[The Sunreavers] The Shattered Veil - Siren Isle: The Siren's Fate (finale!)

Hey friend!

We’re always hoping to expand to other days in the week, but our primary campaign/RP night is Sunday, from 5pm-7pm server time.

Tonight, Sunday June 23rd, the Sunreavers will be enjoying food and drinks at the Wayfarers’ Rest Inn in Silvermoon City from 5pm-7pm server time!

The Sunreavers will be at the Festival Grounds, outside the great Sheppherd Gate of Silvermoon City, this Thursday July 4th, to enjoy some drinks and watch the Magister’s Fireworks Spectacular, continuing a year tradition dating back almost 10 years!

The more the merrier, so come and join us!

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Dragonflight Epilogue
Episode 1: Reports of trouble…

On Sunday night, the Sunreavers two-week holiday came to an end and they gathered at Sunfury Spire to prepare and depart for Dalaran. Magister Sungazer had different plans, however, as he explained that he had heard reports of disturbances in the Ghostlands he wished for the unit to look into before they left. In the Spire, Priestess Belestra explained that weekly reports received from across Quel’thalas indicated ley-line disturbances at the Sanctums of the Moon and the Sun in the Ghostlands.

Given their expertise in this area, the group agreed it would be best to postpone their return home and investigate.

Short on supplies and transport, the group headed to Farstrider Square. Magister Sungazer made his way to the Hunters Lodge and sought out Ranger-Captain Everdawn to request the securing of mounts for the entire party. Meanwhile, the rest of the Sunreavers, led by Spellbow Moonspell, approached a Ranger-Captain to ask for supplies. Proud to be able to help The Sunreavers, the Captain offered arrows and other supplies for the archers in the group. She also warned of reports of trespassers being tracked by the Fatstriders in the Ghostlands.

The Hall of Blood, which was just across the way, was next, as Sentinels Sunfeather and Sunmourne found Champion Bachi to ask for weapons, blessings and knights that could accompany the group on their journey. They were met with contempt and arrogance, however, and the conversation was tense. The Blood Knights had not been informed of any disturbances in the Ghostlands and chose to not believe there was anything worthy of The Sunreavers attention there. They were granted a few weapons to take on their journey, but not much else.

The Sunreavers headed to the Shepherd Gate and left the city, making their way to Skymistress Gloaming, who had managed to secure a flock of trained Dragonhawks to provide transportation. While the journey would still take a few days, this would greatly reduce the time needed to get to the Ghostlands. Thankful, the group mounted up and headed for their first stopover at Fairbreeze Village.

To be continued…

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Episode 2 - Camp out in the Ghostlands

The Sunreavers are in Tranquilien.

After a long day’s flight from Fairbreeze Village, the Sunreavers arrived in Tranquilien at the heart of the Ghostlands.
Together they sat by the fire, enjoying ale and wine and partaking in delicious roasted lynx meat and potatos, vegetables and bread, while discussing various topics.

At the end of the evening they set up their tents and retired early, for on the next day they would depart for the Sanctum of the Moon to investigate the distrubances in the ley-lines of the area.

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Episode 3: Revelations of the Void

Following a one night stay at Tranquillien, the Sunreavers rode for several hours to the west, arriving at the Sanctum of the Moon by late afternoon. They were surprised to find no Ghostland Guardians protecting an area of such strategic importance to the defense of the area. Securing their mounts, they proceeded toward the entrance of the Sanctum.

As they approached, they found the area infested with both arcane guardians and mana wyrms. While the guardians appeared to be fiercely guarding something, the wyrms appeared to be somewhat crazed, in search of something as they weaved erratically through the area. Some of them were seen to be finding pockets of intense arcane magic and feeding off it, and then growing substantially in size.

One wyrm in particular seemed to find a source of great magical energy, growing tenfold and turning on the Sunreavers. A quick battle ensued and the group ended the wyrm, who erupted into arcane dust raining down onto the area. Other wyrms quickly covered the area feeding on the remains, distracting them as the Sunreavers moved forward Then, guarding the entrance to the Sanctum, an enraged arcane guardian engaged the group. Once again the group engaged the magical sentinel, suffering some injuries but otherwise ending the guardian and securing their entrance into the Sanctum.

