The tank conspiracy:

While we are touching on tanks in pvp. maybe everyone’s thoughts on if the structure of how tanks are handled in pvp needs to be re evaluated.

Like i think they should re think how tanks fit into the pvp brackets.
They shouldn’t need to have significant nerfs vs pve base values.

so imo, tank classes should count as 1.5 players.
in a 2v2 bracket. this means, rounding up there would only be 1 tank vs 2 dps or 1 tank vs 1 dps and one heals.

Tanks want to feel tanky. they want to be able to take large amounts of damage and survive. damage wise it should be about the same as a single dps which should be balanced in that situation 1v2

in 3v3 brackets there should be 2 tanks vs 2 dps and 1 heals or 2 tanks vs 3 dps because of the 1.5 player count value of a tank in this restructure.

in solo shuffle its fine to generally count them as 1 dps because the round ends after any 1 player dies and so it does not have to be a the tank.

in BGs tanks shouldn’t take increased damage but the tank role should be set to a 2 limit.
Then, imo Tanks in pvp should all be given a aura buff that reduces all damage of party members in a 25 yard radius by 40% (excluding other tanks)

this way, tanks become a critical role and Target in team fights. you want to take out the tank first and the tank can have the fantasy of being the one protecting and defending their group by taking the damage and threat.