Just bruteforcing everything with healing power just makes content trivial.
That’s not what anyone is proposing.
That is what you are agreeing with.
You agreed with a take that healers should be able to heal through all mistakes.
I agree. All healing spells now radiate 500% spell power unto enemies as damage.
The age of tanks is over
The age of healers is now!
This week in a 10 M+ our healer friend was trying to heal on his holy pally. His paladin is not naked nor is it well geared and firmly average.
When trying to heal a trash pack he casted BoP on our hunter, and I died immediately because two mobs turned to me and shot me at the same time as they had 1 less target availably to cast on. (Yes, they killed me through DP and SoV.)
In the gaming world they call that F#%$ing Bull$**t. That when you use an ability that’s key to your class and it has the complete opposite effect. He tried to save the hunter and killed me instead with the game’s mechanics. How is that fun?
How is it fun that when you aoe stun things you can line up all their dmg and explode your group or white swing nuke the tank? How is when I bubble or bop myself, I can kill the other two because the mobs now focused fired some one?
The dungeons are less fun because most of the ways you die now aren’t even your own mistakes. Every pull should not be a bullet hell of casts and aoe explosions. A tank should be able to endure what the mobs throw without cooldown rotation for every sec of the pull. Healers should be able to save someone that stepped on a banana peel, stood in a sec or two of bad before the realized and moved, or (God forbid) a kick was missed.
There has to be a healthy level of forgiveness for mistakes in group content even timed content at that.
What abilities killed your group member? Even if the hunter wasn’t BoP’d there’s still a chance for the same thing to happen.
Even lined up, white swings shouldn’t be killing the tank. As for lining up abilities, that’s why it’s important to not burn AoE stops at the start or follow it up with a single target stop afterwards to de-sync them again. This is part of skill expression.
Lol I guarantee they are and that you or they had the ability to prevent it. This mentality is what prevents growth because you are putting all the blame on external factors. How is it that you are getting 1 shot in 10s and 11s while people are pushing +20s? It’s not all because of RNG.
It’s a multi pronged issue.
- Raids are still the main thing the game is designed around and you need 2 tanks and with very rare exceptions never any more
- Tanks are held to a way higher standard than dps, a tank messing up a mechanic is very likely a wipe. A dps not interrupting or dying to a mechanic just makes the fight more painful.
- Character progression for a tank isn’t as important as it is for dps. You don’t increase your damage that much and your survivability is basically just a pass fail. Once you can live through mechanics which is usually with cooldowns anyway the extra stats are kind of meaningless.
This is highly reductive and not true. A tank taking a lot of extra and unnecessary damage means the healer has to waste GCDs and CDs on the tank which increases the chance of a DPS player dying from unavoidable damage.
Dps screwing up mechanics is 75% of what leads to a wipe. Not all mechanics are single target focus
Not true at all lol
But how much should you really have to know to run the main repetable content of the game? Should a group wipe because they don’t know everything every single mob in an instance can do? Is the game and its UI even providing adequate information about what is going on for a person to understand and improve without tens of runs/hours of dungeon crawling? Can a player (without a hearty helping of mods and weak auras) break down and understand what a group of 5-6 mobs is doing in a pull that last 45sec-1min?
There has been overload and overstuffing on the mobs for a long time. The strange ramp up of dmg from low level to higher level keys is jarring to figure out what’s even effecting you when only 1 key ago you were safely taking the mobs ability.
This level of knowledge isn’t required until very high keys. You get can away with just knowing boss mechanics pretty far.
Absolutely. I don’t run any UI addons and still perform just fine and learn on the run.
You should know by keys 3-4 what’s affecting you.
I think the reason they haven’t fixed it is that they think it is working as intended.
What percentage of tanks do you see as “primadonna tanks” who you think should quit the game?
So this is working, in your opinion. Or isn’t it? Is it not working but you don’t want to see it changed?
1% maybe? but I do keys.
I envision it grows at lower brackets.
More tanks than dps earn a spot on ignore. (Despite needing 3x as many dps.)
True. I guess we’ll have to see the outcome of season 2.
DPS as a role has made tanking an absolute nightmare. Extra pulls, failure to kick, completely ignoring weekly affixes. It’s a nightmare. This has been the worst season when it comes to players straight up being bad that I’ve ever played. Mistakes like those didn’t wipe groups before and now they do. People were straight up completely unprepared when content started asking a tiny bit more from them and they are folding.
Is what working?
Are people learning a whole dungeon worth of mechanics of 15-20 different pulls full of different mobs whenever they do 3-4 of the same dungeons? Also are those keys done at the same key level every time at say an +8 or can you actually learn with a +3, +5, +7, and +8?
I doubt many people’s ability to grasp an entire dungeon understanding for all mobs until well over half a season for most people. Most people just have a vague sense of what things are doing but not any real depth of what and why.
I tanked raids in BC not doing it no more