The stigma against twinking never warranted this

Welp, now that twinks are gone I see nothing but cheering and celebration. Looks like your theory was wrong.

Yes, they call them “twinks”. They can’t compete at max level, they can’t compete in leveling brackets, so they game the system and get a gear advantage.


Do you think new/casual players have any chance at all vs players with full looms and/or ~10 years of experience? Nerf heirlooms! Nerf experience!

Once again, everyone whining about twinks is only upset because they lost. 0 people come to the forums to complain that they just won a bg with a twink on their team.

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It seems some twinks are turning XP on and just afking near the end of the game, or not doing anything at all. And there’s apparently a bug that lets some XP off characters join the XP on queues.

Who said they do that because they can’t compete in other areas? You know this? I know I’ve seen even good gladiator level PvP players twinking lower level characters, which blows your unfounded generalization theory out of the water.

Just because you have an idea in your head, that does not make it fact.

What is a fact is that a large chunk of the player base is terrible at PvP and instanced PvE and they will use any excuse in the book to justify their idea that they are not terrible.

I have no problem with people who are not good at the game, but I do have a problem when they bring it upon themselves to complain all day about how it is someone else’s fault. There are still twinks of course, just that they will eventually level now, but they are still there, this will solve nothing, and it still means the people that were bad before will still be bad and will still lose to better players.


Yes, they call them “twinks”.


The problem with this is that in order for you to have fun, someone else has to have a miserable time.

This is coming from someone who HAS a twink. It’s fun to jump on my twink rogue and one shot people but it’s not fun to jump on a low lvl alt and be one shotted.

If I had to choose, I’d just do what Blizzard is doing. Prior to the changes, bgs were not an option because I’m not a masochist so all of my low lvl alts were excluded from bgs. Only my twink was fun to play in low lvl bgs.


When I was new and encountered my first twink, it was in Raven Hill Cemetery. It absolutely did not discourage me. In fact it’s what got me interested in PvP, and that’s been my favorite part of the game ever since.

Encountering a twink made me want to make my own, and got me involved in PvP, not the opposite.

Also, in regards to the most common poke at twinking (that they have no skill and can’t compete at max level) I always did both when I was more active in game. Most of my friends who I twinked with did both. We did max level BGs and arena and also had twink toons for fun. It has nothing to do with skills. It’s just another thing to do in game.

If you’re actually competing in any bracket of BGs and not just passing through while leveling, you’ll want to twink or at least upgrade a bit. But hey, I guess when deciding between buying heirlooms or upgrading gear a bit in general and longer queues for everybody… the latter is the best option. :neutral_face:

Well then rejoice, you won’t have to listen to people whining about twinks anymore. Now, instead, twinks are whining- whining that you have to face other twinks.

Isn’t that just hilarious- you look down on those you’ve spent a decade one shotting with your leet gear because they’re upset they’re in BGs where they stand literally zero chance of winning… but then you start crying your eyes out when you, with your twink gear, have to face twinks.


I’ll repeat that for you.



So let’s take this to it’s logical conclusion. Galdiator ranked PvP players should no longer be allowed to enter a random BG, since they have better gear and will stomp face, they are too good to be allowed to play with everyone else right?

Your argument is insane.

You know what, you’re right, I think you actually make a good point.

If we make it so twinks that are xp off and won’t level anymore only fight other twinks at that level- we should do the same at max.

Blizz, I would like to request that everyone at level 120 that isn’t earning xp towards 121 be placed in BGs with others at 120.


Are you illiterate? Nobody in this thread is complaining about having to face other twinks. The complaints are about queue times in all-twink games.

Quite a lot of assumptions there. I haven’t even been playing for 10 years, and I had one (1) level 70 twink in MoP. That I played in MoP. For like… I dunno… a few months. In all-twink games.

And again, I don’t see you making threads demanding for heirlooms to be banned from pvp to help those poor new players who have 0 chance of winning.

Twinks are a large segment of the population though, twinks always say that. Where are these queue times?

Oh right- twinks don’t want to have to play anymore because you’ll be stuck playing other twinks.

If, IF twinks were honest, and honestly wanted competition, and honestly were a large population- guess what, you wouldn’t have that queue problem at all.

But, you’re frauds, we’ve all always known you’re frauds, you’ve always known you’re frauds- and the only reason you’ve ever played is to get easy kills.


Illiterate it is then.

Well, there is a large population, but they play if different brackets, hence the long queue times.

Also, I have to say because this keep coming up. Do you actually think that when you lose to a twink team that your team has no twinks on it? And yet you still lost? How does that logic work? The answer is it only works if you are using Twinks as an excuse so you don’t have to get better…

Calls someone illiterate.

Doesn’t realize the word ‘you’ can be used to indicate multiple people.

Does thinking hurt for you? I imagine it is very painful.

It’s almost as if when you directly quote someone it’s implied you’re speaking to them personally. Forums are hard.

It’s almost like when you post in a topic about a large (or so twinks say) group of people, you’re talking about that group of people.

Forums are hard.

This is the harsh truth that actually pervades WoW PvP in general. People don’t want challenge, they want to win. Some people just went for the low hanging fruit and stomp lowbies.


This is what twinks like…

google “twink” and you’ll see how low they go.

Dirty lil buggers.

Just had a group of very obvious twinks at level 69, wondering if twinks are starting to turn their XP back on or something.

Not really a problem, unless the matchmaking glitched and put them with us anyway. Overall this has been a great leveling experience leveling my zandalari through BGs until this one.