You do realize that you say in your very post that it’s not a store mount, right?
Just checking.
It’s part of the deluxe edition (CE)
You do realize that you say in your very post that it’s not a store mount, right?
Just checking.
It’s part of the deluxe edition (CE)
“Someone won 3 Poker hands in a row so obviously they’re going to win the 4th hand”
MrGM posted that on April 28th.
He also was clear that this was all SPECULATION
Oh my word people!
Right, but you’re going off a tooltip and claiming you know exactly how it works from there.
I think it’s much more plausible that the mount simply updates its speed when you learn a new rank of riding.
Wonder how many people denying blizz would ever do this are going to be the first ones defending it.
Server Transfers counts as paid character services. The Level 58 Boost was confirmed at Blizzconline. I don’t understand your argument. Sounds like we’re going down a slippery slope and making false equivalencies.
Tell me what makes more sense.
A store mount that is 100% at level 30
Or a store mount that changes speed depending on your skill.
ALL of this except your silly store mount crap has been known for ages!
From the Blizzconline round table.
Everyone stretching so far today!
Id give blizzard the benefit of the doubt, but if that thing runs on 100% id not be surprised. At all. Not even in the slightest.
Its another great incentive for ppl to buy it, so that means more money, because some kids will see this and think “Hey im lvl 40 too and i want to be as fast as this guy”.
While it seems unlikely, i think your forgetting which business runs this game lol.
Ok, hear me out.
First, we don’t know specifics YET.
The mount could have dynamic mount speed related to your training. Have we thought about that? Or just raise pitch forks with no solid information yet?
I could be wrong, but I will wait to see what happens.
It’s all Store, where the hell do you think you are buying it form?
I could run at 100% speed starting at level 1.
I fail to see the issue here.
Included items in a CE edition is NOT the same thing as a LISTED store mount. We all know and understand that except those who want to be angry about something that is not there.
At the time we were not aware that we were getting 2 mounts.
1 for classic and 1 for retail, so it is my assumption that the retail one is the 100% mount that people have datamined.
All items sold on the store are store items. Even stuff that is included in items bought on the store. I’m not saying it’s bad for the company to make some cash. Just stop with the semantics already.
Edit, I do hope you guys like that mount, it’s… different. Too wiggly for me tho.
Yea you could be right, but given what we have seen so far and their blatant disregard of lack of interest for the game and their obvious focus on how to monetize every dime possible from the players… id not be surprised if that thing runs at 100% on lvl 40.
If this thing runs past you in the world while you are on your boring 60% mount, i bet you find some players willing to dish out those extra bucks.
This post is totally wrong, you could get the ranking mounts at 49.
Kindly look at the click bait title he used and then ask me to stop with semantics that point out bad faith arguments.
And I agree with you BTW
I’m hoping that is wrong and it just scales. Which I bet it does.