozens of arguments in dozens of forums posts that have never been properly refuted or argued against and I’m just tired of playing whackamole with this stupidity.

The game you want exists,
Its called shadowlands. I actually think its an ok game, I don’t abhorrently hate retail. You can go play it at anytime you want.

The game I want kind of exists now,
But if you people have your way it won’t exist and I will have to go back to shady undocumented servers with less than reputable leadership.

Go back to retail is the argument it is the only argument, because their is a reason people like me wanted classic from a reputable source. I don’t want classic tbc+, I don’t want classic+, I dont want TBC the wrath edition. I want TBC.

The world buff meta sucked. I made fun of the people in game who were abhorrently obsessed with optimization. The culture of minmaxing world buffs in 15 year old content that can be cleared in less than 2 hours with or without those buffs speaks volumes to how devoid people are of genuine success in their lives. It is comedic gold of the highest order that those people felt a sense of accomplishment spending 20 hours to save 1.

But it was a community problem and not a gameplay problem. You don’t want to raid with worldbuffs THEN DON’T you don’t need to be optimized for every second of an incredibly easy game. You don’t need to play with anyone like that either, it is your choice to do and play as you wish. I DIDN’T participate in the world buff meta and still did every raid in under 2 hours.


I don’t want dual spec, it doesn’t improve the game, if you want that go back to retail or find a private server that caters to your wishes, dual spec wasn’t in TBC and should not be introduced… might as well get transmog sets in here and battle pets

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I also feel that dual specs just gave players even more of a reason to roll a hybrid class.

Why play a rogue, mage, lock, or hunter, when you can pew pew when you need to, and then get easy group invites when you need it.

I remember in Wrath, it was easier for me to gear my priest for both healing and dps because I could always find a spot as a healer and roll for dps gear if the group was cool with it.

My poor mage didn’t have that option.


Yep, thanks for proving my point. Every time Dual Spec gets brought up, there is no real counter argument so people bring up LFR and argue against that instead.

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I can use any argument you try to use to justify dual spec to also justify those features.

NO dual spec for no lifer scum saving gold
YES free epic flying mount for casuals who need help.

You have no way to tell the difference if a character that joins your raid and is raid spec is:
Rich in gold and just switched specs and was pvping 5 minutes earlier.
Raid Logs and only has one spec.
Secretly has dual spec because he hacked blizzard.

Zero way for you to tell
Your experience of TBC or that Raid doesn’t change a single bit.

But if blizzard adds LFG, the way you find a group and your experience in the community inherently changes.

I don’t know bro what if they use all the gold they save to buy things I want. What if I never wanted to do any group content ever anyway. What if I want to world pvp scrubs in farming spec and they hearth respec and fly back out to pwn me when they wouldn’t before. The only purpose of dual spec is to line no lifer pockets with even more gold no thanks. I think if we are asking for free gold it should go to casuals in the form of epic mounts for free.

So stating that it devalues choice by letting people bypass choosing to play as a healer or a specific spec of dps, exc. Mean nothing isn’t a counter?

Chosing to be a holy priest means you either pay for respects when you want to solo farm (and pay to go back to raid spec), farm in a group (dungeon runs?) Or do the slow solo farming of a holy priest.

It has its plus sides to chose to be a healer tho. It’s much easier to get into a dungeon group on average due to supply and demand, it’s easier to secure a raid spot, and you have less gear competition in raids on average.

Duel spec devalues CHOICES having impacts on the player. Part of what makes classic wow so good is choices matter far more than in retail. The path to retail involved making choices not matter so the game was more pick up and go. Look at the gear you get in retail that can change stats based on your spec.

No to duel spec, because choices should matter, not be something you can change on a whim for no real cost.


I didn’t take the poll, but I don’t want it.

I for one would love Dual spec. I enjoy playing holy, shockadin, and tank. Respeccing gets hella expensive, especially when you actually have to respec to play all 3 specs at some time intervals. Dual spec reduces the gold cost on me significantly.

Now, people might argue “well, go farm gold then”, and to them I say, I wish. Everyone wants the Nostalgia that comes with the game, but very few of us can afford it. I was a university student back when TBC was out, with a ton of free time at hand. Now? not so much.

If you have the time to farm gold and flex because you do, good for you, but for people that have a limited time to play the game in a week, that’s just not an option.

Dual spec is a huge QoL change. It does not change anything core about the game, and it does not affect a person’s skill level for playing multiple specs. #nochanges is a meme and there is no such thing as no changes. The entire gaming generation changed from what we used to do back in 2007 and what is actually happening these days. Heck, the put in a lvl 58 boost option and some other cosmetic shenanigans, and if they did that for “QoL”, dual spec should be appropriate as well.


Well, they can put it to a vote. All content changes in OSRS are done via a polling system. We can do the same thing with duel spec. It’ll probably pass with like 80% or so


Nope, only a few outspoken are crying about this.
We all don’t want this change


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if you dont have time to play the game properly, then too bad. seriously, the game shouldn’t change because of your lack of free time.

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Dual Spec enhances choice, you antis despise people wanting that choice. Oh and guess what? You can already change on a whim always have. This just makes it much more convenient I guess you’re going to run away crying once dual spec does get added in

Well, it is. Because it’s currently in retail, and not currently in TBC classic.

It doesn’t enhance choice, it makes choice matter less.

You chose to play a healer? That has downsides to it. But not with duel spec. Opportunity cost is part of making a choice. It’s why retail feels so hollow, because in retail choices don’t matter, you can change your mind on a whim with no real cost. Even the gear changes based on your spec. Meaning gearing for your spec isn’t even an opportunity cost for if you want offset gear, because it changes to more favorable stats for the offset when you change specs…

Even in pvp your gear doesn’t matter nearly as much, nor your level.

Retail removed choices mattering and that is part of what ruined the game. Don’t add that crap where it doesn’t belong. You want duel spec? Wait for classic wotlk.


You’re not going to stop being wrong by repeating yourself you know