The stigma against twinking never warranted this

Yeah, I’ve also come across the same behavior in every single aspect of PvP that exists in this game. None of that is specific to twinking.


Pretty much this, with separate que’s twinks play against twinks and nontwinks don’t have to worry about entering a RBG while leveling and having to stay back at the spawn point while 1-4 twinks spawn kill the entire team.


This. Five million times this.

Maybe now those that aren’t twinks can have fun in lower level ques.

Twinks have to realize they’re a small portion of the population that was causing a lot of annoyance and grief for people that just wanted to play the game. You guys were actively making it impossible for people to enjoy the game.

Boo hoo, you can’t kill people in two hits anymore that can’t do sausage against you. Boo hoo, you can’t completely train wreck five people who, again, can’t do sausage against you.

For context, I have BoAs, and even if I enchant those I can’t do anything against a guy that has the cheesiest gear, all the best enchants, fully-gemmed gear, it’s literally not fair. Like a grunt in the military going against Delta-Force. It ain’t gunna happen, buddy. Even if the entire team piles on you, it’s unlikely you’re going to die.

And I say good.

Maybe you can all collectively choose a server and migrate there, then you won’t have to worry about it.

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Again, this entire post.

People wouldn’t have NEARLY AS MUCH of a problem with you guys if you weren’t completely insufferable douchebags.

Maybe as a community you can start weeding out the sausage-heads that make you look bad.

Your no different then them with name calling

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I don’t think you know what irony is.

The problem is people say “get rid of twinking!” and give no viable solution for both sides, just what they want.

However there’s tons of viable options to “fix” it.

The whole thing is as much of a joke as when WM first came out, tons of people turned it on, and the forums were flooded with “Someone killed me in world PvP! I hate it! Take it away!”

But it’s OPTIONAL. Just like gearing your character is OPTIONAL. Offering solutions =/= telling you how to play, it’s a solution for the non-stop crying over fixable problems.

I mean… calling a duck a duck isn’t name calling now is it?

If you’re acting insufferable, I’m going to call it out.


You look like you’re saying “Peek-a-boo!” from behind your sword. It’s adorable!

Not comparable.

Plenty of people have offered solutions.

  • Sequester all those with XP-off into the same bracket, though with so many servers I’m not sure how that would work.

  • Those in the XP-off community all migrate to the same bracket, since they twink at lower levels it’s probably not that hard, or they could just get a server transfer.

Or, the easiest one.

  • Level to max and then you won’t have to deal with it. :slight_smile:

Ok so the types of PvP are Rated BG’s and Arenas, randomb RBGs and arena’s at max and at other levels and world PvP.

World PvP has been notorious for griefing since day 1, with Warmode everyone has the option to turn off pvp or turn it on.

Rated PvP only occurs at max level and is not a random que, you know who will be in your party/raid group for the BG/Arena where you have to preform it.

Random BG’s and arena’s at max level are always a mess where you can have fresh 120’s and those who are 400+ ilvl who are only their to troll. No one who is into pvp really cares about non-rated aside from Epic 40 vs 40 BGs or the bi-weekly brawl where ranked pvp offers better rewards and more of a challenge.

Now that only leaves lower level Arena’s and RBGs. Lower level arena’s are a bit screwy where certain specs and classes will be WAY OP compared to others depending on how much of their toolkit they have access to so its hard to say if your against a twink group or that yours just sucks in the match up.

However random BG in low level there is a clear as daylight knowledge when your up against a twink team and thats when 1-4 twinks can hold back all 15 players on your team at the spawn point and mercilessly kill you.

Of all the forms of pvp the only places that actively had consistent griefing are World PvP (which is to be expected as this has been happening in every MMO since the dawn of MMO’s) and non-max level BG’s.

With twinks in separate que’s now the only real consistent place to see griefing is gankers in WPvP and once a decent geared 385 ilvl player comes along and destroys them they leave.

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I mean, like someone else brought up, a lot of twinks act like butt-heads.

They /spit, /laugh, plant flags of ownership, camp the graveyards, etc.

If they’re not doing it to be butt-heads, and only doing it for fun, why the extra behavior?

Could it be that at least half of the community are doing it just because they like ruining other people’s time in the game? :thinking:

It’s like the people in Dark Souls who get the cheesiest, most broken gear then go to the first zone in the game and invade. Then they wonder, in all their wisdom, why it’s suddenly taking longer to get worlds to invade.


I see this argument alot you people say they emote and flag of ownership blah blah. But if I had a dollar for every time I saw that stuff at max lvl I would be a millionaire

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Ahhh, so you agree the behavior is bad.

Sooo why should Blizz cater to a community that’s literally CHOCK FULL of these people?

At least in max-level you have a much more massive player pool and not every other person’s going to be a butt.

And yes, I have played Max-Level PvP, I’m not the best at it but the majority of people I know that play Max-Level rarely have to deal with bad apples.

They already tried that in the past. The reason the brackets were melded back together in the first place is because all it did was kill off both XP-off brackets and non-XP off brackets.

Time ques for XP off, even in the most popular brackets was half to a day long. Non-twink brackets in the lower levels were 30+ minutes and impossibly long past that.

I think it’s kind of a bummer that people casually wanting to level through BG brackets somehow trumps people dedicating time and enjoying a specific part of the game.

Imagine if at max level once you reached certain ilvls you were forced into your own bracket? It would make que times go through the roof and just be all around unfun.

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Okay. I’m not really sure what this post is about. I was specifically responding to the kinds of behaviors described by Trystian: camping, /spitting, flags of ownership. That happens across PvP, included in rated.

If thats how you look at it this game may as well me taken down as their will always be those people

Why is that such a bummer?


But max level isn’t the topic, here. People are using random battlegrounds as part of their leveling. Some may see it as just that – a part of their leveling and stop at 120. Others may continue to PvP at 120.

In addition, I haven’t seen many people who start pvping at max level. Lower-level battlegrounds is where most people learn the ropes, I believe.


Idc about that idk why ppl r bringing that up still people got what they wanted t winks are gone I am just saying emotes and all that exist at max too don’t act like it’s. Low lvl thing only