The stigma against twinking never warranted this

I havent PvPd while leveling since 07, because twinking utterly sucks the fun out of the entire experience.

You might like it, but it destroys the fun for everyone else there.


So Blizzard and the hundreds of people in this thread are wrong?
Go into the level 119 bracket.
Those aren’t “loomed up” twinks.

All the farming a certain group of boomkins with 100k+ health did, forcing us to sit in the graveyard, was a problem.

So much of a problem that Blizzard stepped in.
I’m sorry, but 98% of the leveling playerbase is not the play thing of the 2% who like twinking.

And while my percentage might be off, we still are the vast majority.
We get queues (horde side) in eight minutes.
You cant get them after 2 hours.


Well, for one thing, there aren’t ‘hundreds’ of people in this thread. Even claiming there are dozens would be stretching the limits of accuracy.

There are 156.
It’s closer to 200 than 100
It’s closer to a plural of hundred, ergo hundreds.

Check the first post before calling me a liar.

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< 200 is not ‘hundreds’. Learn to math.

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156 rounds closer to 200 (hundreds) than 100.
Learn rounding rules.

And it sure is closer to 200 than your “dozens.”

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TIL 500001 = a million

When rounding, yes!
You’re learning!
Good job!

Take less effort? It takes more since a good amount of optimization is in order, and you generalizing a group of players doesn’t help you.

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This whole wants to one shot low geared players generalization people make of twinks needs to die. No wonder new players don’t wants to be involved with this community.

156 posters. Not hundreds, 156. On two sides of a debate. Let’s be generous and say it’s a 50/50 split. 78 posters on each side of the argument. Explain to the class how ‘hundreds’ of posters are wrong.

Quit trying to use ‘rounding rules’ to make it seem like more people support your side of the argument.

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I’ve farmed gys and been farmed countless times in bgs with no twinks involved. Sometimes you just get rolled or steamroll the other team. Team comps and player effort affect the outcome of a bg a lot more than whether or not there’s twinks present.

I mean… this might have something to do with the fact that it’s easier to separate xp on/off queues than to completely rebalance 119 levels of pvp…

Except when while in average leveling gear and without enchants it’s often to be unable to kill a twink.


Again… why should someone who doesn’t bother to enchant their gear win vs someone who does? Twinks are very very powerful but they’re not unstoppable gods like people pretend. Like I said above, I’ve gotten twink-level kill counts by just playing a low level hunter and enchanting my heirlooms. Even this character I’m posting on massacres people in low level bgs and she’s not a twink. All my non-looms are just crap I bought on the ah or bought with the old honor point system.

Because it’s a leveling bracket, not max level end game. Yes, actually twinks are; there are many times while leveling to where no matter how much I outplay a twink I Cannot ever kill them 1v1 and without a twink on your side it’s nearly impossible to get them down. This is further proven by so many screenshots of going unkilled through a BG with like 40+ KBs.

Having strong enchantments for your level, and gear in slots that those of the average leveler for the bracket doesn’t have access to is twinking in itself.

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I feel like this is the crux of the issue. The game, even at max level, is not even remotely balanced around 1v1. Certain classes at low levels feel completely unstoppable 1v1 without even factoring in gear.

Often not, honestly. I feel like I can get kills on someone around equal gear; I often never feel like I can kill the twinks I run into. I even started an MM hunter, since people said that’s broken for low level; and they’ve had no success in killing twinks either.

Too bad twinks aren’t being banned outright- as they’re nothing but predators licking their chops as they wait for casuals and new players to utterly destroy that have zero chance of fighting back.

Still, I guess twinks are very lucky Blizz loves them so much they’re getting their very own bracket- one where they only have to face other twinks and thus get top end competition as they ‘pretend’ they want.

Of course- everyone here knows they don’t want competition, they want to pwn nubs, and they’re terrified this will both ruin their enjoyment of one shotting everyone and bragging about their 90+ kb, 0 death matches as they farm the GY with pals- as well as show them for the competition hating frauds they’ve always been.

‘Large segment of the community that just wants competitive play’ yet vanishes like mist the moment it appears and their free HK parade ends.


Hmm. I might bring alts back into doing bg’s for exp now.


As much as players don’t want to admit it, most people who complain about twinks are just terrible at PvP. They blame twinks, but in reality, you can put them against equally geared players, and they will still lose.

Wow players have been doing this for over a decade, blaming others for the fact that they are not good. It happens in raids (if I could just get the gear, I would be that good) and it has been proven 100% false in BFA. They give out loot like candy, and yet some players are still not good, and it turns out it has zero to do with gear…

I Don’t twink, but this vitriol for twinks is simply dumb.

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