The tank problem

Hard to argue with that. Kind of the difference in roles. Blizzard should be shifting more responsibility onto DPS but a lot of people would hate that because it would mean so many failed keys.

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Blizzard IS shifting more responsbility onto the dps. Keys are already failing.

A lot of +12s fail by the first pull because dps can’t do the numbers.

Let alone the interrupts.

If you don’t mean numerical dps value, what do you think Blizzard should do? An only target can interrupt thing? (personal incorporeal.)

Pattycake, but for dps.

What are we arguing about exactly? Like what’s the main argument.

Yea 100% agree with all that. I do kind of agree that it’s strange the only utility people seem to talk about is interrupts. Probably more to do with dungeon design this expansion favoring high interrupt classes like prot pal for instance.

And then we have some DPS that can’t interrupt much at all

We’ve had the perma cc era of DF S4. Pull everything, and it must die before stuff actually happens else everyone is dead. Don’t think that’s better exactly.

We also have moonkin which has a 1 min aoe interrupt for flavor. (Skull bash while existing, is allegedly, cumbersome to take.)

Skull bash would be ok if they changed pretty much everything about it lol

Only if happens during the cast timer of an interruptable ability. Like you can see Druid using Incap and Typhoon and counting it as interrupt because it was done during the cast timer

Edit: misread the miss part of the table but too lazy to change it.

This is what you claim, yet we cannot find a single run where the DPS are not using self heals, defensives, interrupts and other stops, and off healing.

Hes claiming hes the only important one in a group.

He can 4 man a 15 without dps doing anything but DPS. No defensives, no interrupts/stops, no active off healing. On and time it. Because its all on his shoulders and no one else has any responsibility in the group besides him lol

Maybe an old 15 I’d believe but this season idk

Or go the scenario route where it’s balanced for any combination of roles (though I assume it would be impossible to balance something like M+ that way).

Maybe a specialized group.

In a specific dungeon.

The no defensives, interrupts, stops, would be quite taxing.

And it would be a group that’s playing way below what they normally do. Like ones doing 20s, cause you’re already kicking someone out at the start.

Bench aug? hah. Then you just need a specific dungeon where the tank can carry.

Mists of tirna scithe, to the rescue.

Yea it sounds pretty wild. But if bro is doing 15’s like that he’s got my respect

He’s not 4 manning them though and outright carrying someone. I just think the limitations provided are theoretically possible.

Hes not doing any of the things hes claimed. Which is why this thing has devolved to what it is

Vlonq needs an award for arguing against two walls simultaneously for so long.

It’s amazing seeing how many “View Hidden Reply”-s are in this thread, and yet he continues (as a 3200 rated Tank, posting ON that character) to argue against people who haven’t hit 2.2k in any season life time. Not even the inflated rating seasons.

They’re not here to learn, or have meaningful conversation. They’re spamming hundreds of replies a day just trying to argue.

It is entertaining though. Seeing you try to explain that “Mobs not casting spells is a good thing” has been a humoring dinner time read.

If you’re going to fling insults, at least, be factual.

People exaggerate stuff all the time. Theoretical potential is not actual performance, and unless if there’s actual proof someone has done something, it’s just fantasy.

I tank and my wife heals and there are zero problems.

Wife: Hey honey im having trouble with healing you can, you pull less?

Me: sure.

Me: The DPS put a vote to kick you, reason “AFK” yeah okay you are sitting right next to me. If they vote you out, im out.

Wife: Okay there was some quests i wanted to clean up.

Wife and Husband tank/healer = zero problems.

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Vlonq makes multiple baseless claims that are quite easily debunked and he doubles down on his nonsense not understanding how interrupts are logged into the system.

Makes bogus claim to inflate his own ego with bad faith arguments and everyone else are the ones who dont want a meaningful conversation. Lol got it

As a tank, I love big numbers because the quicker stuff dies the less chance of me dying.

Should tank dps be around regular dps? no. if regular dps is 1M and healer is 300k, tank should be about 500k.

Trade off more dps for more control of the enemies… more silence/stuns/knockups/inturupts/pulls/roots ect…

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TBF, both Faux and Grizzle are competent players with M+ history in their Feats of Strength.

I did demonstrate my ignorance of how the miss table worked, but relearned something so it wasn’t unproductive for me.

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