The stigma against twinking never warranted this

This is accurate btw, happens everywhere.

Do any of you guys ever stop to think that maybe you guys are the oneā€™s messing with everyone else?

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Of course not. ā€œNo one is a black magician in their own eyes.ā€ ā€“ David Cavendish, The Black Arts

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Itā€™s funny because anytime I see someone in white gear or a paladin who wears mail and agi gear that ruins my fun

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You guys want to prove to everyone youā€™re not just twinking to ruin other peopleā€™s fun?

Move to the same server, or the same bracket. Then you can fight against each other easier.

But you guys donā€™t actually want to do that. The majority of you only twink so that you can relive the Vanilla days of broken gear and unbalanced classes, and use that to ruin other peopleā€™s enjoyment.

And now youā€™re mad that Blizzard noticed this and is separating you guys.

Youā€™re like the guys who tried to bring a gun to a knife fight and mad that the referee told you thatā€™s not allowed.

Thatā€™s why thereā€™s a stigma against your community. Thatā€™s why you guys are separated. Get over it. This is a natural consequence of your actions.


Right? Iā€™m far more interested in identifying shortcomings with my own performance and that of my team (and prodding them to try something different), than trying to find something about the opposing team that ā€œcausedā€ us to lose. Sure, thereā€™s some matches that are woefully unbalanced, but itā€™s far less common than, say, people fighting in mid, trickle-spawning while getting graveyard camped, lone players diving into five people on the opposing team, etc., etc. My experience in BGs this past week just hasnā€™t changed much (on my non-twinks, that is); people are still camping graveyards, spitting on each other, calling their teammates all sorts of terrible names. Different day, same old thing.

Whatever, I guess. I have no real objections to playing at max level, although I think the casino gearing system is mostly crap. That said, Iā€™m pretty sure it will take far less time to get a 120 past a 400 ilvl than it took to gear this character, and then I can pretty much just go back to what I was doing beforeā€¦

then why dont most twinks fight eachother? because most do it to pwn non twinks. ever wonder why none of you just lvl to max and gear them up???

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I want you to know two things:

1, since Twinking was removed, I started playing some BGs on my dark iron dwarf shaman and had a lot of fun.

Before, I had no interest - who wants to queue up for a battle where their contributions are meaningless and all they are is someone elseā€™s punching bag?

Sure, I lost most of those BGs I played, but I had fun during them, and felt like I had a chance the whole time.

2, you have actually made me agree with Jaquistiny (SIC). How and why you pulled this off, I have no idea.


Iā€™m so glad twinks are in their own bracket. I had so much fun leveling my new Druid in battlegrounds these last few days. Sadly you see a twink here or there that turned their exp off. Itā€™s ridiculous how OP some of them are, just ruins the fun.

Now that Twinking is more or less dead I can actually have fun leveling again.


Lazy fix that simply kills many XP off brackets, and actually makes 10-19s, 20-29s, and 110-119s actually worse.

Twinks will:

  • Build out, level up, and continually re-roll
  • Avoid XP to the max extent possible; deserter swap multiple toons/avoid capping flags/force fights to the middle
  • Use exploits to get into XP on matches anyway
  • Deliberately unsub so that they can play 20s in XP onā€”you canā€™t do this with an active sub

Blizzard should have:

  • Communicated via patch notes (or better yet in advance), considering for a fair portion of players this is the biggest change of the patch let alone the expansion
  • Improved rewards/options for those leveling in BGs: Guarantee a loot drop for a BG win, chance to get one on lossā€”just like at 120
  • Consider additional loot drops in BGs that include tokens to buy consumables, or consumables themselves
  • Availability of enchants for levelersā€”sell pre-made scrolls with BG tokens or allow them to drop in the BGs
  • Actually balance the handful of remaining enchants that donā€™t scale correctly; Most already do and have been adjusted, a few (crusader, etc) do not. Restrict level 85+ enchants from working on heirlooms at low levelsā€”if you canā€™t apply the enchant yourself, then deactivate it.