Within the Sanctum, Magister Sungazer headed up to the control assembly that regulates the flow of ley-energies in the area to attempt to regulate the flow of magic. Meanwhile, the other Sunreavers stood in the main chamber fighting wave after wave of mana-wyrms, attracted to the flowing ley-energies emanating from the Magister’s efforts. Several minutes went by but the attempt was successful: as ley-energies returned to their normal flow, the wyrms lost interest and left the general area.

As the Magister returned to the others, he informed them he had discovered void-energies having seeped into the ley-lines, responsible for overwhelming the Sanctum’s wards. He revealed the Sanctum’s magistrix’s corpse lay siphond upstairs, most likely attacked by mana-wyrms when she tried to regulate the flow of magic in the area. Over the next few hours, the group would send off flares to summon the Farstriders to secure the location. They would also bury the Magistrix near the Sanctum where she died in service to her kingdom. Then, they would ride to Tranquillien and then, to the Sanctum of the Sun.

To be continued…

The Sunreavers are welcoming new members from other servers!

With the addition of cross-server guilds starting a week from now, The Sunreavers are opening up their ranks to recruiting members from Moon Guard and other servers.

Upon successful application, you will be invited to our guild discord and, next week, you’ll be able to join the guild in-game!

Comment below for more information or find me on discord (Axiann) to chat about enlisting your thalassian characters from other servers.

Eternal Sun guide you!

i’m not a big fan of playing elves of any kind but I have to admit this makes me kind of want to. Very impressive! good work! :slight_smile:

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Thank you, both for checking us out and for the kind words. :slight_smile:

Episode 4: Dangerous Possibilities

Having secured the Sanctum of the Moon, the Sunreavers raced back to Tranquillien to provide a report to be sent to Sunfury Spire on the presence of void magics in the ley-lines of the Ghostlands. Magister Sungazer, along with Sentinel Sunfeather and Initiate Lorvist, then rode swiftly to the Sanctum of the Sun in order to provide aid, if needed. They were met by Magister Kaendris who explained that the ley-lines had stabilised, but that the Farstriders were still tracking trespassers in the area.

The Sunreavers proceeded due west, toward the Amani Mountains, and found a Ranger conducting a search and was very thankful for aid. The Sunreavers got to work and found a series of unusual clues: flowers that seemed to have mutated to darker versions of themselves, signs of a ferocious fight between two beasts, and birds which seemed aggressive and had glowing violet eyes. The last clue, a Dalaranian silver coin, bewildered and worried the group greatly.

The group continued in search of the other Rangers and found them near the Amani Pass. Knowing they were almost in range of the Amani’s arrows, the group continued their search with great caution. Initiate Lorvist spotted thalassian boot tracks nearby, followed by Sentinel Sunfeather’s discovery of a mutated lynx with tentacles who seemed to be corrupted, and also slain by, the void. Nearby were the remnants of a crushed ley-crystal, not native to Quel’thalas.

Nearby, the Sunreavers happened upon a graveyard, desecrated with runes and symbols indicating some ancient and dark ritual or spell had been attempted. The memorial nearby indicated this was the burying grounds of the honored champions who had fought during the raid on Zul’aman nearly 20 years ago. The purpose of the spell, or the meaning of the runes, could not be discerned.

The final discovery was made possible thanks to Initiate Lorvist’s spectral sight, which allowed him to spot two tears in the fabric of reality. Using his magic, Magister Sungazer was able to seal the first, which was more of a rift than a portal. Then, he cast a spell to discover that the second more stable portal led to Dalaran. Whether this means Dalaran is the next target of these trespassers, or that they hail from Dalaran, is not yet determined.

To be continued…

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Dragonflight Epilogue: Final Briefing

On Sunday, Magister Sungazer led a briefing in the lounge area of the Tower of the Guardians.

The Magister described reports he had acquired since their return to Dalaran, including those describing void magics being detected in several places around the world in addition to those investigated by the Sunreavers in the Ghostlands.

Also experienced around the world: individuals of all walks of life have begun to experience a similar vision, being referred to as a Radiant Song, featuring a melancholic melody and warm, inviting light.

