The tank problem

Nah, the reason people don’t play tanks is because they don’t want to log into a game and get yelled at and berated for 30-40 mins by 3-4 sweaty nerds who think that every single mistake is the tanks fault.

The reason people don’t tank is because the community is full of jerks who ruin our days. Why would I want to tank when I constantly get yelled at and sworn at for a wipe that wasn’t my fault? When a dps stands in the fire, it’s some how my fault for their bad positioning.

If a dps pulls mobs and then doesn’t run to me to get the mobs off of them, and the healer pulls healing aggro and dies, it’s some how my fault because I chose not to ruin my mob control and positioning to deal with a dps who refuses to move to the tank when they get aggro. If I run to you and turn the mobs around and they cleave you, that’s my fault. You not running into my AoE to get the mobs off of you is your fault. But that’s still some how my fault.

Tanking is a thankless job. We have a lot of pressure on us from a social perspective, because every single thing that goes wrong will end up being our fault and we’ll end up getting yelled at for it. That’s the problem with tanking.

It has nothing to do with knowing the mechanics, or routes or anything like that. That’s all progression. It’s the social aspect of it that keeps a lot of people from playing tanks.

Hunters are popular and people hate them.

No, this does not do it.

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Correct me if im wrong, but the miss table just represents spells that could have been interrupted but werent. Doesnt actually list why they were missed. Just that they were. Which of course snipes and overlaps contribute to

Cant say ive ever had anyone chew me out over my tanking. Nor have i had a day ruined by a comment about my tanking. I also own up to my mistakes

Henry VIII or Edward VI?

I get that DPS is incredibly satisfying and more fun for most, but if people insist on DPSing, they’ve lost any right to complain about lack of healing or tanks.

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Ha nice catch! Love a good typo.

Lets go edward. Henry was overrated

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The only tank problem is there are too many of them nowdays.

I was thinking, “they’re going to send a Tudor? Talk about going medieval on their tuchus”, but then realized that’s stretching medieval a bit and is closer to going renaissance on their hiney.

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Too many for guilds/raid/set groups, not enough for pugs is the issue, but running as DPS/healer for TW on other toons has also clued me in on one thing some tanks fail to do:


I am not kidding, I have seen, and kicked, tanks that zoom ahead yet let mobs beat on the other group members. Tanks may set the pace, but their 1st job is being the one that keeps mobs on them as much as possible.

Way too many for pugs is what I am talking about. Borderline ridiculous now days.

And how did the DPS get aggro in the first place. Is it perhaps because they were dpsing before the tank rounded up all the mobs

I suspect most of those tanks are not tanks as much as DPS wanting fast queues.

This is what I run into on my tank toons, on at least 2 others is is cause tanks run by casters and does not stop at all, so anything they did not pull gets pulled by the DPS/healer or the DPS/healer gats aggro trying to keep up with the tank who is not looking out for his group.

Well it’s different on heroic because you can take many hits as a DPS and be fine but yea mythic difficulty those casters hurt

I ran into these issues in timwalking, it was bad enough that the DPS/healer were dying to casters or just getting meleed by pats.

Cant get aggro if you dont interact with the mobs and just keep up with the tank until he stops

How do you make tanking challenging and interesting without demolishing the low skill floor players it currently has?

Most good players loath tanking for how braindead it is currently.

I will say that before we judge tanks that they are put into a position where if they don’t pull enough people get mad. And if they pull too much people get mad. If they stop pulling and try to group up mobs they get the DPS that keep running and pulling ahead. Doesn’t help also that some tanks just have bad kits for grabbing threat at times. Ff14 is so much easier to tank on with spammable high threat generation AoE

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Let me put it this way, I at least try to do my rotation while pulling mobs into the next group, so I can keep threat on mobs. The ones I got kicked were those that did not even seem to be trying to establish aggro in the first place.

While you are right that peopel will get mad if tanks pull too much or not enough, but then there are ones like me that don’t care how much the tank pulls, AS LONG AS THEY GET AGGRO on all that they pull.

As a note, I tank on all classes that can except druid, so I know what tanks deal with, but when I am doing dungeons on my DPS or healer, I do look to see if I am dealing with a DPS looking for a fast queue or one that at least tries to be a tank, I.E. they might pull a lot but they are also smamming as much AoE as they run to build threat on mobs.

Another reason why shadowmeld is the best racial

So for clarification, missed list is spells that can be interrupted, but werent.

Double checking it all, all missed spells correspond with the proper spell damage being taken.

The character who “missed” was just the one targeted for that specific spell/cast, which is why the Disc Priest was showing up on the list as well