im just ready for the one and only sylvanas aka the great one to make her return and come back to the horde and fix azeroth!
we gave her a well deserved rest after the powerplay of deactivating that jailer imbecile
now its time to just get back to it
Wraith of the Maw Sylvannas looks like a Horde peon cutting a tree compared to Xal’atath emerging from a wall and then subjugating an entire kingdom instantly. Just sayin’.
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I’m hoping for her to make a dramatic return (possibly during Midnight).
Having her return be proceeded by a saving aimed shot before she steps out of the shadows with a bada** one-liner would be awesome!
(honestly, I’d be more than a little disappointed if wasn’t something like that.)
and she does the superhero landing pose
and the music goes all marvel
face, it might as well have already happened, see you in a few years.
Don’t call it a comeback!
somethin’ somethin’ for years.
getting tired.
Windrunner fatigue. It is too soon to even include Alleria in the story imho. Maybe that is why they changed her appearance so she doesn’t look like Sylvanas, not sure. I used to really like Sylvanas but it is too soon. Maybe after The Last Titan.
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She earned that all-expense paid vacation to Hell, it’d be rude of her to end it early.
I hope we never see her again except some side quest that almost nobody does where they find her scrubbing toilets in Hell.
I’m looking forward to her pretty face making a comeback instead of horseface mcgee blizz added in SL.
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The World of SYLVANASCRAFT must end. For the love of all that is sacred kill this terrible character off already!!
Simps of this level usually end up buying the target of their affections cars and vacation houses.
Can you do that for a video game character?
OP, wouldn’t it just be easier to buy one of those body pillows?
Horse face mcgee?
Inb4 people start simping over Xal.
and having her return to the fields of Quel’thalas to defend Silvermoon once more, but be victorious, would be awesome.
Hard pass… she can chill in the Maw until this current trilogy of related expansions is over.
I do feel bad for the character because she was thrown under the bus by a drunken misogynist writer, but what’s done is done. Genocide and burning of a World Tree is a LONG sentence in the Maw as far as I’m concerned. She can have a redemption arc after The Last Titan xpac.
The power that Xal’atath has is truly “borrowed power”. She was given the power as the result of a deal that she made with N’Zoth. As to what she was without that power? Was she more than just the soul of a blade? That information is lost to antiquity.
So it is unclear if Sylvanas could hold her own against Xal’atath. Could Sylvanas have beaten Xal’atath when the former had the power of death against Xal’atath’s power of the Old Gods? How would they match up without those powers? No one knows.
People simp over furries.
Doesn’t change the fact that blizzard is under strict instructions to ensure female faces in their media must big often portrayed as non-binary and not definitively attractive/beautiful/feminine.
Not sure what you responded to me for. For liking good art? Christ.