Orrrr if the tank were to monitor and give educated guesses on “how much to pull” or “what the classes can do”, progress can be made EVEN IF it was one group of mobs at a time. Ergo making progress.
End of story. Or are we going to continue this pointless story of yours?
While we are touching on tanks in pvp. maybe everyone’s thoughts on if the structure of how tanks are handled in pvp needs to be re evaluated.
Like i think they should re think how tanks fit into the pvp brackets.
They shouldn’t need to have significant nerfs vs pve base values.
so imo, tank classes should count as 1.5 players.
in a 2v2 bracket. this means, rounding up there would only be 1 tank vs 2 dps or 1 tank vs 1 dps and one heals.
Tanks want to feel tanky. they want to be able to take large amounts of damage and survive. damage wise it should be about the same as a single dps which should be balanced in that situation 1v2
in 3v3 brackets there should be 2 tanks vs 2 dps and 1 heals or 2 tanks vs 3 dps because of the 1.5 player count value of a tank in this restructure.
in solo shuffle its fine to generally count them as 1 dps because the round ends after any 1 player dies and so it does not have to be a the tank.
in BGs tanks shouldn’t take increased damage but the tank role should be set to a 2 limit.
Then, imo Tanks in pvp should all be given a aura buff that reduces all damage of party members in a 25 yard radius by 40% (excluding other tanks)
this way, tanks become a critical role and Target in team fights. you want to take out the tank first and the tank can have the fantasy of being the one protecting and defending their group by taking the damage and threat.
I can’t speak on the basis of PvP. PvP is a meme to me. I haven’t touched this in a LONG time.
if the tank dies the heals + dps does not progress is pointless to you as well as an attitude of players should not be considered as a point of balance is also pointless then your entire thread is pointless as the basics of the trinity is lost with you .
End of story
Sure they can. If they’re in the middle of a mob fight and the tank dies to some unforeseen move that ends up one-shot, one DPS class could rise up as a temporary tank role and finish the fight. You’re telling me you’ve never seen a fury tank take the role of a protection tank? Or a feral druid going bear form? How about a frost DK switching to Blood Presence?
You wanna keep this up Wariya? Lets go. I’m having fun countering you.
If Blizz wanted me to keep tanking they should have given Evokers a tanking spec. I used to tank all the time but how fun Evokers are took me by surprise and I’m maining one pretty hard (for a casual).
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That’s a completely different story. The argument here is that casters didn’t get anything for awhile. Or so it goes. Be a healer anyway.
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They should have at least Drac’thyr be warriors or something.
all the tanks in my guild that i’ve spoken too are 100% in favor of the nerfs, because they recognize that in the current state they are too strong, and as a result just aren’t any fun to play, because there is zero challenge in it.
we brought one guys brand new lvl 70 alt who was still rocking about 50% shadowlands gear 50% quest gear into some m0’s and even he thought it was way too easy. (healer wasn’t even massively over geared either, a mixture of quest and heroic dungeon with a couple m0 pieces)
Your guild has the right ideas. They sound ready.
that may happen after its story point of them just waking up knowing one thing, its be evokers.
but its kind of feels like the decision arguments for not having a tank or melee spec is too influenced by the game’s role break down instead of if it makes sense.
might have been a different story if there were some lore reasons why it wasn’t possible. you would think the “perfect” army would be more well rounded in combat.
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lot of people don’t realize the knock-on effect of overpowered tanks can actually have.
if the tanks are OP then not only are they getting bored because there is no risk or challenge, but the healers will also get bored because they don’t have any real work to do, which yeah, that means they can focus on dps more, but that also means dps gets easier because you don’t need to worry about avoiding damage as much (because you know the healer can just top you up since they got nothing better to do)
top to bottom it just removes so much of the challenge that it becomes boring for everyone.
Given that i was able to solo 2 out of 4 mythic dungeon bosses week 1 in roughly 341 average gear, and some of that was decently farther below, i can see how a reasonably challenging “solo” encounter would be quite easy in a group.
the passive 10% nerf is certainly a good change that doesn’t harm the play style.
the DR was needed in legion because mobs basically needed a kite meta. thats not fun for tanks. tanks shouldn’t be running from mobs. they should be taking the hits and mitigating it either in generated DR or by managing their self healing.
Except no one in your guild has tanked end game content this expansion since there is none, so all these dumb posts about wanting tank nerfs isn’t warranted.
And neither is your attitude. Bro you don’t even know who they are.
The 10% nerf isn’t really a big deal for most of the tanks. lol
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For the highest and lowest threshold tanks it is.
BM monk doesn’t deserve the nerf.
Little tip, if you are struggling to keep up with tanks, take engi on your healer and use northrend nitro boost tinker. Helps big time. But even with just core mobility, it is not that hard to heal a forward playing tank. Put a marker on them and continue walking towards their marker using instant cast heals, stop for casts when they stop. If someone is consistently overpulling and pressing your mana, just say that is happening instead of getting all whiny.