No, she’s dumb. Has a great voice though.
Excuse me !!! Not only are Blood Elves attractive, beautiful and feminine, we are smoke’n hot.
I would be good with them swapping Jaina and Sylvanas. That patricidal dog deserves to be in the maw more than Sylvanas. #FREESYLVANAS #FORTHEDARKLADY
Everybody agrees with that.
That’s why modern blizz had to scuff Sylv’s face in SL and scuff Alleria’s face/branding in TWW.
They killed Sylvanas the second they made her convinced by the weakest villian in warcraft history.
Like he got her to join his side? lol? how did she not see right through him. So inbeliebable and butchered her character to high hell. Sylvanas would never trust some death god. Or anyone.
I wish they went “she was being mind controlled” route because at least that would believable. But ideally she should’ve been siding with us against lamer arthas from the get-go.
Imagine having no sense of aesthetics or beauty at all. Real women must constantly disapoint you. Pity. I find them gorgeous.
I’m hoping she’s consumed by the madness of the maw and never returns. Like ever… Not even as a plot component or anything.
I appreciate folks based on their merits, not on superficial things like gender, plumbing, colour, etc.
Try it out some time.
From the Legion pre-patch and onwards Blizzard Devs/ writers, one in particular, butchered their biggest Cash ticket by decimating Sylvanas’s story and lore, and thus alienating huge swathes of WoW fans.
Honestly, I’ll never forgive them for what they did to such an interesting, dynamic, lore-rich character whom I and many, many people have loved for a long time.
They did a strong female character very dirty and there’s no surprises there, but that takes nothing from the deep disappointment I still feel.
I welcome her back under EVERY circumstance; make the last few expansions dreams (nightmares) for all I care, just bring Sylvanas back and put a good woman writer in charge of her character going forward, with no input from any dev involved in the incident, or friends with the one who controlled her story, who has since been proven to be so… ughhh.
How was this allowed to happen? What were they thinking.
Never forgive!
If she ever comes back, everyone will be ready and waiting to separate her head from her body.
Wow you are the most uptight person I have ever stumbled into on the forums, sorry I responded to you lmao, imagine being offended because someone responded to you.
What are you trying to say? She’s a Mary Sue? And so what? Are you acting like Sylvannas power wasn’t “borrowed”? I need more explanation.
What does a 1v1 have to do with raw power? Sylvannas can’t subjugate an entire race and kingdom instantly, even if she can eventually somehow kill Xal in 1v1 combat (highly unlikely).
Without their powers, Sylvannas dies instantly to a Void god?
You’ll be waiting a long time fan boy.
you just called me, uh, “offended”, then proceeded to display how offended you are that someone may have called out bad storywriting in another AAA project. If that’s even what they were alluding to, lol. You just saw red lol
I never used the word “offended” and I have no idea what you are talking about. Bye.
Who is Xal’atath? Who cares, her and Sylvanas will eventually have a huge pillow fight, oops I mean battle, and then Thrall and Tyrande will get involved… not sure what happens next.
She can’t powerslide into another mourneblade and die again soon enough.
For all we know Xal is an actual Void lord or Void god. That’s exactly right, we don’t know, but what we do know are the limitations of the older major baddies and none of them can do what Xal has demonstrated lol, it’s that simple.
imagine being offended because
I never used the word “offended” and I have no idea what you are talking about. Bye.
Thanks for finally leaving
im just ready for the one and only sylvanas aka the great one to make her return and come back to the horde and fix azeroth!
nah lol
I’m looking forward to her pretty face making a comeback instead of horseface mcgee blizz added in SL.
Who you calling horseface?