The stigma against twinking never warranted this

if you’re a twink and mad about the changes then stop playing. Sub losses = changes in WoW. Either stop playing or accept what happened.


heirlooms are as strong as greens essentially. the only difference is some people enchant their looms. this is not wrath/cata when looms were like epics. throwing loomed players under the bus is both pointless and ridiculous.


A player with enchanted looms will absolutely massacre anyone without looms (seriously without looms you generally won’t even have helm/shoulder/ring items available through questing at 19 for example), and is at a significant advantage over anyone who doesn’t bother with enchants. A rogue with dual elemental force enchants will slay a rogue with out them, all other things equal. I’ve seen so many accusations of “this guy is obviously twining” in low level bgs, and like 8/10 it’s just someone decked out with enchants that’s playing a class that’s broken at low levels.

I keep bringing up looms because I keep seeing this “but new players” argument and nobody seems to mind slaughtering new players with their looms or thinks it’s unfair in the slightest. But if they in turn get slaughtered by a twink, oh mah lawd… to the forums! The hypocrisy of it all is astounding.

Twinks didn’t use heirlooms. They used BoE epic and blue items with gem slots and old enchants.


Yeah… I’m well aware of that. As above, my point is that nobody complains about slaughtering new players with their heirlooms. But when they in turn get slaughtered by a twink they’re all “omg twinks are driving away all these new players!”

If you’re brand new to the game you’re going to get annihilated in pvp. Full stop.

do you not see the difference between an heirloom that’s as strong as a green and an EPIC that has gem slots? like really. twinks are grasping at straws to show that other people are scummy, but lets be real.


Because heirlooms are borderline green/blue quality gear with the stats they give. Equiping Epic/Blue gear and old raid/dungeon trinks is a major difference like night and day between having heirlooms and twink gear. Someone with greens vs Heirlooms is not as big of a differance in pvp depending on if you have a pvp trinket etc.

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Are you not seeing my point that I’m making? People keep demonzing twinks and calling them scum for killing them, but in turn have no problem doing the same thing to anyone who’s undergeared or doesn’t have enchants. It’s completely hypocritical.

And once again, exactly 0 people come to the forums to complain that they just won a bg with a twink on their team. People are mad when they lose. The end.

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Raid/purples/gems only matters in 60+ brackets though mostly

Come on guys. What I’m saying shouldn’t be hard to understand. Nobody in level 19 quest greens is even remotely comparable to a player in full looms and enchants and trying to compare them as if it’s not a big gear gap is absolutely asinine and completely disingenuous.


The last time I dealt with twinks was lvling 90-100 in legion. I got pitted against people max ilvl they could get, artifact weapons. Lvl 90-97 you can’t even get one yet.

They sat there GY farming and spamming emotes. When I mentioned on forums they need to seperate the brackets again. The majority of replies were from twinks gloating and saying don’t like it? Level up your own and come find me.

Now that you are banished once more to play with your own kind all I have to say is good riddance. You guys were a stain on the BG leveling for every non twink that just wanted to PVP and have fun.


Twinking would be fine (and I’d do it!) if we had level range based sandbox pvp exclusive zones similar to how DAoC’s bgs were. This would encourage folks to gear towards that, you’d have objective capture points and siege and it’d be fun.

In a ~15 minute arena? :roll_eyes:

And what happens at max level on your fresh 120 when you get absolutely crushed by someone that’s geared to the teeth while you’re just trying to have fun? Should we start segregating high ilvl players into their own queues too?

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There is a huge difference between slight undergeared by leveling and those who purposly get twink items to be DRASTICALLY overgeared over anyone who doesn’t have a twink item.

Sure if I have greens on and someone with full looms kills me meh it doesn’t feel as bad because I can readily have heirlooms available to me and the enchants are very cheap. Also the level 19 bracket is unbalanced where many people don’t have full toolkits yet so some specs/classes are bound to be OP.

Now if I have greens or heirlooms on and someone with full Blue/Epic items BoE gear that has low drop rates from old raid/dungeon instances or out in the world comes and 2-3 shots me repeatedly and can take on 3-5 other green/heirloom players with ease and not die that is the issue.

Sure someone in full looms may be able to 1 v 2 those in greens, but Twinks can 1 v 5+ those in greens and heirlooms.

The heirlooms vs green can be dealt with by 2 or 3 players and players feel that its more balanced. Now when 1 player can go full Diablo 3 BS and 1-2 shot 5+ players and spawn camp the GY that is on a completely different level.


a geared 120 CANNOT one shot a fresh 120. it’s not possible. a twinked out toon most definitely can one shot you. these are false equivalencies that twink players are trying to use to act like they’re not being scummy. but sorry. one shotting a noob with your MM twink and then emote spamming/tbagging them is scummy.


This. This is the basic thing. WoW has gear imbalances, it’s part of the game. Either make completely gear difference-less BGs at various levels an option or just deal with xpoff twinks, IMO.

I love twinks! A twink on my side means a sure victory. I like victories. A twink on horde side means pain. It balances. Win some, lose some. I wish we had more twinks cuz I like winning! But more would mean less horde that will queue & longer queue times. But I would totally love more twinks on ally side! Really tired of ally losing so much. Bring on the twinks! Maybe I will make a twink. That is a lot of work though. Ugh. Some of the most dedicated players are twinks. Why would Blizzard be so stupid to alienate their most dedicated players?

/walks off rambling about all the stupid decisions bliz has made…


wrong easily did the same to a 69k druid at 120 other day

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A 400 ilvl player can’t 1 shot a 320 ilvl player, it may take a full rotation to kill them in 1 v 1 combat.

Also if the fresh 120 had a brain they would grab 340’s off the AH, do warfronts, and do all WQ’s that gave gear THEN joined the RBG que for more gear.

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I think a lot of people don’t know how to PvP well, honestly. I’ve been playing off and on since vanilla and one of my favorite things to do in WoW is leveling alts. My account is always full of 10+ leveling characters.

In that time I’ve seen so many people complaining about twinks and a majority of the time the player wasn’t even a twink. It was either flavor of the month, or the person was just bad at PvP which is completely okay, but just saying “omfg twink beat me” is easier than facing that reality, I guess.