Finally, the Magister read reports received from Argent Vanguard Commander Vadinnar detaling powerful and unatural storms and quakes being experienced in much of Kalimdor, in the South Seas and across much of Pandaria.

The Magister has pledged the support of The Sunreavers in the investigations being lead by the Kirin Tor and has posted a series of assignments on the assignment board for the coming days.

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Portal Network and the Tournament of Ages

Following reports of multiple disturbances around the world, in which echoes of threats from the past have appeared and wreaked havoc on the area, the Sunreavers have opened an extensive Portal Network within the Tower of the Guardians, allowing champions of the Kirin Tor to travel to the various continents and isles of Azeroth and investigate this latest troubling development.

Meanwhile, with visions of the Lich King appearing in Northrend, Magister Sungazer has taken a unit of Sunreavers to the Tournament of Ages to keep a watch on the event and its participants.

On Sunday night, some got to attend the wonderful Opening Ceremonies, kicking off the week-long tourney.

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War Within prologue: Magical Blackouts in Dalaran

On Sunday, the portal network in the Tower of the Guardian, used currently to allow champions to respond to echo assaults all over Azeroth, experienced a power flow issue as flow of magic it was drawing from slowed for a few moments, causing some concern.

Calling his Sunreavers to his meeting, Magister Sungazer explained that while fluctuations in the city’s ambient magical field are typical, that did not usually apply to magic being provided to such an important task. Fearing a more serious issue was at play, he lead the group through the city to investigate.

They began by questioning two Silver Covenant Guardian mages, in what ended up being a tense but respectful dialogue. They learned that while nothing odd had been reported from the Alliance district, there was an issue with the nearby bank. Proceeding there, the group found a chaotic site: dozens of patrons waiting in a long line outside the building and yelling at tellers to give them their money inside.

The bank, it seemed, had lost access to the magical field earlier in the day which had caused tellers to lose access to the magical vaults for over thirty minutes. Word spread quickly throughout the city, and citizens had been flooding the banks asking for their money to be withdrawn.

The Sunreavers then decided to investigate both main entry points into the city. While Magister Sungazer verified that the Violet Gate had also momentarily experienced a power flow issue earlier in the day, all necessary precautions had been taken and portals had been down for an hour until deemed safe for use.

Meanwhile, at Krasus Landing, all was normal. Sunreavers Skymaster Jadzia Summersun, a new transfer from Northrend, explained that a group of gryphons were being prepared to provide constant to-and-from transportation with Suramar City due to some of their teleportation pads being temporarily disabled.

The group met up and discussed their findings. As Magister Sungazer returned to the Tower to check on the portal network, the others made their way to the Violet Hold to ensure that all was well at Azeroth’s most dangerous and important prison. They were greeted by Archmage Asgard of the Violet Citadel who forbade them from getting any closer. He explained that the Hold was being prepared and secured for more power outages, caused by the excess magical usage of the Council of Six as they work on something in secrecy.

For the moment, it seemed, the outages and fluctuations would continue as the Kirin Tor completed whatever worked they prepared in the Violet Citadel.

To be continued…


The War Within: Duskfall
Chapter 1: The Isle of Dorn

The evening air in Dornogal was cool when Magister Axiann Sungazer, though still weakened by injuries, summoned Sateel Whitesinger to his bedside. He warned her of an impending Nerubian assault, suspecting the creatures would exploit the East entrance. Empowered to act in his stead, Sateel mobilized Oraine Richwhisper and Mychaelinsay Sunrune, and they set about fortifying the unguarded Eastern gate. It was clear to the Sunreavers that the Nerubians would strike soon, and they moved swiftly to place traps and activate magical wards.

While preparing their defenses, the warning horns within the city blared—indicating an attack was already underway at the main gate. Yet, the Sunreavers remained at the East entrance, understanding they could not leave it unprotected. As they hastened their work, the cool evening shifted abruptly, and a Nerubian strike team emerged. Two Nerubian sharpshooters took positions on the ridges, raining poison-tipped arrows upon the Sunreavers, while a heavily armored centurion emerged from underground, charging toward the city stairs. Mychaelinsay’s traps slowed the centurion, but it remained a formidable threat.

