The stigma against twinking never warranted this

Except it doesn’t have to do with not wanting to fight each other. It has to do with twinks being spread out along brackets for 119 levels and the need for teams from two different factions to even have a BG.

why are you knighting twinks so hard?

Wrong. It’s the day long que times. Something that even normal brackets are going to start suffering from now that twinks are taken out. Separating players just increases que times significantly for everyone.

I think people need to just stop being lazy and complaining there’s people better than they are and actually put forth the effort to have a good character and have fun.

Well get yourself organized.

That’s just saying lack of interest in a different way sir.


8m queue times as a lowbie horde at various levels. i imagine ally it’s even shorter.

Why are you following me around? This isn’t the only thread

I have already explained some stuff throughout my posts. I am a very simple person with old fashioned views. I don’t think it’s alright to bash a pet battle player for doing what they do, but I also don’t think it’s okay to bash a glad level PvPer or anyone in between. I also don’t think it’s okay for blizz to seperatr players without finding a way to make sure everyone gets to do what they want to do. That’s pretty much the sum of it.

i’m talking to that undead guy in more than one thread too. not following anyone around. just posting in popular threads. :slight_smile: you and antekryst are my favorite ally posters though. (except people i’ve befriended off the board) so no hate. :slight_smile:

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People with XP on don’t have to.

Also, I’m not a twink.

Look, there is a long history of twinking but the short version is… twinks are playing the non-supported play style. Blizzard didn’t want to kill them so they gave them the xp off version, but had to play in their own queue.

Non twinks don’t have to get organized because they are playing the intended play style and there are dramatically more players interested in doing so.

Twinks carved out their niche and Blizzard left them the opportunity to do so. Make of it what you will.


Yep. It’s up to the twinks to organize and grow their community by convincing others to make and play twinks.

Why don’t they want to do that? I think it’s because it takes work, commitment, and great attitudes and consideration for other people. Most twinks do not have that in them.


Well, why don’t they develop support for things outside of the box like this and help it flourish? That’s kind of where I am coming from.

Why are we working on ways to get people to repeat low content like heroic dungeons instead of encouraging players to go higher and push themselves? THATS what separates video games and their creators from the others.

Don’t take out the simple stuff, but don’t bury people who are creative or try something that takes more effort either.

If their queues were fine and they were off fighting each other and there were complaints, I would have very little sympathy for the record, but there’s a difference between “I want to beat up the people without gear” and “I don’t want to wait 6 hours for a queue”.

They can’t even find enough people to fill a 10v10 WSG across all servers. It’s simply not worth it.

edit: Side note… that is actually what they did with the xp off feature. The ability to turn xp off was specifically added so that twinks could still be twinks… though they were kept separate so they wouldn’t disturb the intended game experience.

You are talking about a group of people that game the system to get a gear advantage so they can easily win fights against most opponents.

Twinking takes less effort. It’s a shortcut. If the twinks wanted to they could start new characters with xp on and play through whichever brackets they find interesting. They don’t though, because that actually requires more effort… not less.

Your attitude is a horrid one. You should be ashamed of yourself. (I really, really hope you weren’t being serious.)

Low level BG’s were not made so you could sit there and pwn noobs all day at one level. Low level BG’s are there as an alternative to the questing/dungeoning grind.

That was the entire point of having these things being allowed to be done at the lower levels,granted, they didn’t always reward xp until fairly recently in WoW history: however BG’s were always about taking a break from the normal leveling stuff.

Once Bliz added the whole “You can now level using BG’s” stuff, it should have clued you guys in that your twinking would become a problem.

Also, when the OP first wrote this was the day the patch came out. I’m sure now that whatever exists of the twinking community has been busy with their actual mains. You do realize that a lot of twinks are people with higher level characters right?

And there was a patch that day and those folks were probably doing the higher content. Best advice: wait a couple of weeks. Then come back if things aren’t better.

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Thanks for trying to tell me how to play the game, much like Blizzard tells people how to play their game…but you’re wrong. :man_shrugging:

Yet it’s perfectly fine for you to be telling possible new players “Don’t want to get beat up by twinks? Go get better gear.”

Quit being a hypocrite.

And exactly where did I tell you how to play the game? I didn’t. I just stated fact.

Again, give it a couple of weeks for people to get bored with their mains again.

But there’s nothing stopping people from getting better gear. That’s like being at end game and saying “Anyone who’s over X ilvl needs a seperate bracket because I don’t want to gear my character”

It’s not like It’s impossible to kill twinks, either. A lot of people who complain don’t even know how to PvP in the first place and have never even attempted using CC or anything. I’ve seen people in BGs say “Omg X player is a twink” when half the time it’s just a flavor of the month class without twink gear.

We already had XP off brackets if you weren’t aware and they died because there’s not enough twinks. At most in regular games you’ll see 2 or 3. You honestly think you’re gonna be able to fill an entire BG roster with them?

All this change will do is make both xp-off and xp-on que times go through the roof. As someone who actively re-levels alts almost every expansion, BG ques were 3+ hours. As a twink you’re lucky to get in one a day. :roll_eyes:

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It’s funny you mention Glad-level PvPers, because I feel like that breaks the false equivalency people (not you) like to bring up between geared max level players and twinks.

Those gladiator-geared players will inevitably move into a higher bracket. Even if they try and tank their own rating, the mere fact that they have much better gear will filter them out from the majority of lower-ranked players. There is no such system for twinks.

No matter how much a twink wins, they’ll always be at the ‘lowest’ ranking. They’re essentially perpetual smurfs.

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That is all your opinion. How many people run 20+ in M+? Yet it’s now something they turned into a sport.

Twinking ruined low level BGs for years before the xp-off separation, now BG’s give solid XP and i often use it to level. Including my currently kul’tiran warrior, been doing a fair bit of BG’s while leveling with him.

You never want a weirdo who dumped a ton of gold into BIS items for that bracket one shotting everyone, it just ruins the fun for everyone.

every experience ive had with twink players has been toxic and awful. So sorry if im not sympathetic with your cause OP.


Can you explain what this means? It’s unfamiliar to me.