The tank conspiracy:

No, BRM didn’t need a nerf.

The 10% is still largely inconsequential for most tanks though. I didn’t even need to be in D-stance for M0s… but M0s are, of course, trivial content and always are.

Besides, balancing the game around low end content (which is all we have at the moment) is silly.

I’m looking forward to jumping into keys again next week though. Should be a lot of fun.


Eh, you’re honestly probably right for about a third of the tanks in PUGs these days.
I enjoy playing tank, I enjoy the class/spec fantasy, and will continue to play Prot after the nerfs. So will a good majority of other tanks, I think.

I do have to admit, I’ve enjoyed the “buff” we’ve had lately.

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Yeah, it’s 0s though. One stiff breeze above heroic.

Absolutely this. People that tank because they enjoy it will typically continue tanking regardless of what the tuning looks like.

I love tanking m+ and have for years. :heart:


tanking isn’t a choice, its a lifestyle… personally, I wouldn’t -want- a tank who was only doing it because it was the fotm. because they aren’t going to have the right mindset for it.

Id argue a lot of the crybabies on the forums are exactly that.

I dont think Ive ever whined or threatened to quit over a nerf. I decide what it is I wanna play and I ride with it. FOTM rerollers and ego players are the ones who cry.

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I don’t subscribe to a lot of the conspiracy but just anecdotally have always felt like there are less healers than tanks. I’ve always (until now) have played trinity classes so I can quickly fill that last role, and it was disproportionately heals.

Tanks were so ridiculous and I’m sure they still are to some degree(normal/heroic/m0). As for m+ who really cares? That’s a group effort and eventually you’ll run into a wall no matter what.

Yeeh in Mop where the out level the dungeon by about 100+ ilvls at that point there is no trinity . You are welcome to tank full dungeons /raids in current content as Fury warrior or as Feral dps . Trust me It won’t go well.

Where ?? You are saying you can tank the entire dungeon /raid with dps class then go ahead then :rofl:

End of story once again


Was doing that centaur world quest tonight, where you kill the two named mobs in the arena.

I waited for the two (they come out together in a single fight) to spawn, I had a smoke while the fights were cycling to the fight I needed.

They finally spawned and I went in and tanked them, finished the quest and left, all good.

Or so I thought…

I get a nasty pm from a Deathknight who is giving me hell because I didn’t stay and keep fighting (and tanking) the mobs for him. “What’s your deal dude, you just take off and leave like that after the fight, You retail guys are all trash”

He logged off before I could reply.

And I’m thinking “STHU you little P (word for cat) and tank it yourself, you are a Deathknight FFS”

He felt entitled to having me there as a tank for as long as he needed, the entire time I was there I was never grouped with anyone and nobody ever spoke to me and I never spoke to them, but how dare I do my quest and leave without staying there and tanking the next 6 rounds of the arena for him!

Some of these people complaining about tanks attitudes should look in the mirror sometime.

To be fair, I really do want a shaman tank.


That’s bizarre.

My Frost DK can better self-sustain than my Brewmaster Monk, at this point.

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I chose to play tank cause I felt dumb hitting a boss in the back of the ankle for 5 minutes.

As a tank I actually fight the boss. I gotta react to their attacks or be heavily hurt. When I DPS’d, i basically just watched a meter and didn’t stand in fire. It was dull.

These people have mental deficiencies. Not even trying to throw insults. I truly believe this. I really think they are low IQ people that don’t quite “get” basic concepts.

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I think they’re just self-centered. They think everybody else who plays is there solely to satisfy them.

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I play a tank because I found it to be a nice fun change. But I only tank for friends.

Meanwhile tanks will go on and with better gear not even notice the 10%.

…because the opinion within is so dangerous, triggering and on the cutting edge.:joy:

Are you willing to keep up with this nonsense? I appreciate the bumps and your two cents, but woah you just keep piling up the pennies.

Well, thats like, your opinion, Wariya. I’ve had fun tanking. I don’t mind healing either. But of course it won’t go well if I decide to tank on my mage. He’s not a tank!

Do I need to make that more clear? Hang on…


Did you hear me?

Id say thats 50% the reason 2nd half is someone has to do it and not everyone who tries is good at it. Many a group over the years tank got squashed and group/raidwipes because they didnt have the reflexes or understand how to mitigate dmg.

We went down this road in cata it was a disaster with the bring the class not the mentality. I dont expect this to stand for long as folks will refuse to heal if it becomes an unending stress.

Buddy its your statement mate if you want to tank with a dps and then go ahead . I don’t mind bumping a thread of looney saying this is the reason tanks should be nerfsbecause dps can do the job as well :rofl: :rofl:

What part of a tank that never dies guarantees progress vs a dead tank doesn’t …oh wait dps can do the tanking all on their own you never needed a tank in a first place am I rite :rofl: :rofl: