The stigma against twinking never warranted this

Yes, but separating the twink community from the rest of the people just trying to play vastly lessens the chance of someone that’s just trying to level to play end-game quitting that aspect all together.

The reason I didn’t play PvP until near the end of Legion is because, while leveling, that’s all I saw in the PvP community. It wasn’t until i got friends at MAX LEVEL that I realized there was more too it than that.

PvP games aren’t for the weak.

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Ah, thank you for proving my point. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.

Too many people don’t have thick skin apparently


And if that’s your main your going to sit most of the time in a gy anyway with that gear, PvP’ers have much better gear. So what difference is it? lol

Pretty much, when I came back into the game in legion I wanted to see how pvp was when I was leveling joined RBG’s did 5 of them all 5 where against twink teams and decided I’m never going to do pvp. Twinks greatly discourage new and returning players in RBG’s to where they just outright ignore PvP not until BFA when I saw the Rated PvP Alliance plate did I go out on my DK and do arena’s and not until Season 2 of BfA did i actually start playing Rated BG’s.

If it wasn’t for being destroyed by twinks back to back in Legion when I came back I probably would have been doing rated pvp from the start in legion.

Take a look around these forums and it’s easy to see that that is actually the case. Most of everyone here has their feelings hurt and is crying about something. Hell, most of this thread is nothing but people who got their feelings hurt laughing about it now. lol

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Except they’re not, and on average you can make the assumption that people that twink are worse-off than the average player that plays at 120 in general. Especially when given the fact that I am against twinks and 2400+ xp in arena and rbg.

Just an fyi legion twinks weren’t really much of a thing due to templates why do u think blizz put them back in

ilevel was king in legion which meant that twinks could still gear to an advantage. just not as extreme as it was without templates.

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Because that’s a way people enjoy playing. What if they took out world PvP all together? You don’t see why people would be upset?

What you’re asking is silly. Take away anything anyone enjoys and people will be sad. Especially when you’re taking it out purely because other people either don’t know how to do that content or their characters progression is just lack luster.

It’s like if they permanently took the mage tower out of the game with no plans to bring it back, people would be upset. A lot of people would be fine because they were too lazy / didn’t bother learning how to do the mage tower and saw it as “a bunch of cool stuff they’ll never get so who cares”

100% agree, I’ve been saying this forever and it’s the main reason I never participated in PvP levelling up. You’d queue into BGs and just get annihilated by twink teams the entire game. If people want to make twinks that’s fine but they should be pitted up against other twinks if they turn off their EXP.

If they are worried about queue times that seems like a completely different issue that can be addressed independent of this change.

Bad example, Mage tower, like MoP and WoD challenge dungeons, are challenges modes and we were given ample time and knowledge that they would be gone by the end of the xpac and we had multiple opportunities like at the end of Legion where out artifacts got instantly maxed out, legendaries were purchasable, and mage tower was up 24/7.

Honestly it’s like you guys are SO UTTERLY SHOCKED that people wouldn’t want to deal with someone that’s a butt.

If someone’s rude to you in real life, do you stick around? No? Than why should it be any different that people would want to avoid those kinds of people in an online game?

In fact, it’s even more obvious that would be the case because we have so much more control online than we do IRL. We can just… not do it. And then Blizz sees the huge disparity in activity from low-level people quieing up, or all the people that are TRYING to enjoy that aspect of the game getting stomped on by people that act terribly, and decided, “Hum. These guys are ruining it for literally everyone else.”

It’s obvious you guys are going to get separated.

It’s not this big, shocking offense to you, when the entire reason most of the people that twink do it, is to stomp on people not aware what they’re getting in too - and then that experience poisons the entire PvP aspect of the game for a lot of people.

Why would you go to a party if you know there are going to be terribly acting, rude people there that are just going to piss in the fruit punch, play awful music, tear up the place etc.? Sure you’re going to get a few biters, as there are still people willing to put up with it, but they’re in the vast minority.

People don’t like being around rude people that ruin their enjoyment in something that’s SUPPOSED to be fun. Shocker, I know.


If que times are an issue it just shows how little interest there is in twinking or twinking in that bracket. Just goes to show how often you actually had a twink team vs twink team in RBG’s before the change (Fyi from my understanding was that you had a better chance of finding money on the ground than finding a twink vs twink BG).


there’s a lot of 19s and 29s because it’s easier to just pick up and go. the other brackets are more niche. i doubt people in 29s will see queues above 20m or so.

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Ya, I actually kind of experimented with this a few months ago when the twinking community really exploded due to lack of interest at end-game.

You’d get a BG with a MAX of three twinks, usually on one side with only one on yours, or reversed, but almost NEVER was there one with an equal amount of twinks, and that number was NEVER above two or three when that happened.

It also usually didn’t end up mattering because the twinks were more focused on killing people than completing objectives.

We all pay the same subscription fee per month and we all have our different ways of playing this game.

Some people like to farm mats and sell on the AH, some like pet battles, some like to raid , some like to collect mounts, and some like the endgame pvp.

I personally like playing in the lvl 29 twink bracket.
These games can go both ways. Really enjoyable or tick me off.
But it’s what I enjoy the most about this game and what I like to do, and that is twinking.

It just seems that Blizzard is always finding a way to mess with the twink community.