Blizz has shown that they can remove the few broken things that really make it unreasonable (i.e., Rammsteinā€™s Boltsā€“adjusted this patch). The only thing that really differentiated a twink from the average player were enchants. This should have been fixed through proper balancing and/or greater availability.

The solution they chose doesnā€™t make BGs better for XP onā€”the same twinks are still finding ways in. It certainly doesnā€™t make it better for XP off.

The Twink community is more than happy to provide blizzard an itemized list of everything that is used and needs adjustment due to scaling (i.e., enchants).

The solution they chose was just the easy button, but it isnā€™t effective for either side of the coin. They have an opportunity to do it right and tons of players willing to provide data.

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I agree but the Twink community is small letā€™s be honest here.

You do get a box every win and it seems to have an item in each one, at least Iā€™m 7/7 so far today. The EXP reward is just fine, a win is like 80% of a level in the 60ā€™s, not sure about after that.

This is already a thing, you just have a higher chance to get gear over them as low-level bgā€™s are for leveling not twinks.

Yes, please.

Twinks are pretty rare now, one game I played today had a 5 man twink team other than that nothing.

Itā€™s very effective for those of us that enjoy PvPing while we level new toons. There is a reason so few people support you guys compared to those that dislike twinks. You guys really need to pick a single bracket and stick to it if you enjoy twinking so much. There is no reason to ruin a part of the game for the majority of us.


So, if you never Q up, then how are you so sure what is going on in the majority of BGā€™s while leveling? You arenā€™t. What you have done is take a couple bad examples of games you lost and conflated that with what happens in general games. This was simply not as prevalent as you think it was, and people complaining based on no experience is one of the reasons I am defending twinks here. I always hop in BGā€™s when leveling, and rarely do I see this happen, so I call BS.

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So you admittedly were not queuing up before, but you know itā€™s better now because?

I keep seeing this, people were assuming that twinks were bad before but not actually participating because they were scared or something?

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And how do you know they donā€™t have high level PvP toons? You donā€™t, you have zero clue about it and are simply making lazy assumptions. I have seen gladiator 2400+ people twinking in low level BGā€™s, so what are you even talking about?

This is the kind of thing I was talking about before, where you make up a fantasy in your head to get around the point that other people are better than you at PvP. The end.

thats ironic because twinking ruined everyone who wasnt a twinks experience

If you made a twink you invested a lot of time into doing exactly what you just said I did


Twinking is one of the few last good things left in the game. No one is interested in doing end game content with rental gear and abilities.

When your 120 in PVP is like a twink from MoP that clearly shows the current state of PVP at end game. When twinks a lower levels are more fun than 120 PVPā€¦well GG.

No one was scared, it just wasnā€™t very fun to get grave yard farmed by twink premades or be having a fine time until you get 2 hit 5 times in 1 game by the same guy

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If Blizz had balanced class skill acquisition low level pvp might be more fun for all.
As it stands right now some classes donā€™t even get their interrupts until the end of TBC (looking at you Feral). It is insanely tilted.
All classes should have a basic toolkit that consists of, a cc or slow, a break for same, an interrupt, a mobility skill that roll out at the same levels. What they have now is just a wacky, poorly thought out, mess.

Class homogeneity.

While some people might agree with you, I do believe that most folks loudly disagree with this sentiment. Classes should not be a copy/paste of other classes.

Yes, that makes balancing very difficult, but it is also the spirit of a RPG.

Once again, 0 people in this thread are concerned about fully loomed players discouraging new or undergeared players from playing. And any ā€œteamā€ (implying a group queuing together) will dominate a random bg full of uncoordinated people fighting on the road.

As above, this is no different than a group of 3 people in heirlooms doing the same thing. A group of 3 people in discord working together can absolutely dominate any bg full of randoms, no twinking necessary.