The stigma against twinking never warranted this

Keep inspecting me more and thinking you know everything about me, specifically, rather than address my arguments. Same thing a politician does. Can’t win the argument, attack the person.

That’s a terrible argument. That’s like me walking into a CEO corp and trying to tell the boss how to run things when my only profession is a paper boy.

No offense, but your opinion is irrelevant on this matter.

Alright dude first of all I’m 29, and I’ve only been playing since Wrath. I’m Army, so I don’t get to play all the time, and I was deployed for a lot of the expansions between Wrath and BFA. I don’t feel bad about anything despite you trying to make me. The achievements you are looking at are only at about 9200 thats correct, the 2700 that this website shows is inaccurate. So no, I don’t get to sink thousands of hours into the game, but I do play it too. Enough to be here typing this crap to you. Get off your stupid high horse and pretend for one second that other people matter.

/thread as far as I am concerned.

Twinks = scrubs who can’t handle a fair fight.

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They don’t matter to me. Twinks put blood sweat and tears into the community to keep it alive. They’ve tried to kill twinking three times now including last Tuesday and it’s honestly a slap in the face to all our hard work. Some people grind months to get the bis gear they need. It’s not for outsiders to come and laugh and point when it gets ripped from us.

If you have no knowledge on the matter, you’re just an annoyance.

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/thread as far as I am concerned.

NON Twinks = scrubs who can’t handle a fair fight.


haha your argument speaks for yourself. have a good day my dude.

edit: just re-read that part: blood sweat and tears. LMFAO. what the heck do you know about blood and sweat, let alone tears. Go do something else man.

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Twinks put blood, sweat, and tears into selfish play that terrorizes a lowbie community.


Twinks do NOT help a low level pvp community. They curb stomp noobs, the end.


I can’t comprehend the complaints as I’ve seen then posited by posts in this particular thread, not to excuse my ignorance on the matter.

Players playing a niche version of content were diverted into their own space, presumably for the betterment of the general players.

Where is the issue, specifically?

It sounds more, in the case of, like an issue for the twink community to figure out and fix. Not Blizzard, nor the assumed majority of their paying customers. In fact, it is so niche as far as I’m reading, that it only affects such a portion of players that were already opting into a playstyle that required a degree of concession from Blizzard to support to begin with.

If the problems are just queue times, it sounds like the community needs to work out an unofficial bracket and work around that.


I was a guild leader in Wotlk for one of the biggest 70 twink communities in WoW. We could clear BT and Sunwell with all 70s and ran multiple raids per week. All of them have quit now because of the changes to BGs over the years.

You’re Army and probably just sat on bases seeing no actual combat. I have friends and family in the military past and present, it doesn’t make you a better person or have higher value.

Most people just sign up because they have nothing better to do and the ego people get from it is unreal.

pfft. My son is a Staff Sergeant. Has been absent from wow more than I care to think about. Is currently deployed. Still has all the smarts to be good at pvp. I would dare say he could roflstomp your Private butt in pvp any day of the week. (except now, cuz he cannot play wow where he is currently deployed) Get on outta here with yer pathetic excuses. Link your VMET or I’m calling stolen valor.

As someone who is a veteran. I’ll say this. Whether he saw combat or did not is none of your concern. In fact until you volunteer for service in a time of war knowing what could or could not happen. You should probally just quit talking and eat egg on this one. He merely said what he does and why he doesn’t play much. You took it upon yourself to assume something about his character of service. A service you for whatever reason in life chose not to follow your friends and family into past and present.

Don’t hide behind them like it means something. Smh

Edit: You also don’t have to see any combat for it to have a lasting impact on you the rest of your life. Ever heard of clean up crews? I’d rather sit in my turret rollin down the sketchiest roads to ever exist when it comes to your chances of runnin over a deep buried or EFP. As opposed to scraping and cleaning out the remains of someone I once knew out of a vehicle.

I know guys who did clean up crew and were never the same again. They never got shot at or fired their weapon in combat. But they did have the misfortune of being on scene while a hit bradley was sealed shut and listened to the crew burn alive and then help clean up and retrieve the bodies after.

They never saw combat though?

You know nothing dude


I see things from a world view.

Surprise, there’s no justifiable reason to be invading people these days. Just murdering innocent people has been the motto for what now? The past 20 years?

Keep bombing those kids my dude, doing a real service. Thanks.

Before you assume things about me, I’ve seen all the documentaries and live footage of “front line” combat, it’s shooting fish in a barrel 90% of the time. As I said, they get quite a ego from something anybody could do.

I respect people who actually served their country.

you’ve legit gone to straight trolling at this point so far. have you no respect for the people who keep us all safe? you talk about sweat blood and tears over a video game, but keep in mind some people do stuff irl that would destroy you and make you look really silly for being so up in arms over a game.

Doubtful, but I’m done. Good fortune with that bubble.

thank you for your service of our country man. not all of us disrespect you.


Been watching this thread. How the hell did it devolve into this? Lol.

Edit: why does it say I’m level 30 when I’m 52 and my name was changed already…

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For same reason it says I’m a nightborne, but never was.

sometimes you have to log out of the forums and back in for it to show that you’ve gotten up in levels/changed names/servers.


There we go. Thanks!