The tank problem

You keep arguing about things without even understanding them yourself. You can easily get to +12s and even higher by only knowing the mechanics that impact you directly. You don’t need to grasp the entire dungeon in every mechanic and nuance interactions until much later.

There also isn’t “15-20” pulls worth of mechanics. The same mobs are reused for multiple pulls and generally change per wing.

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Should be. Theres really not a lot going on. 2-3 key abilities before the boss and some filler spells just to add some difference. All mobs are the same set between bosses. So not 15-20. More like 3-4 (boss count pending)

Next set of trash has 2-3 key abilities before boss

Rinse and repeat. Anyone who pays attention figures it out fairly quickly

I dont get it than? why does most players don’t understand basic mechs than if 12s are easy?

I know theres not much but all them does effects player hard. Its shows.

The whole tank problem is base on tanks/heals/dps vs the mechs. With everything the tanks are too self built to handle anything on thier own and healers are too powerful. Dps have too many defensives.

I remember that dps were there to just dps with low or none defs
The whole group was leaning on the healer to keep them alive not top off
The tank was the wall between the boss and the rest of the group not worry about topping dps for him.

thats was the base roles ideals to make each role matter and not step in each other sides in way that makes the other feel useless

tanks should need the group just as much as the group needs them.
i think the developers have gone off the rails with the op nature of
current tanks.

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What are your reasons for thinking this? Do you have examples of playing a tank and what was happening that made you feel op?

TANKS ARE OP…You know they are.
That’s not good for the game.
That’s all the explanation you need.

lmao trolls gonna troll, wait times gonna wait

Here’s the player that makes tanking a nightmare, everyone.

I definitely helps

What if… tanks did ZERO damage, but had OG Illuminated Sigils level of control… all tank specs

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Maybe what is needed are more complimentary skills that activate in a group. Kind of an augmentation type thing.

For example, skills that increase heals from another healer, or skills that reduce damage based on other people doing damage to the target?

tag team synergies lets go, also everyone that hates PI will hate this lol

Well I ain’t buying that.

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This might be true in lower keys and raid, but in higher M+ tank dps makes an absolute difference when your tank is pumping out DPS numbers. Higher DPS means things die faster, means healer has less to heal and the total damage the DPS has to put out is lower.

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Maybe players refuse to try tanking because they don’t like the amount of responsibility. If tanks had to do all the mob control then that’s even more responsibility.

I don’t think this would be a very good change.

I think I was suggesting the middle ground.
Tanks want to do damage…I get that…everyone does.
Back in Vanilla I couldn’t even efficiently farm my own mats
I was so weak in Tank spec…hard to kill…but weak.
Now for most aspects of the game, Tanks are too strong.

It’s the inevitable consequence to messing with the formula that was working.

I was just repeating what someone else said.
I konw that tank DPS matters, that’s what the meta is formed around

A formula that only ever changed because people flooded the forums claiming content is too easy and gear is too plentiful, but that still doesn’t change the fact that people straight up have no idea how to play content that only got slightly harder.
Siege of Boralus runs are the perfect example of people straight up failing basic mechanics that have been around since 2018. M+ scaling isn’t making people forget to fire those godforsaken cannons I stg -_-

Some people just want the world to burn I guess. All difficulty is relative. Changing how people play at vault level keys was probably a mistake in the long run, judging from the response to it. But it could also have been a mistake not to change it. Who can tell? Would that have led to boredom? Is boredom worse than animosity? I don’t think we even have a clear idea of what “success” is for the system, so saying one or the other is better is a pointless debate.

I know I was having more fun in pugs in Dragonflight than I am this expansion. But I was having fun in shadowlands and BfA too, so what does that mean, really? The attitude in and around m+ has greatly soured this season.

My theory is that it’s designing away big pulls with the stop/cast change and the changes to mob toolkits. The tank survival changes have also failed to meet their stated goals, but that’s kind of a red herring, imho. The erosion of roles within the trinity, I feel, is more to blame.

Fun is such a slippery ideal. Making something less fun for the “good of the game” is, imho, a travesty outside of pro sports.