Do Transformation Toys really need the excessive cooldown?

Wasn’t this also the main argument point against Transmogging? The whole, “I can’t see who they are!?” and you just think, “Click 'em then… Find out?”

But yeah, if there are any arguments, then just disable things for PvP.

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Yes. It’s why we still can’t Transmog cross-types, or transmog certain weapons onto other weapons.

I think the crutch behind limiting players being able to customize their characters being limited by PvP needs to be permanently removed.

If its SUCH a BANE on existance to the common PvP player, then the restrictions should only apply to those doing instance PvP. If you decide to do world PvP, then you accept the risk that someone might be transmogged to look awesome.

I however believe that this crutch, is a made up crutch. Why does it matter? How detrimental is it to be able to see what Race/Class/Spec someone is just by looking at them? Is it even possible with today’s non-limitation on Transmog at least within a type group? I could be a Paladin that looks like a Death knight, or a Warlock that looks like a Priest. The Restrictions for openly being able to express/change your character and utilize toys that do the same should all be lifted. Regardless of where I am, or what I am doing, I should be able to FULLY UTILIZE everything within the game without restriction.


I remember one main thing I hated from people disliking Transmog, and it was the “silly” rule, which is slowly going away. In the start, we could mog the 1h fishes but that got changed later on due to complaints, I guess this is in connection with the PvP complaints?

We should have more freedom on mogging. I don’t mind that a 2h weapon can’t be turned into 2x 1h or a 1h, but, we’re at a stage where a 2h stick can’t be used by a gentleman who swings around a mace five times its mass.


If the developers have moved past this being an issue then surely they could move past the issue of cosmetic toys having such a long cooldown.

The main thing I think that is misunderstood is this is no longer a game played by just the veterans who have been here since the first 3 expansions + Vanilla. There are new people coming in every day and the game needs to adapt to continue to thrive in ALL aspects of the game. RP should not be excluded as a type of mode that gamers enjoy; it should be embraced. This is an MMORPG after all and I’m exhausted because of the limitations to the RPG Aspect because of a mode that was not originally in the game to begin with but was requested down the road, I’m talking about you PvP.


Continuing on this topic, 10.1 introduced a few new transformation items. I’ve only seen a couple so far, but unfortunately Clacking Claw and its toy version, for instance, has an incredibly long cooldown (1 hour) compared to its 10 min duration.


The topic was brought up in the General Discussion part of the forums. Since most members cannot post in the CC forums, if you wish to discuss things further I’ll direct you to the thread in question. :o

The stupidity of toy cooldowns


No toy should have a cool down longer than 10 minutes. They are TOYS


The “pvp reason” for cosmetic restrictions went out the window once they started adding cosmetic sets to the game imo


Your lack of counter argument is not supporting your case as to why they should keep the cooldowns they currently have. If you legit have another reason other than “They are TOYS” then I’d love to hear it but as it stands people want lower cooldowns more than they support your claims.

RPers use cosmetic toys in their day to day activities and the excessive cooldowns on toys hinders the RP aspect of the game.

Again if you have a more valid reason as to why you’re against this, put it out here. But right now your “against it” stance is kind of weak and lacking.


Nobody who actually plays PvP ever is LOOKING at a character to determine much of anything. It’s all weakauras, buff/CD tracking etc. Its an imagined nonexistant issue for a situation that doesnt actually exist. If that is truly the issue


The solution is easier than that still, just don’t allow these toys in a PvP instance. If it’s world PvP that concerns people, then it’s still over so quick that I don’t think it influences much of anything.


I support short cooldowns? I didn’t notice the word toy was autocorrected to you originally.I feel no toy should have a cool down longer than 10 minutes.


All good. Mistakes happen lmao

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I wish we could get a response to this as to why toys have such ABSURD cooldowns, Especially for toys that are purely cosmetic, especially those cosmetic only to the player.

Example, Why does Shadescale have a cooldown of 1 hour? It does nothing but grant the player a dusk enviroment, which to me is much more enjoyable to play in instead of the bright one. *This toy also fails to stay active if you go into an instance and defeat one boss. it is immediately taken off without any interaction from the player and then you must wait a full hour just to be able to apply it again.

It just doesn’t make any sense. Why do these toys have such cooldowns blizzard? Can we get them removed, or shortened by a lot? Cosmetic toys do not harm anything or anyone, yet they’re treated as though they do.

Does me making my game be dusk cause problems to other players? Does me using a toy to change my appearance be such a detriment to other players that we cannot do it often?


Toys having longer cooldowns than their effect and their effects being fragile so as not to even stay active if i am doing much of anything other than afk’ing in valdrakken makes me not see the point in doing the content to farm and acquire them in the first place. It makes me play the games LESS. That seems like an obvious negative to want to avoid, and you’d rather want the opposite. I WANT to feel like i can get a cool thing that takes time and makes me engage with more of the game, but I can’t get a cool thing currently, I can get a disappointingly cheap knock off of a cool thing that is never worth the effort it takes to acquire it, let alone actually care about using it on my character. The long cooldowns make me not even use the toy in the first place, they just sit un-used because is the few seconds or minutes of the effect worth the magnitudes larger amount of time i’d be deprived of using it if i wanted to? no.


We’re honestly at the point where there’s nothing more we can add to the thread in terms of trying to convince the developers to do something about the cooldowns. We’ve effectively crossed every known issue, point, and perspective as to why toys should have lower cooldowns and as it stands all we can do is continue to say “Hey! A response would be nice!” or when a new toy gets introduced we bump the topic just to say “Hey this new toys cooldown doesn’t sit right with us!”

It’s exhausting when this is such a hot debate both here and in the general discussion with multitudes of threads trying to bring attention to toys and there unreasonable cooldowns and we have zero response to show for it.

I’m aware they’ve probably seen the thread, but give us a sign that “Hey we see you, we’re discussing it, but we can’t comment at this time!” would be very nice.


It is pretty upsetting that they haven’t even responded to this issue that’s been going on for expansions at this point.


Not only are the Cool Downs inconsistent and more often grossly over-extended, the inconsistent limitations to them are frustrating to players who just, at the end of the day:

Want to look like and play as NPC’s.

You can give us dozens of Allied Races with Player Skeletons, but it will always feel subpar in comparison to just picking out an NPC and wanting to look like that, either for RP purposes, campaigns, or just for fun.

I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve passed Venthyr models and said “I want to just walk around looking like that, what a cool creature that is.”

Rogue’s Pick-Pocket Disguise Glyph can only do so much and has random limitations. I would die for a Toy or Glyph or Potion that allows players to just look like anything for fun.

Sometimes you don’t care about your transmog or your gear or any of the meta reasons your base character is seen. Sometimes you just want to look like a Gnoll or Sire Denathrius because their models are cool.


Couldn’t have said it better myself.


So the new toy for reaching Tier 2 Soridormi Reputation is a step in the right direction in terms of how it’s used.

The Minute Glass basically has a cooldown of however long you set it at. If you set the time for 5 minutes you have a 5 minute cooldown. I’d like to see all toys encompass this sort of logic. If you use a transformation toy and accidently click it off before it wears off, the cooldown on the toy resets.