The stuns need to go in horrific visions

You can’t even take the time to read the thread or watch the video. If you did you would could understand the problem. Just watch it. The caster dies before he makes the cast. That’s the RNG factor. If they don’t cast it makes the task very easy. Sometimes they cast immediately, sometimes they don’t.

To that, the guy is decked out. He’s playing it exactly how I am. Opens with stun, bleed them up, gets sunfire up and that’s it.

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They always are supposed to start off with a damage spell, then they cast the stun

There is nothing instant about it

Just pray to your “rng” and do it all effortlessly then

and that’s the point here. Take the RNG out of the content. Since it’s a non-issue for melee, why should other specs have to deal with mechanics their spec isn’t built for? It’s so easy for you to deal with and you have a bunch of tools to do it. It doesn’t make it more difficult for you… it literally changes nothing.

You’re not MORE skillful because you have a kick and I don’t. Why not make mechanics that are universal? Obviously there are plenty of mechanics in the game that have nothing to do with kicks AND can still be difficult…

Alright, you just want to be the victim

You don’t want people giving advice or showing that it can be done, there has to be an excuse why you can’t do it

If it’s not your spec, it’s your class
If it’s not your class, it’s rng
If it’s not rng, it’s lag issues
If it’s not lag issues, it’s because your grandmother’s cat threw up on your keyboard

Good luck man, I’m sure you’ll do it eventually

I think the point here should be less about his specific circumstance, be it his fault or not, and more about…

Why have it come down to “Can you kill this mob before it casts a spell that dps could just interrupt” in the first place?

There isn’t any advice to give. People aren’t here to help. Obviously there is an issue in the design. What you want to do is attack the player. That’s it. That’s the norm here. People can’t accept that maybe… JUST maybe, the mechanic isn’t well balanced… like a ton of other mechanics in the game at the moment and the reason why melee are dominating in a lot of the content.

Considering it’s completely a non-issue for you… to the point you don’t even have to do anything to avoid it. You just… kick it. stun it. ams. grip. Do you get that? Do you get that a lot of specs can almost ignore it. OH MAN… look at you. You used your kick button. WOW. you must be amazing. let me get that e-autograph.

I’d recommend using formless void as a minor for the intellect boost.


Another Resto druid, doing 4-masks.

Druids have entangling roots which can be combined with solar beam to lock a caster out for 8 second. Druids can talent into mass entanglement making this even more potent or into mighty bash giving them a 5 second stun. Druids can also talent into treants which will taunt of them potentially causing the mobs to not channel their stun onto them. Druids could also talent into typhoon for the aoe interrupt. Druids can shapeshift which removes all movement impairing effects. Literally druid has one of the best toolkits in the game in addition to doing damage at range and having instant cast abilities than make ground effects less of an issue.

Try killing some of the elites that drop massive aoe underneath of them as the squishiest melee spec in the game.

There is nowhere in the Orgrimmar vision that would require you to use your beam more than once every minute if you pull smart and if you take purification protocol, which you would be stupid not to. You get a free 3 second stun on almost everything in the vision every minute plus boatloads of damage. Its no less than 40% of my overall damage every time a run a vision. I cant think of a single pull that has more than two mobs that stun and I can think of tons of places in the Orgrimmar vision where you can pull muliple packs into a building and drop purification protocal, then beam, then starfall and be totally fine.

I dont play druid currently so take it with a grain of salt but seriously man, it just sounds like whining to me.

Resto druid not balance. No treant/purification.

As resto he doesn’t have solarbeam, treants, iris, or purification protocol

Also with ghastly goulash healing you 2% hp per second, nothing should even be taking you below 80% until 4-5 masks.

Doing horrific visions as a healer spec without other players to help you is just plain stupid. I’m not sorry for saying that by the way. I main resto and I easily have enhancement offspec good enough to do 2 masks.

edit for clarity: I dont mean to say that healer specs dont or shouldnt have the ability to clear visions, I just mean that to me the idea of a HEALER going into any content and killing their their way to the end is dumb. A healer should be good at healing, not killing.

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Phh not playing a melee? Blizzard does not have time for the second class citizen casters!! Go play another game if you want to do that!..or at least I think that is the point blizz is trying to make given that melee have an easier time with most forms of content do to not having to worry as much about stopping their dps plus having great CC

I still don’t get why people are doing these in a heal spec when every healer has viable options. I main Mistweaver but do Visions either as Windwalker or Brewmaster.

Gear falls from the sky and it’s very easy to have gear sets for every spec. I could understand if this was Vanilla where Tanks and Healers were stuck in one spec unless they were rich but with the current game it’s silly to not have a DPS off spec.

I’m resto.

Literally was sold as solo content and was recently adjusted for healer damage.

2 masks. good for you. I’m doing 5. Already done 4 with no issue.

Anything else?

Why? Because it gets expensive trading azerite talents out. Also, my gear is setup for resto. As well as my binds. Could I do boomi? Sure, but I don’t play it and there is no reason the content can’t be balanced around a healer.

It’s really simple.


Instead of the cast stunning you, have it apply a debuff that can be dispelled and will stun you have 2 seconds if you don’t dispel it.

It’s really that simple. Now the content is balanced for healers. It’s really that easy. Instead, they made the cast apply a stun that some specs don’t have tools to deal with.

sure… but we have been getting solo content for tanks, heals, and dps for sometime. Mage tower and the mop challenge stuff. It’s totally possible to balance this for healers in mind.

They could easily swap out that mob if you cue up as a healer. Make dispelling and healing a priority rather then damage. Or, instead of a stun for healers, make it a healing absorb that you have to heal off quickly.

If we get creative, there a lot of ways this could be avoided. Yet, here we are.

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375k isn’t enough to kill you alone, perhaps you could try having some hots up on you if the stun durations too long.

Horrific visions are a pain has Healers due to the lack of Interrupts, thats quite the oversight

Use draenic living action potions. They help :slight_smile:

How do you only have one set of Azerite gear at this point? I have 3 full sets, one for each spec, and I only do one night a week of Raiding and a couple of keys a week. Sure, my Mistweaver set has the best pieces but we’re talking Visions here not running Mythic 15’s or Mythic Raids.

I’m not sure why you mention keybinds as an issue btw. Those are spec based.

There are 3 mobs in the pack and I had a swiftmend ticking on me that did 100k healing. The 375k damage wasn’t the only damage coming in. I agree, I can go into the pull fully hotted. How does that help other healers or just specs with long interrupts or no interrupts?

Why not just… change it?

I do, but they aren’t great. anything else?

Why can’t we just change this one small thing? Is this asking for to much?

Mostly because you can’t have things that need interrupting without doing that, unless you gave healers an interrupt extra action button for visions or something.

Plus, you can interrupt those stuns with stuns, and resto druids can talent a stun, so it’s hardly an undue burden. If you can’t burst 1 medium health mob down in the like 20s or so you’d have until it tries to recast it, you’re not going to finish the run in time. (and pulling the double dominator, while an understandable mistake, is still definitely a mistake that needs fixing) Bonus points in that cyclotronic is probably still a solid choice for a trinket slot, and will basically 1-shot a caster for you if needed.

I’m generally sympathetic to healers in these, especially early on when they had it tuned the same as tanks. But even as a healer, dying multiple times to dominators in +5s should not be happening.