The Sunreavers took cover on the stairs as Sateel prepared to engage the centurion. However, a High Inquisitor emerged on a distant hill, channeling a destructive Shadow Burst that threatened to annihilate the Sunreaver forces. With quick thinking, Oraine activated the Ward of Shielding, generating a protective prismatic barrier. The deadly purple energy of the Shadow Burst collided with the shield and exploded harmlessly, sparing the Sunreavers from certain destruction.

As the battle raged, Sateel attempted to confront the centurion directly but was knocked back, her weapons ineffective against its armored frame. She fell back to recover as Oraine and Mychaelinsay targeted the Nerubian sharpshooters and High Inquisitor. From behind cover, Sateel managed to take down one of the sharpshooters with a well-placed arrow, while Oraine, engulfed in flames, delivered a decisive blow to the centurion, causing it to collapse as it triggered Mychaelinsay’s traps. The High Inquisitor, just moments away from unleashing another Shadow Burst, was overwhelmed and defeated.

With the immediate threat neutralized, the retreat horns sounded. Sateel correctly deduced that this was merely a probing attack. The larger assault on the main gate had been a diversion, while this smaller strike force had been sent to test the defenses of the city. However, thanks to the swift and coordinated efforts of the Sunreavers, the Nerubians’ plan failed. After ensuring the East gate was secure, Sateel returned to Magister Axiann to report their success, aware that this was only the beginning of a greater battle yet to come.

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Duskfall: Chapter 1
The Isle of Dorn - Dornogal

A day after the meeting of allies in Dornogal, The Sunreavers held their own private meeting in Stonewards’ Rise, Dornogal. They gathered around a large table, Magister Sungazer preferring to sit as he and others were still healing from the events of the Fall of Dalaran.

The group discussed their fury at the Nerubians and their intent to eventually slay the ones responsible for causing so much destruction and death, however they agreed that to rush into the Nerubian’s proverbial nest would be a death sentence. The Sunreavers would bide their time and ensure they are properly prepared for war.

The focus of their search would be the Isle of Dorn and the abundance of titan resources and magics they hope to find to augment their own weapons, armor and enchantments.

Before the meetings end, Magister Sungazer offered a field promotion all those initiates present, naming several new Sunreaver Guardians, Sentinels, Spellbows and Scouts to aid in the coming war. Furthermore, another survivor of Dalaran found the Sunreavers during their meeting and enlisted on the spot.

To be continued…

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Why can I no find you on Discord? I need a sin’dorei home!

You’ve found us! Yay!

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The War Within
Chapter 1: The Isle of Dorn
Episode 2 - Boulder Springs

After a few weeks spent resting and healing, the Sunreavers were ready to get back to active duty and start on their path of retribution and vengeance for all that was lost when Dalaran was destroyed. Following a busy week of potion making, study of the local flora and fauna and scouting the area outside the city, the group left the safety and sanctuary of Dornogal.

Their first stop was the Crossroads Plaza, a busy and popular trading outpost east of Dornogal and central on the Isle of Dorn. Having lost most everything in the destruction of their city and home, they split up to speak to as many vendors as possible, seeing what resources they could acquire for their journey. While some refused to serve elves with little money, a few were generous enough to give meat, mead and some bread, along with reagents for potions.

Having overheard local Earthen describe much activity, including Dalaran refugees housed in villages to the south as well as sporadic Nerubian attacks, the group decided to venture south. After a few hours on the road, the group stopped to rest and check their maps when they heard screaming coming from beyond the next ridge: a town known as Boulder Springs was being attacked by Nerubians. The Sunreavers rushed to help and to slay as many invaders as they could.

The group found dozens of Nerubians terrorizing the locals and immediately set to work. While they quickly made work of the smaller arachnids, those that chose to spray their webbing posed were more challenging, incapacitating each Sunreaver who was hit for several minutes as they struggled to free themselves. Still, the group moved efficiently through the mobs, eventually clearing the streets.

