The stigma against twinking never warranted this

I’ll bash twinks all day long on the forums, but I really wish people would stop bringing this one up. If you haven’t noticed, a lot of words have multiple meanings. Stop it.


If only I could roflstomp the crippling emotional pain that drives me to twink.


Did you inspect their gear? I’m sure some twinks turned their XP back on, but I doubt they’re doing so en masse. I’ve definitely put too much time into this character to consider leveling her to 120. I’d rather bench her entirely. I did, however, level a new rogue and started leveling another demon hunter right after these changes went into effect. I’ve been casually PvP’ing on both, and frankly haven’t seen a major difference in BGs. Most are still steamrolls by one side or the other, but take a little longer to wrap up. /shrug

i’ve had the opposite experience. my zandari troll hunter has gotten a few levels through bgs and the games are really close. except i did one bg where horde stomped. but that’s more because alliance were trying to zerg and left their bases unprotected. so it was bad play on their end.

Might just been weird luck, then. But my win rate on my rogue already outpaces my win rate on this character (minus Twin Peaks and WSG - not really sure what’s going on there):

Probably need to play more matches to see where the numbers settle.

this character i’m posting on did some bgs while leveling and won almost every single one of them that i queued into. because of alliance twinks. i got to 120 and mostly lost. you can see from my loss/win rate. look at my AV since you can’t really queue for AV until you’re at cap. seriously most of my lowbie alliance won a LOT of their matches because tons of alliance players twinked.

Maybe, but this was a horde character. Again, though, I need more games to assess. I’ll probably hop over to a lowbie Alliance character to see if it’s the same over there.

Then isn’t it odd that after they initially separated pvp, there was a lot of people on the forums deleting their twinks and complaining about the death of twinking? It’s almost as if…:thinking::thinking::thinking:


if it’s about “competition” then they should be happy they no longer have to queue with levelers because everyone they’ll fight against will give it to them. the thing is though it’s “the death of twinking” because they can’t roll levelers in randoms anymore and people are leveling their twinks out of brackets as a last hurrah as they give up twinking in that bracket entirely. lol

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Twinks would always talk about how they only wanted to fight other twinks and how they weren’t in it to steamroll newbies. And non twinks wanted twinks out. So Blizzard obliged both sides. And ever since then twinks were saying “wait no”

Isn’t it weird how twinks say they only want to fight other twinks but demand to be put against newbies? :thinking::thinking::thinking:


it’s hilarious to me because it’s talking out of both sides of their mouths. what they could do is make posts on the bg forums and GD to try to get other people into twinking and help people make new characters so they could all queue together/be in a guild of like minded players… but you see that’s not what’s happening.


Then it makes perfect sense that there is a twink only BG. Then it’s fair for everyone since nobody will have a huge gear advantage. Right now a twink can roll over “normally” geared players. This just evens out the playing field. Twinks versus twinks. So what’s the reason for the complaining? Because twinks are no longer going to have players with standard gear to beat up on. Now they’ll have to fight people with similar equipment.

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It is funny that the twinks complain about this, having to now only play against other twinks.

This cracks me up.


The thinks whining are the ones who don’t have to worry about leveling and having to constantly gear for the next bracket. You’re locked at that bracket so can max it, but people who don’t dedicate a character to that level would have to spend the time to gear up at every x9 level. Just to be able to keep up.
Or you can just go an play against others who have the same play system as you.

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I can’t include images in my posts? Anyway, I tried to link a picture of my 110 community window - 18/668 online, and that’s a slow day. We already have guilds and faction communities, and recruit on the forums and elsewhere (I think twinks are more active on Reddit, though, since the official forums aren’t great for recruitment in general). There simply are not enough of us to support a separate queue, but it’s not for a lack of trying. The general disdain for twinks and corresponding stereotypes (like the ones thrown around in this thread) don’t exactly help. I know a few of our members have already reached out to 110s on Alliance side to try and coordinate matches, but it’s not clear how that’s going to pan out yet.

We don’t mind fighting other twinks, that’s why we wargame sonsuccesfully.

Often it’s a breathe of fresh air to fight another player who can dominate you as hard as you can dominate them.

Our issue, is random BG que times.

“But if there’s so many of you…”

Yeah, there are, however we are spread across so many level brackets a high quantity of us is irrelevant.

There needs to be enough online, in the same level bracket, on both factions, queuing simultaneously.

That’s a lot of stars to align, and while our community is sizeable, it’s scattered across to many brackets to actually get ques to pop.

The exception is popular low level brackets, as 19, and 29, tends to have more people queuing, but looking at a bracket in the 70s or 80s, there is a far smaller amount, to small to get a que to pop.

We simply want, one of two things to occur.

A reverse on our separation, and implementation of low level templates, which many will complain about. (Despite it maintaining low level BG gear balance)

Or a better handling of the separation.

Now what do I mean by this? Lower the number of required players in a BG for xp off, merge more battleground (if possible, it was a thing a decade ago, don’t remember if it’s still around)

Realistically, either of these options solves the issues on both sides, reversing and implanting templates to allow everyone to que together, but without heavy gear balance, and the smaller battleground number requirements to allow for a much easier que time for the twink brackets.

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you’ve been able to grief other players for years. even matches between twinks should be your goal. and if it can’t work out then that says more about twink players than it does anything else. i’ve already said in this thread that if queue times at 29 are not too bad going forward that i’m thinking of making a destro lock. but i want fair play, not rolling noobs. this change actually has me thinking about twinking for the first time ever tbh.

I’m glad this is now the case, all twinking did was discouraged people from que’ing RBG’s while leveling when against a twink team you had nearly a 0% chance to win. It essentially is a grief fest where your non-twink team just huddles at the spawn point waiting for the game to be over, thats not healthy at all.

Having a separate que for those who have XP turned off is a great idea, those who want to be in the twinks can do it against other twinks (sorry no more griefing those who are just trying to leveling in RBGs just because you have no skill) and those who are just que’ing for RBG’s to level while questing.

Also twinking is quite pointless, I wish they would just remove the XP nulifier and we wouldn’t have any of these issues.

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For years? We had templates all throughout Legion, and in WoD we separate queues. That you immediately associate twinking with griefing is exactly what I’m talking about with respect to recruitment (it’s also why recruitment for most activities no longer takes place on the official forums - blanket assumptions and unwarranted nastiness abound).

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have you ever queued for a bg in the 20s and come across a MM/rogue/arcane trio of twinks that camp you and /spit and plant a flag of ownership/tbag you? because that’s a lot of what happened to a lot of the non-twinks posting in this thread. anything but separate queues will result in griefing. i just said i was thinking about making a twink and doing it myself. because it would be fair now.