The stigma against twinking never warranted this

Well, that’s not true at all. In the 20 bracket, right now, I have an estimated 7 minute que time (yes, exp off). At 120, estimated time is 3 minutes. That isn’t a big difference if you ask me.

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You are moving the goal post because I wrecked your argument. Now you are saying that we should all worry about the new player experience because their opponents will simply exist.

You probably played on some trash PvE battlegroup then. There’s no other way you would not of seen twinks around.

Twinking is fine and a fun thing to do in down time, twinks in XP on isn’t fine, not much else to say.

What did the templates do? Sorry, I haven’t followed pvp changes much. Was thinking about getting back into it.

In an average BG there was only 1-3 twinks at most. Separating and trying to fill an entire BG roster of just XP off players will take days.

More players in a single bracket = lower que times, twinks or not.

They should unlock all the abilities for characters and just make a separate pvp instance. For all players to que together. I know I’m getting annoyed at pvp for having to lvl characters all the time every single year just to participate in it. If it was like shooting games where you can participate with max lvl tool kits right away that would be a better experience to lvl.

So you agree then that the exp off is a non issue because the root issue has nothing to do with twinks but player pools?

It locked everyone to the same ilvl. Boring basically.

Not sure how you think you “wrecked” my argument, unless you still don’t understand it. There are people in this thread saying twinks are unfair vs new players. I’m saying enchanted looms are equally unfair vs new players, yet nobody complains about those. The only thing you “wrecked” is your own reading comprehension.

Templates were like an invisible set of armor that your character wore inside a bg. Your own gear didn’t really matter, but your overall ilvl did effect your performance. It didn’t matter if you had all haste gear, or all crit gear, your template decided what your stats would actually be inside a bg. Things like trinket procs and such were the only real way you had to customize your character.

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So, i trash your arguments, point out your stupidity, and your rebuttal is “I must have played on some trash pve server”? I started out playing on Bleedinghollow as alliance, when pvp servers were a thing. Most of my game time was spent on pvp servers.

Man, trying to insult someone based on halfassed guesses seems pretty stupid to me.

I am genuinely curious to read what other dumb crap you have to post.

Alright, maybe I missed some of your posts and didn’t get the right impression of what you were trying to say. I will totally agree that the “what about the noobies” argument is preposterous, as they will get destroyed by everyone regardless.

edit: And also… genuine new players are like the Loch Ness monster.

Are you talking about XP off being a separate que? It is an issue. It’s alienating a percentage of the player base and killing off a part of the game for them. It also lengthens the que time for regular players.

People should be able to play how they want. Next thing is people over X ilvl at max level are going to be moved to their own ques too because people are to lazy to gear at max level, too.

I am against the idea of limiting the ways people make their own fun, however, I still find myself struggling to feel bad for twinks who get their kicks by one-shotting other low level players. :man_shrugging:

So you never played a WOTLK DK? from day one they were killing players 5 lvl higher without even blinking an eye. a Dot? they had so many tools that would kill a person that if you did kill one they could resurrect their self as a ghoul and still self destruct on even after they died. Bad at PVP lol I have over 15000 players kill and stop doing any real PVP because there are no true PVP rewards in this game.

I’m talking about how all these pro twink and exp off que arguments have been wildly conflicting with each other.

So far the only thing close to consistant (and not even that) is the suggestion that in some nebulous way, more queue times than just twinks may be affected.

Thus far, the evidence has deemed that twinks will remain irrelevant to that issue because that issue will persist no matter which queue twinks end up in, which means the separation is a non issue.

I was in Durotar on this warlock, lvl 70 beating lvl 80s in duels all day on BH, my team was a glaive rogue, boomkin, and warrior with 30k hp. If you didn’t see people like us you literally didn’t PvP or were blind. I also macro spammed for 70 invites back then. We were just one guild, there was dozens. Also was a 70 alliance hunter on Ruin BG that had Scarab Lord. You don’t remember?

Seems weird you can’t recall.

you do realize you’re exactly the type of person the non-twinks in this thread are talking about with being toxic and disrespectful and trying to ruin others times right? you’ve spent the entire thread so far being rude to people who don’t agree with you. the level 60 belf is knighting twinking too but being polite and disagreeing respectfully. that’s the difference;.

I have 300,000+ PvP kills, but you know best.