A larger Nerubian General, leading the attack on the town, was the last threat standing and charged the Sunreavers first, spewing poisonous venom at the group. While the group fought hard, those hit with the venom saw their uniforms corrode and their skin burned. Working together, the group assaulted the lone Nerubian with all they had, destroying him utterly as the locals cheered and rushed to thank their saviours.

The Sunreavers will remain in Boulder Springs for a few days as they mend their armor and heal their bodies.

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Episode 3: Boksroot Basin Forest

After a few days spent healing and mending their armor, The Sunreavers were ready to depart the Boulder Springs. As they readied themselves to depart, they learned of a Worldtender named Ingris who had sent a message to the Springs asking for help. A group of champions had recently helped her clear the woods of a major threat, and she was attempting to help the forest heal, requesting a shipment of the healing waters found in the Springs.

The group collected the few belongings they had, including twelve vials of spring water, and headed south, following the path of a river. They were greeted by breathtaking vistas of the Isle of Dorn, including the South Seas to its east. The farther south they travelled, the quieter the area became: the Shalehorn and other wildlife seemed listless and the birds grew ever quiet. The group grew more uneasy as they crossed a bridge and glimpse the sickly forest they had been searching for.

Near the borders of the Boskroot Basin woods, the Sunreavers came upon two Shalehorn engaged in battle fr what appeared to be hours, both beasts showing signs of complete exhaustion while they fought. Through an expert shot, Spellbow Summerleaf managed to tranquillise one of the beasts, the other collapsing from exhaustion immediately after. While a few of them examined the beasts, discovering clouded eyes and labored breathing, it was the two Sentinels, using their Light, who discovered and eventually cleansed the beasts of a powerful infection.

Leaving the sleeping beasts, the group finally entered the woods, discovering beings known as Fungarians infecting local wildlife and fauna, clearly the threat Worldtender Ingros believed to have been removed from her forest. The Sunreavers set to work, clearing a path through the woods, slaying Fungarians and rabid beasts until they found a small Earthen home at the heart of the woods. While the magi of the group detected magical wards, they felt safe to approach and enter the home.

Inside, the group were greeted by Worldtender Ingris, relieved to receive aid and the vials of water. They explained that the waters of Boulder Springs are touched by the Worldsoul beneath Khaz Algar, and as such contain a powerful magical signature, which would help her forest to heal more rapidly. Thanking the group, she offered them food and shelter for the night, asking if they would stay a few more days to continue and aid her in her efforts. Upon taking a vote, the group decided to stay.

To be continued…

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Episode 4: The Opalcreg (part 1)

After several days spent healing the forest and its animals, the Sunreavers prepared to continue on their journey. As they said goodbye to Worldtender Ingris, she bestowed her gratitude in the form of a stone, amber and purple and radiating with magic, which she called a resonance crystal, imbued with essences from the Worldsoul and mined nearby at the Opalcreg. The crystal, she explained, might help them enhance their own powers or abilities, but could also be used as currency in the area.

The group left the Worldtender’s home and began the uphill climb out of the forest. As they trekked, large creatures screeched above, blotting out the sun as they soared by. Though they were out of view, their screeches were identified as possibly being that of dragonhawks, which are not native to the Isle of Dorn. This was very exciting, as the group had not laid eyes on their dragonhawks since Dalaran fell, and they had been assumed to be lost.

Suddenly, the Sunreavers’ climb got harder: the ground had been softened by days of heavy rain and the group found themselves in danger of causing a landslide. With his spectral vision, Dominate was able to find patches of solid ground and guided the group as they leapt from safe spot to spot.

This proved to be a challenge with several misses causing unit members to slip and cause the ground around them to further destabilise. Eventually, enough of them made it to the top of the hill and were able to use magic, ropes and other techniques to help their brethren up to safety.

As they emerged from the forest, the group saw a flock of a dozen dragonhawks soaring overhead and heading east. The group decided to pursue, hopeful to find whatever nests their ‘hawks had found for themselves. As they approached a ridge, the Sunreavers ducked and kept still as they looked down on the Opalcreg, occupied by Nerubian forces. They watched as enslaved Earthen worked the mine. They decided to make camp and gather their strength while they strategize a plan to liberate the mine.

To be continued…

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