The stigma against twinking never warranted this

Because certain brackets you get certain skills and It’s fun to play right when you unlock them. Also lower brackets you don’t have to worry about being interrupted by everyone every cast you try and make.

Honestly there’s plenty of reasons, kind of sucks people don’t think you should be able to play the game you want and that you should be forced to play the way Blizzard wants you to, just another reason this game keeps declining.

That’s still more effort than just queuing up, but we could go round and round for hours about it. Kudos to anyone who planned far ahead enough to keep stuff from the pre legion quests I guess? The stat template was in legion so that gear wouldn’t really help them be OP.

i saw a 19 disc priest with a full set of it except his pants which were heirloom pants. and he had crazy high rings and stuff too. it was cool. lol. he was undead. i wish i could remember where i saw him.

i’ve thought about twinking a destro lock but i am under no impression that it takes effort/skill. though i’m gonna wait to see what happens with the queues before i dump that kind of gold into a toon though.

Good riddance. The only thing you are losing is an unfair advantage against people who are just trying to have fun doing a few BGs while leveling up. You haven’t lost the ability to play against other thinks, so no sympathy here.

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So, good thing is this gets rid of xp-off twinks. The only bad thing is it doesn’t get rid of xp-on twinks which are now becoming more common since this change.

Why don’t all of you twinks just pick one level to twink at then you can all play together?

Opening the heirloom tab and equipping heirlooms doesn’t take much effort and already puts you at a massive advantage over any new player. Taking the extra minuscule amount of time to enchant your looms also gives you a significant advantage over the average player who doesn’t bother.

Which is another reason why twinking is appealing to some people - the gear grind ends. You gear up your twink and you’re all set.

I haven’t even played a twink character since MoP, but all these people saying “lul good riddance” make me smh. I don’t think this game can afford to keep alienating players given it’s current state.

Why would I need anything “better”. I just need the truth, nothing more and nothing less.

That is certainly true, but you say that as though you are countering my point when you clearly have not. If there was a bug in some upcoming patch that let one level 49 character into the 39 queue, literally no one would say “it’s ok, he can’t run the flag AND get the flag back!!!”.

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It’s not truth it’s your opinion. To the twink, the BG isn’t “poisoned”. If your team wins with a twink on it, it’s not “poisoned” to the other members.

Except in your scenario the option to get into a BG lower than your level bracket isn’t available to everyone, where anyone has the option to twink if they want (no one was excluded from that option). Also, twinks aren’t invincible. They can be killed by common players (I know because we managed to kill twinks just before the change).

I’ll say this about any game. If you win and it wasn’t fun, it wasn’t worth playing. Twinks remove the fun of the other players, just like it would if my hypothetical 49 got into a 39 game due to some random bug.

i don’t find facerolling noobs fun personally. but for me i’d make a twink to fight other twinks if the queues weren’t horrific. probably a 29 so i can use a mount and have access to more bgs. 19 seems too limiting.

So twinks aren’t players now? Or you’re just straight up saying them and their opinions don’t matter? People like you are why this game is on the decline. “Who cares if they all quit, as long as I’M having fun!”

I guess there are a lot of people who love to play dead games and pretend they’re great after everyone quits. :man_shrugging:

600 Players, each Account 50 toons each… yea that’s why their ques aren’t popping off…
Jokes aside, they let their own community spoil it for everyone else. I was in plenty of low bracket matches where new fresh players to wow were like wtf is this? Getting nailed repeatedly as they rezzed, only to say who would pay to play this garbage and log from game.
So one side can say it’s „pvp“ deal with it, but in the long run your going to run out of prey.

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Speak for yourself. I was never bummed when they were on my team and we won.

This is literally the mantra of twinks.


This is very true.

I levelled up a warlock to 119 and twinked it out as best I could, which I enjoyed because I needed to research things like best gear, enchants, talent builds, etc to make it optimal. It was a bit like gearing up in the old days where you had to go search for stuff and it wasn’t just handed to you from doing world quests.

Anyhow, I played that character for a while and what I noticed was that yes, it did do very well against many other players who perhaps weren’t as well geared but in the end no amount of excellent gear and abilities mattered if the rest of the group failed to play sensibly and wisely. Certainly if you meet up with a group of twinks life can be painful but I suspect a lot of people didn’t realise that the reason their bg went so well was because there were one or two twinks in the group who kept themselves and others alive and enabled a win.

If they could have come up with a solution that appealed to both sides of the issue, it would have been a much happier outcome imo. Perhaps limiting the number of twinks who could join a party, or automatically turning on experience so that they couldn’t constantly queue before they slid through into the next bracket…that sort of thing.

I do feel sorry for people who, like myself, worked on their character for the fun of it and enjoyed battlegrounds again as they hadn’t for quite some time. Probably those who did it purely to feel good about themselves for repeatedly smashing less well geared characters (especially in the lower ranges) are the ones most responsible for this change.

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whats with finger pointing at other twinks? i’ve leveled 10 characters to 120 and 110 and 119 twinks are just as bad if not worse than 19 and 29 twinks.

Except nothing is stopping people from twinking their own characters or not even twinking, just gearing them in general and learning how to actually PvP.

This is the same type of people who turn WM on and then complain 24/7 in the forums about how they get ganked all the time and how stupid world PvP is and how they need to take PvP out of the game… :roll_eyes:

The only thing stopping twinks from BG’s is their own lack of interest in fighting each other. My queues are fine, their queues are not.

I genuinely wish twinks well in their own queue. It’s not my fault they aren’t interested in playing when they have to face their own kind.

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I don’t think that it’s just due to a lack of desire to play against other twinked characters, I think it’s also that there are far fewer twinks. Given the disproportionate numbers, at any time of the day you are going to have fewer online, especially in the slow times. For example, when I play during the day, its the middle of the night in the US so things are going to be much quieter.