The stupidity of toy cooldowns

Let’s look at the latest example of this stupidity shall we?

It costs 500 of that Midsummer currency whatever its called. That’s a lot of trecking and dailies just to get a toy that does a firework ring for a few seconds and has a 1 hour CD!

Result? I didn’t even bother. I ain’t gonna farm all that currency for that. Congrats Blizz. Player participation went DOWN!


Yeah this really grizzles my hills. Bobby must need another yacht.


If there were no toy cooldowns, my Draenei could be Blood Elves on the Alliance side permanently!! But that would be way too much fun…

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o wow a 1hr cd toy
there are toys out there with a day cd

The fact the snowball machine has a cooldown as long as it does, and they had the gall to put in a recipe that requires snowballs, wtf Blizz?

Also the Blizzcon mount dropping snowballs that could be looted and sold, it was kinda suspect lol.

It’s to curb people from endlessly spamming the toys, some of which have very visible graphics on other players screens, and people don’t want to be annoyed with someone spamming fireworks over and over and over.


this right here, did people not remember the toy spam at the korthia portal when you zoned in? that brought the server and PCs to their knees?

This is why.


the endless nerfing of the toy box is one of the most bizarre things I have ever seen in 40 years of gaming, mostly because of a small handful of very loud complainers.


Right, because 40 years ago, when the NES first came out, there was online multiplayer/toy boxes in your copy of Duck Hunt.

Get real.

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you can’t be serious right? where did I say I was talking solely about toy boxes , you get real.

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Correct, a 1 hour CD for a very short duration is indeed excessive. So is the 24-hour toy that gives a 2-hour effect that only the player using it can see.

Its because some people abuse toys to the point they can crash games for people. Blame those that cant act like adults.


One toy has a 2 day cooldown or a day

I mean I’ll get it because it’s +1 for toys for All The Things.

But toys need to have their cooldowns reduced drastically or outright removed.

I was the most disappointed by the 12 stringed guitar. Like, 2 hour cooldown and can only be used in an inn?

Remove tbe inn restriction and make it a 5 minute cooldown, come on.


Unfortunately, I do not buy this argument. Look no further than this toy for why I reject that argument:

Doesn’t excuse hour long cooldowns.

3-5 minutes is enough to block spamming.


1 hour, 2 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours, does it really matter?
the point is that its to long of a cooldown for a toy that costs 500 burning blossom and lasts for a few seconds


I literally quoted you word for word, let me do it again since you’re slow (or pretending to be):

I don’t think one hour is that bad. Yeah, I can see how it can be annoying, but you have to think about it in a different way. If someone is constantly spamming that toy it can get pretty annoying after awhile.

Me and thousands of players did the Running of Trolls last night for the Trevor project…and of course we ask players not to use toys but did they listen nope…each time we had to portal some where throwing up toys and Tents and causing DC’s to happen right at the portal areas…children never listen…

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