The stigma against twinking never warranted this

The game rains down catch up gear and with scaling its a w.e situation. You have a fair chance of outplaying someone. Being lvl 90 vs a 99 twink with artifact weapon and high ilvl ment you did zilch for damage. They could 1v5 teams.

People twink because they are so awful at PVP they need every imaginable advantage to walk around and feel like juggernaut among a group of peasants.

Prove me wrong. Get max level and hit 2400+ on your twink.

I have yet to meet a twink who has a glad main. I’m still waiting for that day. Heck I’ve yet to meet a twink who can scrape 2k on their mains.

They are sub 1500 rats who don’t know how to PVP. They resort to finding every advantage so they can run around and 1vX people with no skill involved.

What challenge is there in 2 shotting some undergeared leveler while taking virtually zero damage in return.

He has zero chance to outplay you or kill you. Thats what twinks thrive on.
Good PVPers que arena. Man up champ

Edit: PS I was glad last season and 2300+ rn. I’d be more then happy to paddle your mains booty to show how bad you really are if you’d like.


A fresh 120 starts with, let’s be generous, 270 ilvl? A geared 120 is 400+ ilvl.

Twinks have barely an item level difference from a regular character in any given bracket. Even at 119 a twink’s highest ilvl would be around 300.

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No one “feels sorry” for twinks

Good riddance imo

Normal players have a neutral-positive opinion of this change, the ONLY people complaining about this change are the twinks themselves :rofl: :rofl:


I have met only 1 player in my entire life who twinks and has gotten 2400+, and they agree with Blizz making twinks have their own bracket.


Tbh anyone that spams emotes and stuff is annoying and scummy. I personally do NOT do those things.

As to your 120 example and one-shotting, this goes back to a previous comment I made. Low level pvp is not balanced in any way whatsoever. One-shotting on a mm hunter in a low bracket has as much to do with nonexistent game balance as it does with any perceptions about how powerful twink gear is. Source - Me getting Wrecking Ball multiple times on a low level non-twink hunter with enchants.

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i’d love to be proven wrong and some twink posting here post on their current tier gladiator main. would be quite telling.

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yes, it’s not balanced… but twinks make it worse. it’s not like people don’t do rogue/hunter/mage twinks specifically because they’re super broken. you don’t usually see twinks of classes that are not really strong for their bracket.


Actually, you’re wrong. Tons of people twink, there’s quite a community dedicated to, it websites built around it, etc. Twinks are normal players, pretending they’re not is ludicrous.

Claiming that you can only be a normal player if you’re extremely casual and refuse to gear up your character is beyond dumb.


TBH he avoids the forums like the plague XD

DING! Winner Winner chicken dinner! Twinks exploit the strongest class/specs of their bracket and focus on gearing them to slaughter players in 1 v 5 combat. Think Diablo 3 or A level 120 arcane mage using arcane explosion on level 80 adds in close proximity.

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! An anti-social WoW player? NO WAY! :crazy_face:

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I have seen people complain about “twinks” that were decked out in green gear, because the complainer got roflfacestomped by green/white geared “twink”. If a player gets roflstomped by anyone that other player MUST be a “twink” , right? /eyeroll


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I’m pretty sure you guys are in the minority, I would wager that 97% of casuals are not twinks

You guys are a tiny niche of the PvP playerpool, no one cares about you guys

I can totally see how all the constant complaints about your guy’s toxic behavior (GY camping, griefing, ganking lowbies, etc) would eventually result in action being taken against twinks

I have yet to meet a person who complains about “omfg horde racials op” “omfg no more raiders in alliance” etc. that’s downed a mythic boss, yet that’s almost every player who plays the game…what’s your point?

My point is even when you try to hide your mains profile we can still expose you for how bad you really are and why you twink.

Challenger Drougen

2v2 0 current, 1779 best, 1750 achievement
3v3 0 current, 1802 best, 1750 achievement
5v5 0 current, 1500 best, 1550 achievement
RBGs 0 current, 0 achievement
HKs 148,829
Item level 381

Verdict: pathetic rat-league derelict

Wowthugger btw.

Hence why you twink


Right? It’s honestly mind blowing how bad some players are in lower levels and once again that’s completely okay. But to blame every loss in any BG on “omfg twinks” every time has been mind numbing for me through the years.

It’s also insane how people claim that twinks can one shot everyone every time. There’s almost no case that a character can one shot someone else.

Sure they do more damage because they put effort and got more gear, but they’re not going to one shot you unless you’re essentially BGing naked and from the replies of people who hate twinks and what they say, I would not at all be surprised if that’s what they do…

Well if we’re going to just make things up then…I’m PRETTY sure people who complain are joining BGs with NO PvP experience and characters with missing gear slots…so your opinions don’t matter.

I don’t care if people see my PvP history, I’ve never claimed to be a PvP god or something…that’s something you’re peddling yourself. I do think people should be able to enjoy the game how they want though. We need more choice in WoW, not less.

But go ahead and peddle whatever BS you want and just pretend It’s true in your own little bubble. :breast_feeding:


So much this. I encourage anyone complaining about twinks to open the armory page for the character I’m posting on. This character is NOT a twink, but I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been accused of being a twink because I actually enchanted my gear and had the audacity to spend 20g at the ah on some easily farmable MC purples that drop like candy.

I can guarantee some of the people posting in this thread would immediately demonize me as an evil twink if I killed them in a bg. No, I just put a modicum of effort into my character. Anyone that doesn’t has no right to complain.


I twink and I’m a top 100 world raider and I got 2k back in season 9 when it mattered.



Challenger Kem

2v2 1558 current, 2078 best, 2000 achievement
3v3 1412 current, 1941 best, 2000 achievement
5v5 0 current, 1500 best, 0 achievement
RBGs 0 current, 0 achievement
HKs 47,783
Item level 406

Verdict: contemptible keyboard-turning derelict

Season 9 2v2 as a warlock Thinking

No one cares about raiding, it has no correlation to PVP.

Your bad and its why you twink. This is fine but better to be honest with yourself about it. You can lie to yourself but you can’t lie to the PVP community


Check it out, I’ll type out Setback’s response before he does.

“So? You’re just ONE player!”

To honestly believe that people only twink because they’re bad at PvP is such a silly. As someone who actively has twinked throughout the games history, other twinks are generally better at PvP. I’m not talking about just because they’re geared, they tend to know their class better because twinking is actually a very good way to learn how to play a class.

If you think about it, it makes perfect sense that they implemented this ban on twinks during the same week that the new races went live.

  • Lots of people coming back to the game for the new races, certainly lots of fresh lowbie Zandalari/Kul Tiran toons running around
  • Some of these lowbie toons and new/returning players would no doubt wanna run some bgs along the way to break up the drudgery and monotony of questing/dungeons
  • Getting rolf-stomped/GY camped/griefed over and over by OP twinks would probably both ruin the experience of these new players and sour them on PvP going forward
  • By separating twinks from normal/casual players, the “average” player’s experience in bgs is improved

The timing for this change couldn’t have been better really :thinking:

Pretty smart BUSINESS DECISION if you ask me…

  1. appease the “majority” of your money-making customers (casuals) and keep them happy
  2. the tiny “minority” of twinks can still PvP… they will just now have to (gasp! :open_mouth: ) face “equal” opponents instead of noobs/levelers in quest greens