The stigma against twinking never warranted this

OOOO! You mean like when I go in to a bg at level 74 & it automatically boosts my toon to lvl 79 with a gear boost too? Or if I queued at lvl 79 with gear that was too OP, they automatically deflated the stats? This is what they stopped doing?

….but why?

Yep and 200,000 of your kills from killing none twink players in bg’s Good Job.

Somebody with 300,000 kills wants to sit in a lvl 19 bg and kill people lol nice.

So now all pro twink players have to have the exact same opinion? People have tons of different reasons for being pro twink. Saying they all have to be exactly the same is ridiculous…

You honestly believe more players in a single BG que doesn’t affect que times? I don’t think you understand basic…something. Everyone in one que = lower que times. Two seperate ques for the same thing = longer que times.

What exactly am I “having a problem recalling”? Your version of events that transpired or my own?

I don’t have to sway your opinion on what it was like during vanilla I played in it. Twinks will continue to be this niche group of people, only difference is now their pissed off because a thing most seem to enjoy doing was changed a bit.

Most of them are from my mage and paladin and shaman that were max level in wotlk.

for years pvpers said they wanted pvp to be about skill, and not gear. but as soon as it was… then the QQ train started about how spending time gearing your character and getting stronger was paramount to the rpg experience. essentially a veiled “i wanna wreck noobs who don’t have the time to gear that i do” thing

Except for all the anecdotal and subjective evidence thus far that doesn’t support the pro twink narrative.

Because in my day you’d get blacklisted for talking back to someone. You think you have power, you don’t. We had gank macros for people who talked big.

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OK, yeah. That was a stupid thing to implement to begin with, but I understand why they did it: Because no one wanted lvl 21’s to be in a bg with lvl 29’s. They should just go back to having bg’s grouped with people at 5 level increments instead of 10.

But why did they remove the templates? Was there a lot of complaints about it?

At 120 you start earning epics, seeing the storyline, raiding, and earning pvp gear from pvping. There is nothing beyond level 120, so there is where you earn the gear and play the end game content Blizzard provided. At 120, everyone’s exp is off and they start earning gear, because there is no level beyond 120. TaKe your pick as to which description explains it to you. You’re more than welcome to turn on exp and level up your lowbie and join the great majority of players who are playing at max level

Bro stop it you got 300,000 kill why would that even be fair even if you did not twink clown. any other game if you where good would not put you in a Bronze bracket if you were gold player, so why would you cry about not being able to run a smurf here?

There is no “Pro Twink” narrative. It was dumb back then, and it’s pretty straight up stupid now. The people who got their jollies off kicking around people not as geared or who were looking for something to help pass the time while leveling are the same group of kids crying now that exp off queue is being put back into place.

The threads are not even constructing threads any longer. What you have is someone like @Kem trying desperately to insult other players by making crap up.

Like “Oh, you didn’t play during Wotlk, so you have no clue”. Of course once that’s disproven then it’s something else. Like “Well, If you did you would have 300,000 kills”.

it’s a never ending pile of crap from someone who’s just pissed off.

i’ll be really surprised if you don’t get a vacation from the forums with your attitude in this thread. you’re supposed to be respectful on the forums. you should try reading the terms of use.

Tbh it was a crappy system that removed choice and character customization. Want to focus on a crit build? Too bad, you’ll get these stats and like them! It’s weird because a lot of the forum people absolutely hated WoD and thought Legion was totally awesome, meanwhile I’m over here like “… but Legion and things like stat templates and removal of honor points and gear vendors caused me to unsub.” :frowning:

Fair enough. I’m actually jealous of what new players there are. They don’t know what the game used to be like and what they’re missing. :frowning:

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There’s tons of things that support not splitting people up into two separate brackets, actually. Factual and subjective.

Be that as it may, I’m at least giving the pretense of a somewhat receptive and objective interest in the topic, or at least this thread.

Which is my point thus far, that many of the arguments presented have been either objectively impossible to reconcile on Blizzard’s end or otherwise directly contradictory of other points in this thread.

Then why has this thread done such a poor job of presenting them?

Be careful. He has power. He’s clicking his gank macro right now. You’re gonna get it so bad, you don’t even know.

All you do is down-talk and drop threats of a forum ban. You don’t have any opinion on the matter of twinks except “they’re bad”.


A lot of people hated it. It really steamrolled over any character customization. You don’t get to pick your gear, your character just is what it is whether you like it or not… functionally anyway… you could still transmog yourself to look like a chef if you wanted to :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t think it has. Myself and a bunch of other people have given tons of good reasoning why separating people into two groups is bad for the game.