The stigma against twinking never warranted this

I would vastly prefer to be doing something like mage tower over twinking. I enjoyed mage towers immensely and spent quite a bit of time on them (completed all specs for six classes, but wish I had done more). I absolutely loved green fire when it first came out, too. I suspect Blizzard’s decision to separate twinks has more to do with funneling players toward endgame than anything else. But right now, there’s just not a whole lot to do: raid a couple nights, do your weekly Mythic 10, rinse/repeat. I’d even PvP at max level if the gear treadmill weren’t so bad. But as it stands… yikes.

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It’s not really a good analogy to twinking because “smurfing” usually refers to accounts and not characters. Nonetheless, smurf accounts are “new” accounts played by seasoned players of that game. So, for example, in a MOBA (like League of Legends or Heroes of the Storm), a player would start a new account for the purpose of getting matched with new players, usually to inflate their MMR and thus play in higher brackets. It sucks for new players in things like quick matches, but it’s usually done with the intention of escaping “MMR hell” or otherwise trying to punch above your weight class in ranked or rated matches.

Got it. Thank you!

No problem. There might be other contexts I’m unfamiliar with, but when smurfing comes up, it’s usually in reference to games where gear doesn’t exist (which is also why I generally don’t approve of smurfing; MMR, for better or worse, works pretty well, and when people try to circumvent it, you end up with a lot of duds in ranked matches).

It’s not a good analogy to twinks, no - I was using it more in the respect that, given low level PvP has no ranking system, that twinks are like having a high-ranked player perpetually at rank 0.

so we should have to wait till 120 to pvp? no.

Sure, but high-ranked and high-geared, while they sometimes overlap, aren’t the same thing. The main difference between twinking and smurfing comes down to context: one refers to “over-gearing” a particular bracket in a gear-dependent game, while the other refers to trying to circumvent the only measure of your skill in games where skill is all there is. I hate to nitpick, but the fact that gear is just so central to this game puts twinking in a very different moral category for me. Everything I’m wearing is soulbound, and something I’m permitted to equip at my level (and about half of it I already had at the end of Legion). If twinking is comparable to smurfing, so is using heirlooms and gold you earned with higher level characters to fill empty slots, add enchants, and so on.

That’s not to say twinking doesn’t push certain boundaries. I do think twinking exists in a kind of gray zone, but I also don’t think it’s nearly as antithetical to the “spirit of the game” as smurfing.

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That’s a good thing, You want the queue? Equip normal gear and do normal pvp. I know, I know, being OP in bgs is fun, but completely unfair, you see. So roll up your sleeves and git gud.


lol, nope. Of course it was fun for you - it was also fun for the European conquistadores when they arrived to America, not sure if it was fun for the natives, though.

… to a huge chunk of the WoW population who systematically ruin bgs for the immense majority of the player base.

This here is preposterous. You are essentially asking for a privilige: to be able to outgear players in bgs and beat them easily with little to no effort. No, I’m sorry, this isn’t fair and shouldn’t ever be implemented in normal bgs. If you want normal queues for normal bgs, equip normal gear. Excessively outgearing players to the point you 1-shot them should not be a norm in normal bgs.

EDIT: Don’t worry, in future patches Blizz will launch AI-based bgs - there you’ll probably have LOTS of fun playing 10v10 twinks, although most of them will most likely be AI. All I hope now is that those AI players get boosted somehow so that you twinks get to suffer what 90% of the WoW player base has had to go through.


As much as I’d like to agree to disagree with that last point, well said.

Though I think there’s a big difference between a loomed player and a full-on twink, to a new player, or otherwise just one without heirlooms, you’re right: they’re going to get stomped into the dirt by both, and won’t be able to match them until they level up.

Nobody said you have to wait 'till 120 to PvP. But you can’t go into PvP being a bad player, losing to FOTM and blaming every loss on twinks.

I’ve seen it happen every game I play whether I’m twinking and whether there’s twinks in the games or not.

It’s called learning to play most of the time.

LOL New players…

Yeah good I’m glad

I’ve never liked twinks, I don’t know why them funneling good gear into a toon and pretty much break the experience for everyone else

Heirlooms help but you’re not going to win vs a decked out twink unless they’re horrible

Like a few twinks in a game wasn’t that bad, when you all started running in swarms you could get game after game of stacked out twinks, getting farmed in the graveyard and having to deal with 6 people that could 2 hit you was a complete joke


Correct me if I’m wrong, but non-twink players are also spread out among the same number of brackets, and also need like-minded players on the other team to queue.

The rules and expectations aren’t different for twinks.


omg i just googled twinks and my eyes cannot unsee that stuff… HELP!

Thank god WoW got rid of them, there is no place in this game for THAT.


This is you. I liek maken usumpshuns uv wut uther peepull r sayen.

Happy about another group of people’s unhappiness that’s so sad.

Wishing Ill on others by your own assumptions is sad. I hope you feel better.



Except there are more random people than twinks. They don’t leave their bracket though so it’s not like the numbers cycle like with people leveling.

Apparently they are since they’re separated from everyone else. The accommodation is for everyone else, but there is nothing for the twinks.

Um… are you seriously suggesting that someone who wants to twink at 70, or worse yet 111/119 slog through hours upon hours of leveling, only to play like ~5 bgs then delete the character and start over? Like… really? Do you not realize how completely idiotic this sounds?

No, complete lack of game balance at low levels completely ruined low level bgs for years. Heirloomed hunters/rogues/druids/prot warriors/etc ruined low level pvp. 4 healers vs 0 ruined low level pvp. People acting like low level pvp is some super competitive balanced utopia without twinks are ridiculous. I’ve gotten the Wrecking Ball achieve (get 20 killing blows in a single bg without dying) multiple times by just slapping some looms on a hunter. Twinks are/were not the problem.