The stigma against twinking never warranted this

Doesnt matter. Only takes one twink to poison a BG.


The irony being that nobody seems to mind wearing heirlooms and smashing new players… but if a loomed character gets smashed by a twink it’s suddenly a huge issue.


Probably because there is literally one or two stat points difference between heirlooms and the drops you get from the BG itself. Non factor.


What about before you get said drops? By the time someone gets enough drops to compete with loomed players they’ll have outleveled that particular bracket.

And what about enchants? Anyone who enchants their looms can crush someone who doesn’t. Even when Rumsey Rum Black Label was still a thing, people who had just that had an advantage.

Bottom is line people hate twinks because they actually put effort into their character. People that don’t want to spend the time/money on gear and enchants have no right to complain if they lose, and the funny thing is people only complain about twinks when they lose. I’ve never seen a forum post that’s like “Oh em gee we had this twink on our team in WSG and totally won. What a bunch of bs. Remove twinks.”

Nobody at max level can complain about getting crushed on their fresh character in greens when vsing someone in fully enchanted/gemmed high ilvl gear. It’s ridiculous that people complain about twinks, especially since most people are leveling and will outlevel said twinks and never see them again anyway.

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You truly couldn’t come up with anything better? One twink can’t run flags AND get the flag back AND camp everyone.

But honestly. Either twinks were not that big of a deal and the whining was an exaggeration or there are actually enough of them that their PvP matters just as much as anyone else’s PvP.

You’re right. Twinks are spread out across brackets spanning 119 levels and we don’t know which side has more twinks since it’s not tracked. The exact issue is this. Its not all about smashing random people.

So people leveling who will leave that content behind once they reach max level (or even once they just leave the bracket) get an easy queue while for twinks it’s just “too bad, so sad. Go schedule your matches”. That is what sucks.


This is the reality of any niche-activity. Look how RP works. Look how Mythic Raiding works. Look how high M+ work.
You go nowhere without conections, sometimes cross-faction ones.

Yes, it sucks, but it also makes sense. The levelers, which are the majority (whether we like it or not) are the ones who deserve not to have their experience disrupted.

Comunication. Conectivity. It is (current year). Get to know everyone who’s in your bracket. Even the Red Team.

It’s actually the opposite. It takes more effort for non twinks to gear their characters. You see, twinks beat the proverbial system because they press the pause button. It is literally impossible to gear as well as a twink because you level out of the bracket and start the gear grind all over again.

Twinks don’t “put in more work”, they just play by different rules… and are being treated accordingly.


This is where we part ways because I have never been a real big fan of giving players an easy way out doing stuff. LFR vs. Actually raiding as an example. I don’t think LFR people deserve more than someone who takes the time and practice to actually do something. I do believe that the more effort you put in the more you should get out, but I was raised with certain values that I guess don’t apply to the world today which is sad.

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I mean, i’m not a fan of that design phylosophy really. But it exists. It makes sense because it makes them the most money.

People who do those “niche activities” have to play around that.

I would argue that this design as it has ramped up over time all over the game is what probably cost them the most money. The more you get the less happy people end up being type of deal. That’s just a general thing though kind of outside of this topic. At the end of the day though, I’m not going to stop arguing in favor of what I believe. The more you drop the standards of the game and keep lowering the bar the worse the game becomes.

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The standards have been arguably dropped since the game’s inception, if one decides to be picky. There’s a reason WoW was called a game for babies and carebears, the “easy Everquest” and surely many others.
Big gaming companies will cater, for the most part, to the lowest common denominator of a player, making the game as same-y and as cookie cutter as possible.

By all means continue fighting the good fight, i respect that. I’m coming from a place of realism and perhaps resignation. And wanted to present a work-around because, while i’m not or i’ve ever been a twink, i do like low level PVP, and i also believe that all types of players should play the game the way they wanted to.

I hope my idea is of any use to you guys

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Totally off topic, but today is EQ’s 20th birthday. Happy Bday EQ! I actually logged in and ran around a bit… everything’s been revamped and nothing looks the same.

Can’t go home again I believe is the expression.

I like low level PvP as well, but I don’t twink either. I did low level BGs just before the change and man there was a boomy twink who kicked my butt up, down and sideways. It was fun seeing twinks on my side as well. That boomy is still going to be an OP class though even if he’s not twinked out I’m pretty sure. Stomps with someone who got 40 kills without dying will still happen with or without twinks. I guess it will be less though.

But if we just baby players in every single aspect of the game then people aren’t happy. Compare legion and the mage tower to things like BfA and warfronts.

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I completely agree. But you have to try to look it on “their” eyes.
I’m talking about BIlly. Billy who has played the game X amount of years and always goes to brawl in mid on WSG. Billy who doesn’t follow instructions because it’s not cool or whatever. Billy that mostly pays the bills because the mayority of players are Billy.

Billy only plays one or two hours at most. Billy may be curious enough to notice there is a Random BG option and joins on a Batte. Then he either:
a) Gets told to do things by a couple of Spykes (Spyke would be the twink or the tryhard on this scenario), but he ignores them. Because, fun, am i right? Besides he’s not going to matter on the end score anyways.

b) Gets killed 8-infinite times by 1-4 Spykes on the enemy team, who “one shot him” (it’s not an actual one shot, but it’s a large hit, you get my point), then possibly GY camp him and spam /kek or other emotes.

After this Billy may quit the game, come to the forums to complain, or send tickets to Blizz about his woes. As we established earlier, Billies are the majority, their specific weight is higher than the Spikes. So his desire is catered. All of the meanies are locked in the Wolf-cage so he can go back to brawling in mid, and feeling his battles are not unfair anymore.

Catering to Billies is the tried-and-true Blizzards approach. They’re not going to change now, or ever. In a sense i am grateful that Blizz doesn’t completely shut-down other, more involved ways to play the game*.

This is also true. The game is severly lacking single-player challenges like those. Ion is on record saying he didnt want to just make another Mage-Tower for the risk of being formulaic. Perhaps other stuff will come in the future?.

  • I am not defending Blizz btw, but it is what it is.
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I wasn’t talking about solo player stuff needing to be back in the game, I was more talking about content that was above LFR level (for some) and took more thought than hit buttons. Green fire was apparently not super easy to get for a time. Or challenge mode dungeons.

Any time they develop something harder than LFR of course the Billies are gonna complain, and yeah they probably have more Billies than anyone else… but this is why becoming a lawyer is more sought after than working at McDonald’s. Both have jobs and a paycheck and both have a place in the world, but the lawyer worked their butt off and accumulated a lot of debt and makes more.

so in this… you and people like you are lawyers and people like me and 95% of the people who play are people who work at mcdonalds? um…


It was an example of effort being rewarded accordingly. I am not a twink though, so in this case I would be McDonald’s worker.

it doesn’t take effort to make a twink. it takes gold. if you have a max level toon with money you can buy your way into easy wins. look at the 101 BoE twinks for example. that is not skill, or grinding even, it’s just pay to win.

Getting the gold and rounding up those pieces presumably took more effort than just hitting a button to queue up once you hit level 10. Also, not all twink gear is BoE if I’m not mistaken.

there’s some that the pre-legion invasions gave that is BiS and you literally afked for it and you got BiS. not all of it is high effort. lol