The stigma against twinking never warranted this

That’s really easy for someone without a vested interest in twinking to say, but totally unrealistic if you actually think about it.

The twink population is spread among 100+ levels. Nobody is going to want to completely abandon their character that they worked on for who knows how long, nor will there ever be an agreement on what is the “best” bracket that everyone should play in. There is a massive difference between twinking at 19 (only 1 talent, can’t even use mounts) and twinking at 119 for example. Totally different play experience.

You may as well be suggesting that people abandon their current accounts and make new ones.

I am in fact, and that is not my, nor Blizzard’s, nor all the ‘average’ pvp’ers problem.

I could make any number of comparisons but I’ll shorten to such for now; Yeah dude. That’s the cost of your hobby.

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I said this before many time, I have played this game form the start and twinks sitting in BG killing new players to wow is killing the game. 10 Year ago there was no twinking you were just there with the best gear you could get and that was fair.
To watch this so call good PVP who all ready have exp/ time PVPing kill players who may be their first time even playing WOW is killing the game. If I was new to WOW went to a bg at say 20 got boosted to 29 with lvl 20 spells and got camped at the graveyard by a team of twinks what do think I’m going to do? Leave the BG take the deserter buff and never come back.
A Lot of these twinks want to see the game burn and saying that you are good when the fact is if you where any good why waste your time farming kills in a low BG? For Fun? Na it is more than that because who would find it fun to bully people or pick on somebody who can’t fight back over and over? They should Take gear out the BG’s and make it like a League of legends where you start with nothing and have to get your gear in the BG as you fight and reset every bg that would make it far and test your so called skills.

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Almost everyone in Wotlk had a twink, that’s how popular it was. Twinks have been around since day 1. So obviously you don’t know.

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Ehh. It wont be that bad. Things will basically go back to how they were from Cata to pre-Legion.

This does concern me though… Whenever I see this much ignorance concentrated in one place, I fear some sensible person may come along and be duped into thinking there is some legitimacy here. It’s this sort of stuff that should warrant reporting.

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Wrong twink have not been in the game day one because the gear you needed to say twink was stuff that you needed and gear was hard to come by. So you showed up in the BG with the same gear you played in and that was that was hard as hell to get let alone trying to gear out 2 toons. You have not be playing from day 1 lol. WOTLK did not have twinks it had DK’s and trust me no twink was killing a WOTLK DK Pre nurf.

I have bad news, your memory is really, really bad.

First of all, twinks before nerfs happened were a big deal. Remember lvl 19s with capped evasion killing lvl 70s and 80s? I do.

Second, a ton of classes destroyed DKs. Priests, Warlocks, Paladins, Druids, and Hunters could all hard counter DKs.

yeah man, “everyone in Wotlk had a twink” it was so popular you couldn’t get a damn experience off queue to pop with in a decent time frame.

Twinks have always been a niche form of gaming in World of Warcraft it has never been main stream. Before this recent reversion to the way the battle grounds queue worked there were the same old complaints before.

“We don’t twink to dominate low geared players using battle grounds as a form of leveling while questing and doing dungeons. The twink community wants a fair fight versus other twinks”.

That is the kind of crap I read then, and it’s the same crap I’m reading about now.

Twinks wanted such a fair fight they couldn’t mobilize enough of their own damn players to get the queue to work in a some what decent manor.

Lets cut the crap out of some these dumb posts please.


No class killed a WOTLK DK pre nerf stop it. Just stop lol

That is totally false. XP on queues were just fine. They melded them back together because they implemented pvp templates and the templates would limit the difference between a twink and a normal character.

Templates are gone now, so that is why they are separated. It’s laughable that people keep trying to say that twinks somehow prop up low level bg’s. Twinks can’t get games, normal queues are unchanged.

Calm down captain new to the game. First of all Twinks were huge, then they added XP to bgs which killed off a lot of twinks. They later introduced the XP off option, but it was separate queues which was fine for awhile, but queue times got really long and most people quit.

Then they merged them again and twinking was insanely alive again. Ton of my friends out in Durotar and Goldshire. Patch day hits, everyone’s gone. Way to kill a community quick Blizz, they quit early because we knew the eventual outcome.

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Currently normal ques are due to things like new allied races, slowly the que times will continue to climb to ridiculous levels again.

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That’s because there is literally only 1 or 2 stat points between heirlooms and the gear that you get from the bg’s themselves. They are often the same exact stat values.

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You’re bad at PvP then. Priest could put a ticking dispel on themselves, no dots from the DK, no damage. Easy kill.

Why & when did they remove the templates?

They removed them with this last patch, the same time they split the twinks off. As to why, I would guess the constant complaints by the pvp community and the lack of pvp participation since they implemented them. Arena participation has plummeted since they were implemented.

If current queue times are only good because of new characters, but twinks prop up low level bg’s, but twinks can’t get good queue times in their own brackets…


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A new player isn’t going to have a full gear set the instant they walk into their 1st bg, nor will they have enchants.

My first guess would be that templates weren’t fun… Second guess: one of the issues the game suffers from is a pvp imbalance that heavily favors Horde to the point that Alliance need incentive to play. Perhaps they thought that if players could actually use their own gear in pvp again, they would be more invested in pvp itself.

First off man, I’m not new to the game. thanks, Secondly since you seem to be so keen on spewing crap that you clearly have no knowledge about let me let you in on a little secret. Twinks were never some main stream group during any part of this games inception.

It wasn’t a thing during Vanilla when I played in 2004, and it sure as hell wasn’t some huge thing in any other expansion that came after. The twink exp off queue was garbage that never worked well because there were never enough people willing to queue up and face other twinks.

If you want talk about some stupid crap like organizing a twink vs twink game sure, I’ll give you that. I remember people creating forum threads trying to organize games, but that never did that well either.

A website dedicated to the collection of twink gear, where to find it, and enchants didn’t seem to make much difference either.

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