The stigma against twinking never warranted this

Twinks complaining about being forced to compete only agains’t other twinks or to level out of their stomping grounds? Is it 2012?


This just another way to alienate more of the playerbase. That being said . . .

There’s no competition, skill, glory or honor in destroying a foe you overmatch. Which is why you have your own bracket now so you can face people that are playing on the same gear level as you. Sorry to break the news to you, but you made your bed, now you have to sleep in it.

Semper Fi! :us:


Very long winded way to whine over the fact you cannot grief leveling toons anymore.

Really want to twink. Level 120 currently offers the best twinking experience.

Short of that you are out of luck. Exactly **NOBODY ** feels sorry for you.


its also a pain to que into high lvl / capped bgs and get rolled by highly gear players too. 0 difference.

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700+ members of a fairly SMALL bracket, yet they can’t get a queue to pop without being mixed with levelers?


I will always hate twinking. I will say Legion was the best for low level pvp though. everyone was way closer to being equal.

Simple solution for my twink brothers is to simply twink it up at 111. You’ll be farming 410+ arena masters in no time.


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I’m seeing low double-digit KBs… Seems pretty normal to me.

With roided-out twinks, you’d see numbers in the 20s, 30s and 40s. I even saw one in the triple-digits a couple of times (admittedly in the BC bracket where gems are utterly broken, but still).

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Why can’t the community of stinks (someone said was around 600) make groups for set times and que up, or do Wärmödes?

I haven’t twinked since Cata but I dont agree with the seperation. Ques are already trash in PVP. Now they are even worse. Who cares if a few Twinks were in a battleground.

Pretty much everyone but twinks.


Reading through this thread, I see nothing has changed for the most part. This is the same discussion that happened during the last time Blizzard relegated twinks to their own queues.

I was surprised when they allowed twinks to queue with ‘regular’ lowbie players again. Must have been a Hail Mary by the pvp dev(s). Figured it wouldn’t last long given the player dynamics, which haven’t changed. And the open queues didn’t last long, did it?


I legitimately don’t follow. If your community was 10 billion strong then queues would be frequent.

What you seem to be saying is that your community is too small to be able to get a queue popped because not enough of you exist to get a group going. But you also want to boast a large community at the same time to argue that this change impacts a “huge” portion of the community.

You seem to be trying to have your cake and eat it too.


Can both sides at least agree that the way they handled it was a real dirtbag move? Blizztivision purposely leaving it out of the PTR+Patch notes so all the twinks in that time would resub.

I have a hard time believing it was completely by accident that NOBODY knew this was coming and had to figure it out on our own. Then they admit it a few days later on TWITTER and not even here.

It was a side effect of a different change. When they implemented bg templates it limited how overpowered a twink could be, so they let them back into normal queues. They were still much stronger than everyone else, but there was more of a ceiling on it.

Now since they removed templates, the twinks go back into their own queue.

Actually… yes, yes we can. I have been celebrating this change since it happened but I will definitely concede that dropping this with zero warning or announcement was a shady move.

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“Twinks are ruining every BG and I can’t even play because I just get camped at the GY! Theyre everywhere and theres no escape blizz fix it!”
“Ha ha! There’s such a tiny number of you so it’s ok as long as we are happy with this since we are the majority”

Which is it?

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honestly, they KNEW people were gonna blackout, its a dumb change that like everything just adds playtime
why tell everyone ahead of time?
wont change how mad people are, they knew that…

The solution seems to me for twinks to sell their hobby… Increase their numbers… Get more people involved with twinking.

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you can easily role a twink and play it with xp on. then make another…

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Hello, this is the first time im posting on GD. Wanted to bring my opinion to this discussion.

To: Twinks.

You claim you have communities / discords / so forth. And I believe you. Why you would be lying? But i’m pretty sure you have a uni-factional community. Like “Horde lvl 100 twinks” “Alliance lvl 59”, etc.

If you are not getting any queues, and considering that the queue is working properly, then it’s because you don’t have enough people to fill a BG.

A possible solution is quite simple, actually. Why don’t you go the Class Discord way? AKA, faction agnostic Discords per brackets. Maybe you have like 7 Friends on lvl 59, are queuing for hours and then threaten to unsub, or actually unsub. How about reaching out here on the forums, gather everyone at your level range, and start making schedules for BGs?

Faction system is outdated anyways. And if you guys tell me "I could never join that scum (opposite facton) group, you honestly deserve to dwindle and die.