The stigma against twinking never warranted this

As I stated before I love leveling alts. I don’t twink every character I level, I’d be broke as hell. I have screen shots of alliance players making horde characters to whisper me and say things like “The last 3 alliance BG groups have reported you for hacking. There’s no way an elemental shaman can heal better than a healer and do that much damage”

Good. Twinks are pathetic. You want to twink out? Fight other twinks. If twinks really are such a ‘signficant portion of pvp players’ then you shouldn’t have long queue times. However, as your complaining makes clear, twinks are not a “HUGE chunk of the WoW population”. You are in fact a small minority of players that take pride in dominating leveling, undergeared players that are often wearing heirloom gear. Gear that is already weaker than questing/current level gear with the tradeoff of XP bonus. And what do you twinks do? Go get your max level buddy to walk you through AQ-40 Raids to gear up for that huge difference in power level, then turn off XP gain so you can stay king of the little fishes.

This is not what pvp was designed for. The only reason that gearing is so strong in PVP is to incentivize max level players to push for end-game raiding or conquest rating.

You twinking out a level 29, 39, 49, and so on level character just to massacre leveling players is an absolute joke and an insult to the pvp concept. Frankly I think it’s pathetic it took Blizzard this long to fix this crap.

What you don’t want to face and refuse to admit is that you don’t want an equal fight. You don’t want to fight other twinks, because you might lose. You worry that the enemy team has more twinks than yours, because you might lose.

You love playing lower level pvp due talents/simplicity or whatever? No problem. You want to be the best lower level pvp player you can? Not a problem.

Do it with like-minded players in your own personal sandboxes.

The days of twinks yeeting all over leveling players as a means to feel like they’ve accomplished something should have ended long ago.

Good riddance. Hope you unsub.

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I can agree with that. I think after a while they should allow everyone to bg together again though like they’ve done in the past.

I just hope It’s not going to be as bad as before where XP off ques were 1 a day and regular ques, even in low brackets, was up to 3 hours per game.

I’ve never seen so many false assumptions in a single response. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If a player is leveling through dungeon and pvp the gear rewarded should be on par with for example… the highest tier drop. Because those who are twinking are not soloing raids. You have someone running you through it waiting on drops.

Twinking was only bad on the first true nerf Blizzard did at the time… when you could no longer apply specific enchants, armor, etc. to gear. Those who did it prior to the nerf were grand fathered in. Making it an absolute nightmare to play in those brackets.

I think you should have the right to overgear your character as however your see fit because it’s an rpg and it’s important to have the freedom to do that even if it does cause displeasure to some people (which is part of the game), twinking has always been a part of the game and i don’t think there needs to be any drastic measures that need to be taken to get rid of it


Heh heh heh, those were the days… Libram of constitution helmet enchant on my 29 twink rogue back in BC…

I love twinks. I haven’t pvp’d on a low char in a few years, but I do remember back --ages ago-- when rogues could stun lock me & kill me in 10 seconds. That wasn’t so much fun for me, but I bet it was fun for the rogue. How I came to despise undead rogues. I still hate undead rogues. I will kill them unmercifully & camp them every chance I get which doesn’t happen (except in my imagination) because I don’t pvp much any more.

But what it did do for me was to make me a better open world pvp’er. I learned how to keep shields up & always be prepared for ambush attacks & how to get out of, or at least survive through, their stun locks, etc. (back when I played on a Shadowmoon, a pvp realm)


LOL my 29 twink back in BC was an undead rogue, built around trying to get the biggest one shot. Only really worked against leather or clothies, but it was fun. Most rogues ran combat back then.

I definitely agree fighting with or against twinks makes you better to an extent, you learn class abilities and such. I used twinking to learn certain classes and if I’d really enjoy them or not vs getting to max level, spending a long time gearing them only to find out I don’t like the play style

Most these players complaining about twinks have probably never tried using CC or anything effective against them.

I’ve beaten twinks on un-twinked characters, sure It’s more difficult but people act like it’s an impossible feat.

Right? It’s sad to see so many players think that everyone should have to play the game THEY want so THEY can have fun and think only their opinion matters. People are so self centered these days.

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Warlocks in S9 were god awful lol and I haven’t pvped seriously since Cata, also I have bloodthristy.

You just mention part of the problem Drougen. You cannot CC when most twinks were picking the auto trinket pvp talent. Twinks would just continue to railroad a poor target unable to learn how to CC or kite.

Just let dungeon crawls allow to drop the best gear for each bracket. If they do not want to enchant that is their problem but… enchants should not always win the battle.

What, you’re gonna tell me it’s just for fun?

What fun. Lookie I geared up and level-locked a lvl 59 Warrior, watch me jump around the bg killing lowbies. Oh look out another twink oh its game-on now bro lets throw down. Battle of the Kings no doubt. oh man that BG ended that was so close between me and that other twink but luckily i played smarter and chose better gear than him and itemized perfectly woot woot.

Really? Is that gonna be your argument? You’re too lazy to chase ilvls or something, just want to stay in end-game vanilla gear, cata gear, or whatever?

Seriously just stop dude. As wrong as I might be in assuming anything, pretty sure I’m talking to about half of the twink community and its accurate enough.

Why won’t you be happy just pvping against other twinks? Thats all Blizzard did.

The reason you dont get que times is because there isnt enough of you.
It’s that simple.

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/gives you the stinky eye

/clicks on the heart anyway


For one auto trinket in PvP is bad and I’ve never seen any twink pick that, ever. Hell most regular players don’t pick that. Even if they do the CC has to be over 5 seconds for it to work which is paladin stun and a couple of other CCs?

Enchants play a part, but a lot smaller than most people think. It’s nowhere near as bad as it was back when twinks used to be in the same brackets. Twinks used to be very specific to gear, ehcant, etc.

Now a days you can “twink” buy buying pieces off the AH and a lot of the times they aren’t even that expensive. That’s why I think the current separation is even more ridiculous than it was the first time they did it.

That’s the thing, these guys DON’T want to PvP against other twinks :rofl:


They just want to steam roll that is all. I have seen many of the auto trinkets users. Many FoTM twinks use it in the bracket they are strongest in.

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I miss Rumsey Rum Black Label. Half the team getting completely smashed before the gates open was always good for a laugh.


I’m PRETTY sure I still have a character with a bank full of the stuff! Man that was so devastating when they removed the stam buff…

I see SOMEONE never played random bg’s back in the day when you would get yelled at by your own faction for queueing into a bg at lvl 41 or 42. They couldn’t vote kick you back then, but plenty got reported as afk just to get the low lvl out of the bg. The 9 levels in gear made a huge difference. Bliz took note & made the bg’s groups by 5 level increments instead of 10, then ION happened & everything got reverted back to 10. The 5 level increments were the best times for casual bg’s. I had so much fun back then & I was a horrible pvper. hmmm, I think I still am horrible, but I love pvp. I had to walk away because I could pvp all day & never get anything else done. oh & I never had a twink but #ILoveTwinks

Bro, you have no achieves, don’t PvP, don’t PvE, and you can’t be bothered to enchant your max level character.

You don’t care about this game so why argue with people who have had twinks longer than you’ve been alive. I’m deceased.