A scrublord druid got his 7th straight attacking WG BG… after 6 forty plus minute losses for 456 honor… he decided to change things. He took the lock cookies, he took the mages cakes, and left the BG. He served his 15 minute penalty box timeout, re-qued (2 minute wait) and won an AV in 11 minutes. then started farming herbs afterwards.
His buddies played for 14 more minutes in WG. And got 456 honor each. 456 honor vs 700 honor, conquest, enjoyment, fair fight, and 1200g farmed in the same time period.
WG has to be changed.
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The Story of Wintergrasp
A rogue got his Xth defending WG BG. He grabbed a tower turret before some ret pal could and delighted in the salty tears of his 5 minute rage rant. After the pal went away he dismounted the turrent and roamed around ganking Horde. Many flag of ownerships were planted on that day. He has no idea how much Honor he earned, nor did he care that the team somehow lost defense on WG. He had much fun killing people.
WG is cool.
Something something I just burned tons of horde with a cata, wasn’t really pvp and I laughed my big chicken butt off.
Got honor?? I guess. My 1 key needs to be replaced now.
Once upon a time, a hero queued epic BGs and appeared in Wintergrasp on offense.
And he lived happily ever after, the end.
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