The Sunken Temple Raid Adjustments

another retail andy who thinks classic should have retail like raids. i you want to waste your time go play retail.

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When did I say that? Or do you just completely lack reading comprehension? I want the raids to stay easy so keyboard turning clickers like yourself can enjoy them

It was not that unusual in Vanilla and TBC, to have fights that lasted 10 minutes.

I find the retail system with 1-2 minute per boss, kind of silly, but that is just me.

From what I can see, HP on mobs and bosses is still too high, feels like most fights are 10min+

Everything feels fine now except the last two bosses. Eranikus and Hakkar are insane.

I would say the Raid on the whole could use another pass on the HP for all the bosses but also a pass on lessening the damage output of some of the boss abilities. Dreamscythe and Weaver that I had my first attempts on last night seemed to have way to much HP. Also, not a fan of Boss encounters with 1 shot mechanics, and that poison pool in the outer ring may as well be a 1 shot mechanic.

Went in last night killed 4/8 with 9 guildies but mostly pugged. My experience was the first boss is easy. The secound boss is a horrible experience for casters imo. The 3rd boss really ez just shackle the ones that rez or cc them in some way. The 4th boss was pretty tough with the knockback sending you out of healing los plus the dot ticks hitting like a truck after awhile felt kind of like a dps check to kill it before healers go oom. Going back in tonight will update and let yall know how it goes